Hi everyone! Today we’re very happy to welcome Kat Richardson on Book Lovers,Inc. Kat is the author of the Greywalker novels, the latest book in the series, Labyrinth was released earlier this month. Let’s give a warm welcome to Kat here telling us all about last minute deadline frenzy! Be sure to stay tuned for the amazing giveaway Kat offers at the the end of the post.
OK, so I’m kind of just posting wildly here because I was on tour and just got back and totally blanked on this column and now I’m typing like my butt’s on fire and I really need to finish up before something a little smaller catches. You’ve been there, right? Maybe not the book tour part, but the “Ohmigod, I gotta get this project in, like, Yesterday!” part. Right? (Please don’t say it’s only me….)
The irony is that in school I was always the smart-ass geek who did her homework in class and finished her papers early. Yeah, I’m that one. Was, was that one. These days it’s more like “Holy muck-a-luyah! I’ve got 12 days to finish up this book and there’s still 40,000 words to go. I’m gonna have to wing this sucker….” So I throw all common sense to the wind and anything like reality and start pounding away in a manic frenzy of creative fear. Which is a lot like regular writing, but faster and with less sleep.
I suppose I should be used to it by now, but not only do I always seem to find a lot of other cats to vacuum, but I now have books due two months after one comes out. No, I don’t start the new book right after the release of a book. I actually start back in, like, May with a deadline of October 1. But no matter how hard I try to get the manuscript in shape early, I always find some problem I didn’t anticipate and am busy wrestling with it when I suddenly realize I’ve got a book hitting the shelves in 3 days and I have to go out and promote it or no one is going to know the book exists! Argghhh!
So I abandon the baby in the word processor, run around like a mad thing and go to conventions and book signings while the ideas for my now half-written book wither or go feral in the back of my brain. It’s like an idea jungle in there! So when I finally am done with the tour and can sit down again and finish up the book…
I’ve forgotten what I was going to do and have to read the whole thing over and often start again about a third back from where I left off the last time because I’ve just realized that what I did before is all wrong and utterly stinky and can probably be smelled in all its rotten, bad-prose glory across the continent. The jungle has eaten my story! Where is a friendly witch-doctor with a clever plan in this jungle when you need one? I’ll settle for a drunken explorer, or better yet a scruffy archeology professor with a fedora and whip to get me out of this mess! Alas, no such figure ever appears and I have to slog my way through the literary wasteland with nothing but my native wit, a Mac, and a twelve-pack of Diet Dr. Pepper. And a machete (but a red pencil will do in a pinch.)
So I weed the literary garden by dumping about a third of it, then start in again with new stuff and bang it around until it actually makes some kind of sense. (Where is my literary Indiana Jones and the Temple of Decent Plots?) By which time the deadline has appeared and I rush through spell check, slam the lid on the beast, and e-mail it to my editor with a prayer that it doesn’t kill her.
So far, she’s still alive.
But we usually have to beat the manuscript into submission with a revision, which is rendered with considerable maneuvering—like that required to capture a mad rhino—and a copyedit. Finally the beast is groomed for presentation to the public with the help of the proofreader, who picks off all the nits and smoothes the beastie’s fur before we let it go visit the printer. Because we don’t want the printer to be mauled to death by the rampaging wild manuscript, do we? Only then can I breathe easily. Only then is the story tamed by the application of cover art and laudatory blurbs.
But now… it’s time to write the next one. Until the Beast makes its appearance on bookstore shelves and the whole panic starts all over again. I really miss the smart-ass me who did her homework early….
So what’s your running late/procrastination/dog-ate-my-homework story?

Kat generously offers a wonderful giveaway for 1 lucky commenter. The winner will get a complete signed set of her books!! Here’s what you’ll get:
– Greywalker
– Poltergeist
– Underground
– Vanished
– Labyrinth (UK paperback)

To enter just leave a comment either:
– Answering Kat’s question
– Asking Kat a question
– or just leave a meaningful comment about the post
This contest is open Internationally.
(Yes you heard right!!!)
Please leave us a way to contact you
(twitter name or Email addy in blogger profile is enough).
Giveaway ends on Saturday August 28th, we will announce the winner on Sunday.
Good Luck everyone!
About Caro The HEA Lover
Caroline is a HEA loving, yarn addicted French who's desperately hoping to get a HEA of her own. If she's not reading then she can be found knitting while listening to Audiobooks or watching Tv shows. Her secret addiction is reading websites that make fun at other people's expense (DYAC, Failbook)! Caroline also blogs at the Secret HEA Society with Susi.
