Review: Dark Succession By: Teresa D’Amario

Filed in Review , Teresa D'Amario , The Cornered Lover Posted on August 12, 2010 @ 6:00 am 3 comments

Format Read: eBook
Number of Pages: 198
Release Date: April 20th, 2010
Publisher: FreyasBower
Formats Available: eBook formats
Purchasing Info: Author’s Website , GoodreadsAllRomance, FreyasBower

Book Blurb:

Nora Hunt is the daughter of former pack leader Sean Hunt and niece to Kieran Hunt. Emotionally and physically scarred after being held captive for weeks, she’s finally ready to move on with her life. But when she meets Ryland, she discovers not only a world of darkness and pain, but discovers Ryland may not be any better than those who held her captive all those weeks.
When Ryland Keegan steps in as Alpha of his dead brother’s pack, he inherits a pack of savage rogue wolven, as well as a legacy of violence, lies and five women held captive within the pack’s confines. But when Ryland’s pack members start dying one at a time, he must decide if Nora is the catalyst or the killer. Can he trust his True Mate? Or will he be relegated to a life of leading the dregs of Wolven society?

My Thoughts:
In Dark Succession we get to meet the steamy Ryland, the tough alpha who has recently claimed the position as leader of his brother’s pack. The troubles he has gone through in his life have turned him into a hard man, unable to trust his own true mate. The newly discovered twists and turns in Ryland’s life make him wonder even more if he can truly ever trust anyone again!
I extremely enjoyed Teresa’s creativity with Ryland’s character. I enjoyed him as a character, and even more the man he become. He is any girls dream, and I wouldn’t mind having me one myself!
Nora….now Nora is a lot like Ryland. She too, had a very bad past she is trying to overcome. She is terrified of the world, which only makes her weak in the eyes of everyone else. She comes to the pack and ends up finding out that they have 5 women in their captivity. Can she help them? Can she set them free? But in the process pack members start dying off and all fingers point to her.
Unfortunately I’m once again not a huge fan of the heroine. Teresa did a wonderful job with Nora, but something just rubs me the wrong way with her. She does add a great quality to the book . I enjoyed her once she started finding her “true” self again. But….then again maybe its the fact that she ends up with the smoking hot Ryland!
My overall opinion on Dark Succession.….I am sooo a shapeshifter fan now. Teresa has a wonderful writing ability that makes you want to keep reading all night long! And trust me, I did just that! She has done a fabulous job with making you bounce back and forth trying to figure all the bits and pieces out. Once you think did….think again! She throws something else at you that makes you once again wonder who could be doing what!?!? I am definitely  ready to find out what Teresa’s going to deliver us next in this series! 
I give Dark Succession 4 out of 5 Bookies
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  • Teresa D'Amario August 12, 2010 at 10:16 am

    Hey JoJo,

    Thanks so much for the awesome review. 🙂 Ryland is a hard man, but he is still very hot!!!! My favorite so far! 😀

  • Emily August 12, 2010 at 3:36 pm

    I am a newcomer to this author's books but have been meaning to read them for a long time. I should really work on that. Gotta love a good shifter romance!

  • Andrea I August 16, 2010 at 5:06 pm

    I haven't read any of Teresa's books, but will check out this series.

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