Geekdom of Books: Happy Easter!

Filed in Geekdom of Books , The Geeky Lover Posted on April 5, 2010 @ 6:12 pm 5 comments
Happy Easter everyone!

This week I found something really geeky and amusing which totally deserves a post of it’s own. Luckily it fits at least a bit to Eastern so I could come up with a reason to post it:

It’s these super cute bunny on the left and it can entertain you endlessly or so they say.

What can it do?
It connects via wifi to the wonderful world of the internet and is able to
– tell you what the weather will be like (yes this rabbit can speak LOL)
– read your RSS reader for you (that sounds just fantastic to me)
– inform you about new emails or txt messages
– it can move it’s ears matching to the music it plays with the fitting light show included

and the list goes on and on….it’s a learning little robot with always updating features.

And they also launched a smaller edition of it called Nano:ztag available in 10 great colors.

Okay so I admit it this gadget is really a bit strange. I’m not sure if I would be comfortable with this thing talking to me. Kind of reminds me of a Tamagotchi just with more than only beep beep to annoy me. Don’t know if I like that much attention. LOL Or there were once these furball thingies…looked like pink owls with fur. What where they called again? Can’t remember right now. My cousin had one of those and these things were so annoying. Talked the whole time and always wanted light? Although they should have known that the dark side is always so much better, cookies and all. *wink*
Okay I distracted myself now.

So what do you think: nice gadget or Big Brother?

(found via geeksugar)

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  • Mandy April 5, 2010 at 6:27 pm

    Furbies? I think thats what theyre called. I got one for christmas when I was little but my sister decided mine and hers wanted to fly together that same night, so she chucked them from our bunkbed, and I never got to play with it.

  • SusiSunshine April 5, 2010 at 6:30 pm

    @Mandy Oh yes that what they are called. Oh no that sounds so mean. Bad sister. But rest assured they were really annoying and my cousin liked it for like 3 days and then removed the batteries! LOL

  • ColleenFL April 5, 2010 at 6:39 pm

    Those things are cute. I liked all the ones on their website that were dressed up.

  • pattepoilue April 6, 2010 at 11:45 am

    Ohh I love these! Cute and Geeky! (just like you *wink*)

  • bianca_riot April 7, 2010 at 8:13 am

    no wayyyyy!!! they're totally cute and smart.

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