I'm a procrastinator, but I'm an organized procrastinator I think. I figure out exactly when I need to start so I'll finish right on time. Honestly, it'd be easier to just start right away. But the worst was, I had to give a very important speech, like half the town was going to be there, and it was in honor of me basically, but I wasn't particulary thrilled about being the center of attention. I had weeks to write my speech, but I kept putting it off until the car ride over there! Yikes!!
autumn.crochet@ gmail .com
Hi Kat. I totally get your post because I was the same way in school. I always did my homework on early and it was always on time. But now, I'm totally a procrastinator! I guess you can say that being frazzled by the kids have turned me that way. I try to remember what Thomas Jefferson's said when I have something to do: "Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today." Try is the key word. lol
Love the Post Kat!
And i absolutely love the covers of your books!
I have two questions 🙂
1) Where/What is your favorite place to read?
2) What is your favorite word?
chidoryx AT hotmail DOT com
I agree with the saying "Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today", but there is something I haven't yet been able to do: expose my work to end my studies 🙁
one question: if you weren't a writer, what profession would have chosen? 🙂
paraelisa21 (At) hotmail DOT com
Hi Kat! 😀 First off can I say what a fantastic interview 😀 I really enjoyed it. I always find it interesting to find out a writer's influences as well as how they complete the whole writing process.
I have to say when I was at school, college and then finally university I was always tried to get all of my work done as soon as possible. I have to say the only one I procrastinated on at school was maths. I hated it so it was always left until I could pluck up the courage to tackle the questions lol
I do have to say I like to be prepared. I am a volunteer working with children helping them with their reading within their school and I have been asked by the charity to come and do a talk. This talk isn't until the 8th of september but I've already prepared notes in advance just so my mind is focused on things for then and I don't flounder around like a fish.
I guess it depends on what it is I procrastinate on. Things tend to get done when they can be sometimes and I try to do them if not it's when I remember.
Thank you for such a fantastic interview.
twitter account @izzles25
I am the worst procrastinator. But I finally have an excuse for not getting anything done- a baby! But I know I can only use that for so long. Maybe I'll just come up with some lame excuse syndrome. Isn't that what everyone is using these days (i.e. Overtrained Athlete Syndrome)?
I'm not much of a procrastinator as I get most of my work done on time. Usually I only wait till the last minute to do school projects because usually they come out better when I'm under pressure!
I love the covers of your books and I think they sound great!
twitter– @KailiaSage
I'm not a procrastinator but my wife is. Everytime she says she's going to do something (later of course) and I dare break into a smile I get scolded. LOL.
Twitter: @manoflabook
I really don,t have that kind of story, i'm actually the opposite. I'm an organisation freak. I always do everything as soon as possible so I don't get caught. For exemple I'm getting married in May 2011 (we engaged just last month) and half the preps are already done lol
Thank you very much for the giveaway, my email addy is on my blogger profile =)
Hey Kat – You're going to hate me – I'm never late. I make it a practice to always be early and sit outside until I'm due. I've always been like this. The strange thing is my friends are all ALWAYS late. I also do whatever has to be done ASAP. I guess my one procrastination was when I hurt my wrist in the middle of crocheting a baby blanket. When it finally healed I had to bust a hump and get it done in a couple days.
So I'm asking everyone this: e-reader or book? I'm getting the new kindle when it comes out and it will be my first e-reader. Don't know how I feel about it – I love books!
Thanks for the excellent contest.
I occasionally have fits of organized-ness but normally I am nick-named The Queen of the Last Minute. I actually work better to a pressing deadline.
When I was a child I was always late with homework and getting to places.
Now I tend to arrive early and although I work right up to a deadline I get it done just before.
Hi Kat, I don't know if you wrote this post as fast as I read it but I was out of breath when I finished. lol I am retired now so I don't have frantic days like this any more. I was dove into my work and finished ASAP. Therefore my upper supervisors say I was willing to work and started giving my other peoples work to complete while they napped, stayed on line reading news (yrs ago also games),talked on phone taking care of their family from Grandma to cousins, and siblings. In other words doing everything but their work. Yet these were the one that got the promotions. Certain people could get buy doing nothing yet I worked my butt off and someone else got the promotion. Of course this did nothing for my self esteem but I continued to smile all the time (I was called Little Miss Sunshine) and be courteous. Well enough of this talk and back to your books. I have not read any but have them on my wish list. I just read a review recently so I had prior notice of your work. Keep up the good writing and we will continue to buy your books.
Thanks for stopping by to chat.
misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
Oh yay! A fellow procrastinator like me!
I'm the worst when it comes to getting stuff done on time. I always wait til the last minute. In fact, I have two essays due tomorrow and.. I haven't even started either of them. And I really don't have much of an excuse. Which is actually really bad. And I know this but it still happened. So that's my current procrastination story.
Thanks for stopping by!
If I'm running late to work, "family stuff" usually suffices. I have an occasional female problem too that I can sometimes use as a good excuse.
meredithfl at gmail dot com
Actually by telling the truth I've been forgiven quite easily. Even if I just plain forgot the appointment. I think as long as I didn't do it on purpose, it was fine.
