Image Credit: Of ceiling wax and cabbage, blog |
I read all different kinds of books, every type, every theme, every style, every genre; if it’s a good book I will read it. That is unless it is a YA Book. In that case the type, theme, style and genre still don’t matter; I’m not going to read it. The last time I read a YA book I was about 12 years old. At least that is what I thought until about a week ago, when I discovered that statement wasn’t quite so true anymore.
(Yes, for those of you keeping score that does mean I have not read the Twilight Series.)
When I was working I sat at a little table outside and read during my lunch break everyday. One morning I was running late and didn’t have any unread books on my e-reader. So, I jumped onto Barnes&Noble.com to download one real quick. Of course, I had one small problem:
The only way to download one real quick is to already know what book you want to download. I however had no idea what book I wanted to read, but after having listened to people on Twitter go on and on about how great the
Study Trilogy by Maria V. Snyder is, it was stuck in my head. So I very innocently typed
Study Trilogy into the B&N search bar, selected the first book,
Poison Study and ran out the door.
(I know many of you are laughing already, but wait it gets better…)
I started reading it at lunch that day and by the time I went to sleep that night I had already downloaded book #2,
Magic Study, just in case I finished
Poison Study before I finished lunch. I loved it that much! I was absolutely enthralled and completely sucked in by universe, the characters and the plot. I ended up reading all three books in just over a week. Book three,
Fire Study ended up being my favorite of the three.
After finishing the three books, I immediately went looking for more books by the same author. That’s when I discovered that she had started another trilogy with a main character who had been a secondary character in the
Study Trilogy. I was really excited until I remembered that this particular character was a young teenager and alarm bells started ringing in my head, “YA ALERT, YA ALERT!” Just to be sure I did my homework and discovered that
Storm Glass, the first book in the new series was indeed listed as a YA fantasy novel. A lot of things went through my mind at that point, none of them being the obvious. My first thought was, ‘Well that sucks, now I won’t be reading it.’ followed by ‘I guess everybody really is jumping on the YA bandwagon.’ Never once did it cross my mind that the previous three might have been YA novels. I shook my head and went on to another series, never looking back.
Until…A little over a week ago when I was browsing around the lists on Goodreads. There I am minding my own business when I see a list of the “Best YA Reads.” I have no idea why I clicked on it, but click on it I did. About halfway down the page I felt like someone had punched me in the stomach, because right there in all it’s glory was the Study Trilogy!!! I couldn’t believe it, couldn’t accept it. So like any self respecting woman who is in denial I asked some of my friends who do read YA to tell me that it wasn’t a YA novel. Unfortunately none of them were kind enough to lie to me and I had to face the fact, that I love not one but three YA novels. I felt betrayed!
I have spent the past several years talking about how there was nothing for me in YA reads, and about how annoyed I am that more than half of my local Barnes & Noble is now taken up with shelf after shelf of YA books. If anyone had told me that Poison Study was a YA novel, I would have turned my nose up at it and gone the other way. If they’d told me though then I would have missed out on some great writing and stories. In the end I am glad I didn’t know before hand because I realize now that I wasn’t being fair to myself or the authors by cutting out such a large segment of the book world.
And that’s how I became an accidental YA Reader!
Starting with today’s post and going forward for a while, I will be doing a post here on ALL YA LOVE to talk about my journey deeper into the YA realm. Each month I will read at least one YA book and discuss it with all of you.
To get me started I need some help from more experienced YA readers. At the end of this post I have listed six YA Books and I ask you dear readers to help me choose which one I should read as my first YA book (where I know going it is YA). The book with the most votes will be one I read.
YA Book Options:
1) Beautiful Darkness by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
2) City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
3) The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
4) Marked (House of Night Book #1) by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast
5) Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
6) A Great and Terrible Beauty (Gemma Doyle #1) by Libba Bray
Which book should I read first?
One (1) commenter will win the book of their choice (up to $10 USD) from the Book Depository
All you have to do is vote for the book you think Heather should read first
or just leave a meaningful comment about the post to be entered
Please leave us a way to contact you
(email in blogger profile or twitter name- no way to contact you – no entry).
This giveaway is open everywhere Book Depository ships!
Giveaway ends on Saturday, October 23th, we will announce the winner on Sunday.
Good luck!
About Book Lovers Inc
They are all fantastic choices, Hunger games in in my top faves though so that is my vote.