I love this series!
Actually I do not like procrastination when it comes to things that must be done. I can't sit back and do something fun when I know there's work waiting for me, so I usually do what I have to do as quick as possible so I can relax afterwards without feeling uncomfortable.
Recently I was late for my mothers funeral because I ran a red (really it was orangeish) light and was getting a ticket. My mom would have laughed at me.
Wow awesome giveaway. Would love to read these books, she looks pretty kickass.
blodeuedd1 at gmail dot com
I do tend to be organized and have everything done in time. Oh now I sound so boring. And when I am late it is cos my bike broke down or something. or I blame traffic
I really don't have an excuse, how pathetic is that? I'm either always 30 minutes early to any appointment or event. I blame my Mother for that one, she's the same way…but one of my sisters is horrid for lateness, so the have to be on time or early thing is my way of having something to bitch about if she's late to meet me.
But getting bills paid on time is like pulling teeth for me, I hate doing it…my excuse for that is, I want that money in my bank account a little longer so I feel like I had money 😉
No! Wait! I thought it was "Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow"? I've lived by that, for years now, and often found that tasks put off didn't need to be done at all when tomorrow rolled around.
That would not be true with a manuscript, of course. Probably explains why I've never attempted to write a book, but I'm very glad Kat did.
I just love this series. Love the characters and love the ferrets! Sorry, I don't really have a deadline, running late story. Just wanted to say how much I love these books!
Back in high school I was taking a programming class and our 9 week project was coming due when my floppy disc bent. (Yes, I am THAT old!) And my backup disc was in the hands of one of the few students who took a bus from the other side of town and was out sick with mono.
I did my 9 week project in less than a week on those old interlaced and likely irradiating your head the whole time monitors. With me already having a penchant for migraines, it was a fun week. Vowed never to touch a computer after that.
HI Kat
Thanks for the post, I love reading post from Authors, makes me feel more connected to them and the characters that sprout from their imagination. It's an amazing giveaway and I hope I win 🙂
In school was also the one who turned my assignments in early.
I am a horrible procrastinator at home and work. Part of the problem at times is so many people wanting something at the same time.
Lu: Favorite place to read is on the settee in the boat and my favorite word is, apparently, “so”–my word processor says I use it all the time.
sRy: I used to be an editor, but now, if I had to go back to a regular job I think I’d like to be a park ranger.
Victoria: I don’t hate you. I used to be really good about it and I don’t really procrastinate, I just have WAY too much to do in too little time. But I’ve never been significantly late on a manuscript. I hate to be late. I’m usually early to appointments and call-ins. It’s just wrtiting assignements that tend to take more time than I budgeted.
Kjovus: why am I amused you were late to a funeral? I just am. Evil person, I guess… 😉
Zombie Joe: Ok, you’re officially my hero.
What a great contest! I've been a fan of this series since the first book came out; I'd love signed copies!
My 'sorry I'm late' excuse is usually books actually, since I'm known as the bookish one in most of my social circles, it's totally believable if I say "Sorry, I got stuck in a book" whenever I'm late. It has the added benefit of being true most of the time! 🙂
Loved the blog by the way! made me realize how bad of a procrastinator I am sometimes..though alot of the time its intentional..bc I write/create better with 1-2 days to go.
During my first semester at College, My friend and I had a final due the next morning at 8 am. Well..we hadnt even started the project. It was a photoshop assignment ( i dont know how familiar you are with that..but its an evil program..) anyways. We had to create a 2 picture story using a mishmash of words, photographs or graphic design. We could do whatever we wanted..from what I remember.. that was three years ago now.
Well, I did mine first and slept a bit while my friend made hers..we stayed at her house that night.
Needless to say we were up all night and finished in enough time to get them printed. The problem was we FORGOT TO BUY INK and our local staples, best buys and circuit city didn't open til 8..and walmart doesn't carry the EXPENSIVE AND GOOD printer ink for our printer.
Long story short. We somehow managed to get the ink and both sets of projects printed and only be 10-15 min late to class…
I know its bad..
but im getting better at this! 🙂
Oh my God I am so glad it is not just me! I was always the same way in highschool, had my work and papers in early. Then adulthood hit and I got a life and all of a sudden that brilliant idea I had a few months ago seems REALLY lame now that I look at what I've written. I can't tell you how many manuscripts I've scrapped because I went back through them and went "Oh god, did I really write that?" I keep plugging away at it though and hope someday to join in the book press chaos. But for now more general life chaos rears it's ugly head!
I usually use the kids needed me, business was busy, I am waiting for more information to begin. Or perhaps, It is Monday. No wait… It is Friday. I think those two are my favorites.
robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
Hi, Kat!!! I love this giveaway! I'm so excited to participate!! ^^
About your question… ufff, I'm the worst kind of clueless ever!! So I'm always (ALWAYS!!) late to wherever I'm supposed to go, I'm always forgeting peoples's names… anyway, after all this years, I've run out of excuses, so I just tell people the truth: I live in my own happy little world!!
But I guess I'm not the only one… ^^
gabrielameti [at] hotmail [dot] com
I totally procrastinate. I tend to work better under pressure, so I like to put things off till the last minute. Stresses me out to no other sometimes, but whatever, it works.
I am the worst. Sometimes I will contact a coauthor on the day an article is due to talk about who's going to do what…and who's going to contact the editor for an extension!
I some time am running so late on paying my bills that I will have to pay them on line to get them payed in time because trew the mail would take to long to get there and thay will be late but lately i have found that it saves on stamps.
I have really been meaning to read these books, so this would be the perfect giveaway for me.
Since my dad is an eye doctor I used to try to claim I had pink eye all the time to get out of homework. 😉
In real life, now I say – "What email, I didn't get that email? Oh you went into my junk bin" hee hee
And after reading your post, I'm reeling about the 2 months thing! 2 months! That just blows my mind, because really if you want quality, I think a little more time might be spent on it. Oh slave drivers! But, I totally understand it – as a designer the Powers That Be want a brand new web site that WOWS ENTICES & EXCITES – along with conveying pertinent, thoughtful information – and they want it in 2 hours.
And that was my ramble of the day.
parajunkee at gamil.com @parajunkee
Well, my favorite procrastination quote is 'A slacker revolves around the sun just as quickly as a productive person.' 🙂
Anytime it rains, and I'm running late for work, is that the power went out and shut off my alarm. Crazy electricity.
I was a good little geek, and always had my homework in on time. If I actually forgot, a good fake being sick would be an option.
I do procrastinate on a few things. I do with the laundry and cleaning around the house. I just act like I am getting going and do a few little things. Then I get my husband out to do his yard work and my kid to do his work, then I hide in another room to read. 🙂 But I only get a short time in until I get caught and have to go and do the work that needs done.
Thank you for the chance to win a set of your books. 🙂
Hey, I'm doing a book giveaway on my blog and thought you might be interested! But hurry, today is the last day to get your name in the hat!
Great Blog!
Hi Kat! This series sounds awesome and the covers are so cool! I'm a big procrastinater when it comes to…almost everything but mostly my own projects. I can start something but I'm really bad at actually finishing it, yet I have no problem finishing reading a book or even a series, hmm, maybe that's where all my procrastination goes. 😉
linaramz at yahoo dot com
Sounds as if you're not really a procrastinator, just a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of person. Some of the best work is produced that way – look at your series! Love it by the way.
This series sounds really great!
I'm not much of a procrastinator. I feel too guilty when I put things off for too long. Besides, I'm way too organized to get behind on stuff. I'd rather tackle a project, get it done, so I'm free to do what I want.
My running late story is an inside joke from my teen years where I lived out in the sticks and was, one day, 45 minutes late for work because my neighbor's buffalo got out and were blocking the road.
So I always just say the damn buffalo wouldn't get out of the road, no matter how many times I honked at them.
Wow! I had no idea there were this many books in the series. I love how all the covers have a similar look 🙂
I am definitely a procrastinator with just about everything.
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Hi Kat!
I used to be very neat with my homework and other school reports, always did everything on time, I was that girl people sometimes came to ask to copy "just answer number 2, please?" or, "just let me see what you wrote so I can have an idea and then I make mine with a totally different speech", unfortunately that changed a bit in college, now I pretty much finish a something in the same hour I have to deliver it to the professor, and print it in the last minute(stupid printers!)*sigh*
jen7waters (at) gmail (dot) com
my answer was and still is I know I wrote it on the calender but I can't find thedang calender
I'm not sure how I made it through university… I would do everything possible to avoid doing my work until the night before. 25 page essay to write after spending the night with my room mate in the emergency room? Easy, right?
I was a bad procastinator in school but I don't do it now. Once in school I had to write a really long paper and I didn't get started until three days before… I still got an A though!
Q: So what’s your running late/procrastination/dog-ate-my-homework story?
A: I don't have one. Usually, I am like you were in school. Does my work early. But, on those occassions when I did fail to do that, I man up and face my professor to tell him or her that I haven't done it. Take the punishment and suck it up. So you see, I try not doing that very often 🙂
Re-posted your contest at: http://contests-freebies.blogspot.com/2010/08/win-greywalker-novels-at-book-lovers.html
Twitted: http://twitter.com/cherrymischivus/status/21659340163
Cherry Mischievous
mischivus101-warrior [at] yahoo [dot] com
i wish i had a story… but i am just not a procrastinator…i wont be able to sleep at night if i dont finish or have it more than half done 1 week before its due…i know i m a dork lol..but thats what college does to you
Blog follower
do enter me
This series sounds really good! I can be a procrastinator at times, cause I'm lazy. But I do get things done in time.