My vote goes to Hunger Games, and if I may add I didn’t really like Hush, Hush and I wouldn't recommend reading it – but that's just my opinion. Good luck! 🙂
I doubt I can help much, since I don't really like the whole YA genre, but! I still have a book left to read before I finish the YA Reading Challenge and happen to have "Marked" in my room on my shelf, so I say that one… or "Hush Hush" I like the cover to that one. 🙂
My vote is to read City of Bones by Cassandra Clare, Hands down, great series!
bwithbite (at) gmail (dot) com.
Thanks for the giveaway!
My vote goes to Beautiful Darkness! I have read the prequel and I absolutely loved it!
Hi, Heather! I'm torn between City of Bones and Hush, Hush. Both are HIGHLY recommended. But I think my vote will go to City of Bones. Nothing but love for it.
Oh The Hunger Games. Hands down. In fact, you can't even wait for the poll results. You have to go and read it now.
I became an accidental YA reader, then lover, then blogger and I think I'm having more fun reading now than I did when I was actually, ahem, a YA.
I am going to vote for City of Bones. I absolutely love that series.
swordsforfighting at yahoo dot com
I vote for Hunger Games cause it is the one I want to read . I am a 43 year old mother of two girls who loves UF/PNR and I now read YA as of last week . I read Hush, Hush and now I can't stop. I just finished Vampire Academy and will be looking for the next. This opens up a whole new area of books and I was already drowning in the number of TBR books on my list. Oh, well. there are worse ways to go….
I ended up not liking Magic Study and then hating Fire, made me so sad 🙁 Cos I LOVED Poison
But ok you must must read The Hunger Games, hands down
I'd say The Hunger Games, as well but City of Bones sounds fab.
jenma76 at hotmail dot com
You can't read Beautiful Darkness yet! You should read Beautiful Creatures before Beautiful Darkness. Well anyway, I think you should read The Hunger Games first, or maybe City of Bones..
I think I should go buy Study trilogy soon… I saw the first 2 books in paperback with different cover on an online used bookstore, pretty cheap, but paying/meeting up is a problem. oh well.
feeyonachan at gmail dot com
thank you for this giveaway! 😀
I would recommend either City of Bones or The Hunger Games. Both are really good books and you may find some of the aspects that you liked in the Study series in them.
melodiousrevelry (at) gmail (dot) com
I would say the hunger games.
She must read City of Bones!! I LOVE this series <3
My vote is for City of Bones. 🙂
It looks like the two front runners are City of Bones and Hunger Games. They are neck-and-neck to win. That is unless fans of the other books step it up over the next week!
Fi-chan, You are so right that should have been Beautiful Creatures! I actually have a copy of Beautiful Creatures on my shelf, but right before I wrote the post I had read something about Beautiful Darkness & I guess it got stuck in my head & caused me to write the wrong name. LOL Thanks for catching that.
`The Obsessed Book Lover
A Great and Terrible Beauty
Even though it's written in present tense it's a wonderful book!
I myself bought this book and the second one at a second hand bookstore and ordered book 3 when i was halfway through book 2.
I love Marked and the rest of the series. The development of the characters and the changes between relationships are vivid and make me want to keep reading.
smccar1 at hotmail dot com
Thanks so much for a brilliant giveaway!!
I think you should read The Hunger Games first 🙂
chidoryx AT hotmail DOT com
I thoroughly enjoyed this post. Like you, I also stumbled onto YA category by accident and had, since then, falling in love with most books in the category. I've just read the first book in the Study series and yes, I truly understand what you mean in term of how good it is!
As for the book choice, my 100% vote goes to City of Bones. I'm addicted by this series and I've no doubt that I'll re-read the whole series again by the end of this year.
Also, thank you so much for the giveaway!
Beautiful Darkness
I'm not a YA reader (yet) and I loved the Study trilogy. I didn't realize until after I'd finished all of them that it was considered YA. I have the first Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead on my shelf so I can start my foray into YA on purpose. Hopefully I like it so I can find even more great authors (like I need more books!)
There are some great reads listed there, but I'm gonna say City of Bones. Hunger Games is a close second though.
Marked..ugh.the first three books are good but it goes downhill from there.
Like others said you'd need to read Beautiful Creatures before Beautiful Darkness.And it was a great book.I'd recommend that.