First, I just want to say I am really liking "Greywalker", which I just started. You have an amazing talent. That's all I really want to say. I am one of those who don't put things off until the last minute, but I work with those who do…. which is probably why I don't! I see the panic and all and I really don't want to experience that.
I'm a horrible procrastinator. Indeed, I should be writing an essay right now for my seminar, but I'm instead reading blog posts! Go figure? However, even if I have to pull an all-nighter before, I always make my deadlines… It's the finest art of procrastination: allotting just the right amount of time to each thing. 😉
And how much better could I procrastinate with a new author to read? And a full set of her works!
Email: spiffyish at hotmail dot com
I basically use procrastination at every part of my life, from school and work to simple housework everything is put off with the thought that 'i'll do that later'. Therefore i end upp sitting the night before super stressed or end up without any decent clothes to wear because i've put upp dping laundry. However when it comes to school and work i somehow always manages to get everything in precicely on deadline and promise my self to start earlier next time 😛
Nice essay, I think the Greywalker series is my favorite and I've been waiting for this latest book for what seems like forever!
I'm definitely the procrastinator. Always have been. I was the person in class that never did their homework or did it at the last minute and still managed to get an A. That's why I've been working on the same novel off and on for a couple of years–basically restarting it every few months without an outline and then coming up with a better start after writing five or six chapters that won't go anywhere. argh! The few stories that I've 'finished' have been under the auspices of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), which gave me a deadline and too much work to do in a short period of time. And then there's this darn Internet thing.
I actually miss the way I could crank out projects and papers the way I did in college. I could slam out 10 page papers in one night, get no sleep, and still manage to stay semi-conscious in class. Of course, I couldn't tell you what any of those papers were about…they were gone from my memory as soon as they were turned in.
Now the only deadline I ever have is the 31st of November when I participate in National Novel Writing Month. I usually make it half way, and then my novel just DIES because sleep, work, and life beat the crap out of it until nothing is left but a bloodied mass of shredded notebooks and spent ink.
Historically, it was a bird that ate my homework. Peaches, my mother's cockatoo, escaped from her cage and ate my math homework. I showed the teacher the shredded remains via a ziploc baggie.
In the present day, my 'things are running late' story is that one of my friends is home from Afghanistan on leave, and I am hucking everything to try and make the party in his honor tonight, and spend as much time as I can with him before he goes back. At least if i win the books, I'll have something to read between his letters home.
I'm only on my second book, which I've fortunately not had a deadline crunch for. I have myself four months to write it, had a 900 word per day word count and have been successful in achieving that goal. I'm a few pages from done and just under a month still until deadline. I should actually have it turned in early after agent sees it and I do some editing. Any luck and book three will be the same. I certainly don't want deadline hell, but I'm sure at some point I'll be put in that position. I don't relish the thought.
Fantastic post Kat:)
I love the Greywalker series. The research that goes into it really shines. And talk about atmosphere, I totally want to move to Seattle now!
My favorite aspect is the idea that ghosts, vampires and such live in a dimension that overlaps ours. Having visited Seattle I can't think of another city outside of perhaps London that would exemplifies the "grey" itself.
Kat, how did you come up with the initial idea of the "grey" world?
I was very similar in school, but as a productive member of society I have become a procrastinator. I procrastinate doing laundry, grocery shopping, and scrubbing the shower. Those are the current ones any way. Next week it may be thank you cards, mopping, and emptying the recycle bin. I have discovered way more interesting things to do that draw my attention; reading, eating dessert, watching DVRd tv, playing with my kids.
Maybe I will overcome procrastination. Eh, I will think about it later.
What works as the best stress reliever for you given your hectic lifestyle?
forsurveysonly at gmail dot com
I was wondering if there is an end in sight for the Greywalker series. As in, do you have a planned number of novels for this protagonist and world? If yes, do you already have plans for a new series? Or are you still mostly focused on Greywalker?
My usual procrastination technique at work was just simply ignoring emails of requests that I thought were stupid and obviously not in my jurisdiction, only to finally respond if the sender ever resent the request using a high priority flag.
Well my homework never got eaten by the dog and I never left it on the bus, but one time when I didn't do my homework at all, as I recall it was my English homework, I did use the excuse that my youngest brother had drunk some white spirits and had to be taken to hospital to have his stomach pumped. Now all this was totally true and the little runt was fine, eventually, but I hadn't done my homework and never intended to. It was a happy coincidence that got me out of my homework. All's well that ends well, as the Bard would say!
I'm a procrastinator but can usually get myself going by telling myself I HAVE to do just a little bit of the project that day, and when I start, I usually keep going on if for a few hours so the darn thing gets done. I just finished Underground and LOVED it! Wonderful book!