My chouce would be Marked I enjoy this series! tWarner419@aol.com
Nice to met you, Heather 🙂
My vote goes to The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. The trilogy is amazing! Katniss is a unforgetable character. Team Gale, but Peeta is most popular. I think so, is a perfect reading.
Anyway, happy reading!
I have read YA book just not those but my son loves the Hunger games and it is on my tbb list. He got it at school and didn't let me in on it till he took them back the little snot. lol.
scrtsbpal at yahoo dot com
Fun post! I'm just in awe because Fire is your favorite of the series! I love Poison Study, but Fire…I just couldn't follow x_x anyway, from those options I've only read the Gemma Doyle trilogy and the Hunger Games, and I can honestly say even though I liked both, they also disappointed me in the end, but either way you should read them. If I could pick only one, right now I would say A Great and Terrible Beauty. From those I haven't read, I'm dying to read Kami Garcia's series!
(Options you haven't listed, but that I recommend:
Any book by Juliet Marillier
Any book by Robin McKinley
The Books of Bayern by Shannon Hale)
My vote goes to City of Glass!!!
natasha AT likeminds.ca
Wow. I know that Maria's books were in YA, but I still don't think of her Study or Glass trilogy as YA. When I buy it at Borders they're stocked in the SciFi/Fantasy. I know Poison and Magic Study were printed in a YA format, but that was all. Inside Out was definitely YA.
I know the characters were in their early 20s I believe but still, I thought of it more as adult books since I find them in the adult section [not in the YA area, but regular shelves since adult section sounds really weird 😉 ] at my stores all the time.
I honestly haven't read any of those books listed. Although I have Beautiful Creatures on my TBR pile and am considering getting Hush, Hush since I hear good things about it. So, my pick from that list then is Hush, Hush, but I have to read Beautiful Creatures first to see how soon I need to read Beautiful Darkness!
I vote for The Hunger Games by Suznne Collins. I enjoyed reading the novel and I hope you would too.
I really like the cover for Hush Hush so that one gets my vote.
Stephanie G
Paranormal Haven
I'd definitely go with The Hunger Games.
Oh my…well there are several REALLY good options there, but beyond a doubt, I would choose….HUSH HUSH by Becca Fitzpatrick. Not only does the next book come out on the 18th…but it's a REALLY good read. A perfect introduction to the YA genre or a new series for that matter….
Thanks for the chance to win…and good luck on the book whichever one you choose….happy reading!
My vote is for Hunger Games, hands down. It's the best YA book on the block at the moment.
You have great choices there. And in your defense I dont think the Study series was also classified as YA. But I could be wrong.
If you arent totally on board with the YA thing yet I would suggest – Marked (House of Night Book #1) by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast. While it is classified as YA and does have YA aged characters, it is a very adult YA series. Its really close to borderline I think and would be a great bridge set between the 2 groups.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
I vote for Hunger Games, it's one of the only books in the list that I haven't been put off reading so far
hope you enjoy whichever one you pick!
I would say Marked. P.C. Cast is an awesome author.
robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
Many good books on that list but I vote for The Hunger Games although Hush, Hush takes a close second because come on who doesn't love Patch!
If you had asked me about the Study series (which I love, and have recommended even to readers not that into Fantasy), I would never have classified it as YA. The protagonist is an adult, her character development doesn't strike me as coming-of-age, and she interacts pretty much exclusively with other adults. Plus, I've never seen it shelved in the YA section of any bookstores (Maria V Snyder's new series – Inside Out – is).
That being said, I greatly enjoy good genre writing, no matter where it is shelved. For you, I'd suggest starting with City of Bones – then moving on to Hunger Games.
Oh, and avoid Hush, Hush. It's part of a subgenre I mentally label 'Twilight,' complete with creepy-obsessive-unsafe-relationship and spineless-empty-vessel-heroine. If you like Twilight, you'll love it, but it's a terrible first stop on the YA train.
cass at feministdracona dot net
You should read The Hunger Games! I wasn't sure it was something I would enjoy myself, but it turned out to suck me in so fast my head spun! I read The Hunger Games on a Sunday, Catching Fire the next day after work and finished it before bed, and had to suffer for another two weeks until Mockingjay came out. It was absolutely riveting!
I vote for Hush, Hush. I know that's a book I've been dying to read.
I don't read YA. I just don't have time to add another genre now. But, if I was going to start with a book on your list, it would be The Hunger Games, so that gets my vote.