No one believes my excuses anymore so I don't bother with them, lol. The upside of this is that no one ever expects anything from me on time either, so when I actually do finish promptly everyone is pleasantly surprised.
jibssa at gmail dot com
I'm not much of a procrastinator, So no good dog ate my work stories. I still would love to win this series. I have a weakness for Chris McGrath covers and I've been dying to read this series.
AllThingsUrbanFantasy At gmail Dot com
I'm definitely a procrastinator, for example i always wait to study or do homework the day before it's due.
I swear, I've got procrastination down to an art form. I've been in so many fake car accidents and medical emergencies to avoid classes where assignments were due.
Occasionaly I've found that I've um gone over my lunchhour because i'm reading and don't want to stop. If it's a bright sunny day I have used the excuse that I feel asleep in the sun.
My most recent "running late" story – I work at a library. We always have a library-themed entry in our local parade (book cart drill team, dancing books, lawn-chair readers…) and this year we decided to have a drill team made of book characters. I volunteered to make a Wild Thing.
I began with the top part of the head. It looked good and I felt pretty chuffed but the bottom of the head gave me some grief. I put it aside TEMPORARILY.
Libraries are busy places and time passed quickly. Suddenly the parade was two days away. The Wild Thing head!! I brought it to work to fit the top to the person who would be wearing it, then stewed all day, worrying about that challenging lower jaw. Inspiration hit on the way home. After dinner, I rolled up my sleeves, took over the dining table, and attacked The Head.
All was going well until the glue gun trigger died, too late in the evening to go buy a replacement. Since I needed one hand to hold the head and the other to hold the glue gun, I figured out that I could use my chin to push the glue stick through the gun. It was awkward but I was able to finish the head.
One day before the parade! I still needed a shirt and trousers for the costume. Hello, Goodwill. There on the racks was a white shirt that was the right size. I would have to dye it yellow and paint orange stripes on it. The pants were easily found, white again, on which I needed to draw scales.
The dyeing commenced. While the shirt was drying, I headed to my craft closet for the paint. Behold! It was all dried up. I rummaged around for alternatives – I drew the stripes with orange chalk and hoped for the best.
We had visitors that evening, visitors who were happy to help me draw scales on the trousers. Woohoo! The costume was complete, with a half-day to spare.
The Wild Thing was a hit in the parade and ended up being used by two other library branches in THEIR community parades.
Apologies for such a long comment! Procrastinations tend to become rather involved, don't they?
I live in Houston. I blame EVERYTHING on the traffic. Or my husband. Please don't tell him I said that.
Yes I am a procrastinator as well but only a short term one i.e. I leave things for about a week or so which makes some tasks just disappear and then I complete the rest !
As to excuses, well I commute about 15 miles (25km) to work so traffic problems are always good otherwise I find that these days the dog-ate-it has been replaced by the computer is working/has lost it.
Thanks for the giveaway.
Carol T
buddytho {at} gmail DOT com
I'm a procrastinator, and a lazy one D:
I always study last minute for my exams, and finish my homeworks in school, wake up 15 or 20 minutes before school starts, and etc. D: I've been late to school quite a lot of times, and rushed homeworks like mad, and terrible exam results. D: oh well..
and thank you for the giveaway! 😀
feeyonachan at gmail dot com
I am Queen of the procrastinators, I always have good intentions and never intend to do it, but it always happens because I get distracted by life, books, TV or shiny objects.
I think I have it down to an art form now!
I love the Greywalker series even though I started at book 4 so would love to get the first 3 🙂
I always start out early, but I always end up doing things in the last minute, I try to work on that;-)
I would love to read this series I have heard so many good things about it.
I've never thought that another would procrastinate like I do. I find it really hard to stay on track esp when November comes around and I'm doing NANO. then I either run ahead and take time off or I run late and type like mad.. I have so many interests reading and family still trying to find balance lol. But like you had no problem when I was in school, was right on time. Keep up the good work and hope to read the series heard great things about it
Thank you for the interesting post and for making the amazing giveaway international! 😀
I wanted to ask… have you ever kept a dream journal for inspiration? if yes, is it useful?
Thank you for this chance!
Giada M.
fabgiada (at) gmail (dot) com
Hi Kat!
LOL, I was exactly the same as you in school and now I am the queen of all that is procrastination. In fact, they should probably invent a new word for the level of it that I'm at. 🙂 My excuses? There are many. First and fore
most are my migraines, especially the ones that last over a week. Fun stuff I tells ya. Then there's the fact that my "To Do" list is about 100 miles long. (It seems unachievable). Then the dog needs to be let out, which always interupts my "flow", and then there's that bloody Bejewelled game on FaceBook that mysteriously makes hours of my day disappear and all feeling in my hand go numb!? *Grins*
I think I'm the opposite of a procrastinator. : ) Even if I have a legitimate excuse (like if I'm sick… if I'm not throwing up, it doesn't "count") I'll go to work/finish the assignment anyway. My work ethic maybe a bit extreme, right? : )
So, Kat: I was wondering what your favorite part of writing is? The original idea? Getting all those words on paper? Revision? … something else entirely?
Thanks for the post & giveaway.
ambience.of.rain {at} gmail.com
Hello, everytime there is some sort of new project, usually if it's important I would start asap, but end up finishing it close to the deadline. It's always either 'just finishing final touches' or 'distracted by book blogging and computer'. However I would try to finish it by the deadline. 🙂
My question would be if your book would be directed into a movie, who would you like to cast it in?
regards: maidenhealer@hotmail.com
I always wait until the very last minute to do my homework. Not a good thing, considering my horrible handwriting. (what do you expect in the last minute? Flowery scripts?) Thanks so much for making the giveaway international! Lovely post! 🙂
You can reach me at luvpinkpanther@gmail.com
I consider myself a selective procrastinator. c: There are some things that I just tend to do at the last minute, and there are some things I would do the moment I was told to do it, because I knew that I'd get into major trouble if I don't. ^^
My questions:
What are your tips when it comes to dealing with writer's block?
If you weren't a writer today, what career do you think would you be pursuing?
Thanks! c:
vesipisaroita [at] gmail [dot] com
I think my best procrastination story is when I decided to crochet hats for my friend's entire family of four for Christmas. We had to be at their house by five, and I was crocheting until 3:30 or so and hadn't even showered! Plus I still had to gift wrap them! I ended up leaving the pompoms off the hats and letting the recipients know I'd add them later, if they wanted (they didn't anyway). That, like most of my experiences with procrastination, was really a matter of the project taking longer than I'd expected.
Thanks for the terrific giveaway!
beax0002 (at) umn (dot) edu
Usally I would say the dog got let out of the house and we had to find him or I would say as I had surgry on my foot that it was playing up so I had to get driven or it took a long time to walk.
I'm a procrastinator too, I always delay things I don't want to do to the very last possible minute. But I'm bad at making up excuses, so I usually do them anyway.
I really like the covers of your books! So my question would be: did you had any ideas about how they turned out, or was it the artists idea only? And are they any similar to what you imagined?
Thanks for making this open internationally!
spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com
My worst procastination is dealing with my son. I occasionally have to write a paper about him and his conditions. It is very hard to go over his difficulties, lack of progress, and just basic problems. I always put it off until the very last minute.
I just say that my electricity went out again … that accounts for no phone, no alarm, can't get the garage door open so I can't drive. Unfortunately it goes out often enough that it's believable.
I never used to be a procrastinator, I usually turned my homework in on time, showed up to work early, etc., but the older I get, the lazier I get for some reason. Now I usually wait until the last minute and rush like crazy to get things done. I'd rather play on the computer, read, anything but what I'm supposed to do.
I enjoyed the post and the giveway is awesome.
I pretty much always procrastinate- no matter what it is. I put things off just because I'm lazy and by the time I do do whatever it was (like my homework or tidying my room) I realise it would've been much less stress and off of my mind if I'd just done it earlier. However, it has remained a vicious cycle to this day.
Thanks for making this international. I would love to win these books!
I'm a procrastinator. And that's putting it nicely. I never actually did my homework, and I hadn't since 7th grade. Maybe even before that? I can't remember…
I was always, always late for school. One of my excuses for being late was that I walked to school and on my way I saw a stop sign. So I stopped and waited for it to turn green. Lmao.
Oh, another one was that I saw a dog digging a hole, so I helped it. And that I broke my leg on the way, but it magicaly repaired itself on my way because (id whisper this) 'im actually a wizard. I got it from my mothers side. Don't tell though, I could get in trouble if they find out I told you'
Sometimes with assessments or things i've got to do, I think about them for a few days and the day its supposed to be done, I blindly stumble my way through it all. Otherwise if I think its that easy, I do it straight away, but use the rest of the time to piss around and hand it in on the date. Haha.
Fortunately for me, I never got a letter sent home or a lecture. Though, I did have a few detentions but it was fine because it was winter and frezzing outside without actually raining. Who wants to be outside at that time? I got off so easy because, to be completely honest, my school was slack. I once went to detention and there was no teacher there to tell us to write out lines or anything. Pretty slack…
But it was a good school, if you want to put the work in. Otherwise you can sit back and procastate your ass off to your hearts content (:
My question to you is do you have anyone in mind when you make your characters up? Like a friend, or do you think about situations and what you'd do, if you were in that situation?
Oop's, forgot to leave my email up there. Haha. Should I add being unorganized and forgetful to the procrastination?
I am never late! . I have a knack for judging time to get somewhere. I actually see the route in my mind and take into account the traffic at that time of day, the mood of my kids (how quick I can get them into the car) and all sorts of other variables. Weird, but works. I will put off just about anything to read.
yep I am a procratinator especially when it come to books. I have to be in the mood to read a book and if not i just can't get into it and the net keeps sucking my time away also lol
Great interview! I too am a terrible procrastinator. If it doesn't have to do with work or my kids, I am putting it off till the last minute – actually if it's work, I am still putting it off until the last minute – I am just never late with work. I remember in college procrastinating so much that I went 72 hours without sleep to make sure I got done on time. With everything else that I do, I get there in my own time – life is too short to hurry.
Thanks for hosting – please enter me – I would be thrilled to win!!!
I am somewhat of a procratinator but i usualy get my work done on time for the most part.
My problem is I am too lazy to procrastinate, it seems like an awful lot of energy to me to know you have to do something and deliberately do other stuff… saying that I think I am suppost to be writing my thesis… mmm maybe this procrastinating lark isn't so bad!
Was good to read the interview and the comments/discussion that it has initiated.
I do have one silly question, as I have never been to Seattle are the underground tours and other locations mentioned real? If I decided to visit could I do a Kat Richardson tour or would I find it a little difficult? I actually really like the idea of the underground tour and would plan that into any visit if it really happens. Also since I seam to be planning next years holiday already any other places people can recommend visiting?
Hey, I have a question for Kat…
What inspired you to write a story about a female PI who's a 'greywalker'?
Email: elzar_valdivia (at) msn DOT com
Twitter: @Elzahh1
Well, I'm a news editor with a weekly deadline, so, even if I didn't procrastinate (but I do sometimes, just because a great lede hasn't come to mind, or I've simply been writing TOO MUCH), I still run around like a crazy person every Tuesday afternoon. There are so many stories that I'd like to cover, but never have the time or people to do so. But, that's the nature of the news business!
lorena (dot) ruggero (at) gmail (dot) com
I'm a procrastinator and the older I get, the worse I get. I even put it in the title of my blog.
like Kailia I'm no procrastinator, cause I finish my work on time… but I need the time preassure to work 100 % and only then I've the best ideas *g*
Kat, thanks so much for your post – I really enjoyed it and your books are already on my whishlist for quite a time, but I haven't had the time for them yet…
wish you all the best, Ina
ps: and thanks for the give-away – that's very generous!!! *hugs*
I love her!
thank you for that!
I am glad I am not the only pantser..
I always wait until the last minute. for everything.
I feel better under pressure. Am I a masochist? yep.
I am the one waiting until 30 minutes before a submission is due, scrambling to find words and hope spell check works fast! lol
Thanks so much for this giveaway! What a great prize pack!
I am and probably always will be a procrastinator (I blame my mom and genetics!). I tend to do things the day before they are due. Thank you so much for the chance to win!!!!
One summer day, after hitting the snooze button approximately nine times, I hauled my lazy butt up, bleary eyed and not so bushy tailed. My kids were with their father for his half of the summer visitation, so I was on my own getting ready for work. It’s both funny and sad that it takes a whole household to help me get ready for work. Thank goodness it was casual Friday, so I grab a grey polo with a plaid trim, I grab my coffee, purse, keys and round up Cinnamon (my baby girl pit), and we head out the door. Even when the kids aren’t here, my mother still watches her other four-legged grandchildren. I have a million things going through my head that I have to do when I get to the office. I live about a half a mile from my mother, forty-five minutes from work. So on my way I go. I am listening to Poltergeist on audio and I am about half way to work, and I hear a rustle in the back. I look back, and Cinnamon is executing one of her fabulous power leans (I live in the Blue Ridge Mountains and the roads are super curvy). It is most definitely not a "Bring Your Bud To Work Day", so I have to double back to Mom’s. Cinnamon was happy as a clam, because she loves rides and it made her feel special.
So, I am officially late for work. I make it in, and I have a ton of evaluations to deliver. As I am wrapping up, with the last eval of the day, my rep looks at me and says, “Is your shirt on inside out?” I look down and at that time, I notice there is a funny looking poofy gator on the right side of my chest. I said, “Umm no they are making polos like this…..” and as I’m looking at the plaid trim on the bottom and the sleeves, I try, lamely I must say to come up with something brilliant but the best I could do was, “Yes….yes it is inside out.”
At that time, I sent a scathing email out to my team thanking them profusely for letting me walk around all day dressed like that. I mean really, what kind of teamwork is that? We all had a good laugh. I swear, sometimes I think I was promoted purely for comic relief.
The funny thing was that this was not an isolated incident.
Go me!
I don't really use excuses for being late. I usually just say sorry I am late. I am curious though what made you decide to become a writer? And do you have any suggestion for me about writing? I have been thinking about writing a book. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com