I think you should read A Great and Terrible Beauty. The whole series was really good. I also really enjoyed Libba Bray's other book, Going Bovine.
amandarwest at gmaildotcom
I think you should read The City of Bones, read the first three book in the series and loved it!
To be honest, I don't usually read YA – for the exact same reasons you gave in your post. However, I had the same kind of epiphany when I read Julie Kagawa's Iron Fey books and Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr. I've suddenly gotten much more interested in it thanks to these books. They aren't on your list, and I haven't read any of the ones that are, but I'm voting for The Hunger Games because I've heard that it is just amazing.
You have to read The Hunger Games. It's one of my favourite books. After you start it you won't be able to stop guaranteed.
all these books are great and i love them but i say heather should city of bones first.
They are all excellent reads but start with CITY OF BONES. The series is SO good, you'll be hooked right away. vsloboda(at)gmail(dot)com
Definitely 'The Hunger Games' by Suzanne Collins,
it has much to be raved about, so it's suitable YA review material.
I think it would be
A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray
it's not blogged as much about in the blogosphere .
so people who need reviews on this book would probably read yours.
I'm voting for The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins!
sena.sagani [at]gmail[dot]com
My vote is between Hunger Games and City of Bones. Thanks for the giveaway!
linaramz at yahoo dot com
Lots of great choices but my vote is for The Hunger Games. It is one of my favorite books 🙂
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
Hunger Games is the best from the list. Then City of Bones. Add Paranormalcy to your to read list too.
bkhabel at gmail dot com
She should read the Hunger Games first. Thanks for the giveaway!
Read the Hunger Games first. It's really good.
sgiden at verizon.net
That is a tough choice. I would have to say either The Hunger Games or City of Bones. I would have to say that City of Bones is more of a traditional YA book with more of the "love" theme. The Hunger Games is a dystopia, so the focus really isn't on love or relationships. I used to be like you and refuse to read YA, just assumed it would be too immature. However, now that I have read several in that genre, I realize how wrong I was to discount them. Some of the books in the YA genre are absolutely amazing. I hope you enjoy whatever book you choose! Email in profile or twitter is @liddlshortydemo
I'd go with either "The Hunger Games" or "City of Bones". I found both "Marked" and "Hush, Hush" to be too teen angsty for me. I've heard good things about "A Great and Terrible Beauty" (and loved Libba Bray's "Going Bovine"), but I have not read "Beautiful Darkness".
I do read YA and want to read that series but I didn't realize it was YA either. lol
Of the books you have listed I would start with A Great and Terribly Beauty. I really enjoyed the Gemma Doyle books.
I would steer away from City of Bones – even though lots of people loved it, I just didn't and don't think it is a great intro to YA. (I have heard that the series gets better though).
angela.donner @ gmail.com
I'd go with The Hunger Games. I think it's a great series 🙂
fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com
I vote for The Hunger Games as well!
I vote for City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. I haven't read it yet, but I really want to, it's on my wish list. I haven't read many YA books either, but I don't really care what they're called. If they sound good, I'll read them (except Twilight, that's a big no, LOL).
They are all fantastic choices, Beautiful Darkness in in my top faves though, so that is my vote!
Hey! <3
I'm voting for A Great and Terrible Beauty – Libba Bray is awesome!
Out of your list of 6 books, I've only actually read 1 and 5. Voting for or against the other books would not be an "informed vote". So I could only compare 1 and 5, really. Between the two I would say I like 1 better. You could skip 5 and not miss much.
I have multiple copies of the Study trilogy but only really read Poison Study because I've come across some negative reviews about the other two books. But after reading your accidental YA reader story, I might have to pick up Magic Study for my next read 🙂
Re-posted your contest at: http://contests-freebies.blogspot.com/2010/10/win-10-worth-of-book-from-book.html
Cherry Mischievous
cherrymischif-warrior [at] yahoo [dot] com
What a great list of books I would say Hush Hush I loved it and can't wait to read the next one. Thank you so much for this giveaway and for the chance!
Hunger Games! I finished the series this week & I'm still rolling the plot over & over in my head. : )
ambience.of.rain {at} gmail.com
Marked by P.C. and Krisitn Cast. I recently discovered YA and have heard so much about these books and would love to see you review them
I'm just starting to read YA books. I won one and the other I bought because of the heroine's name, the same as my maiden name.
Hunger Games
Though I would recommend the Vampire Acadamy series
My vote definitely goes to The Hunger Games, with the promise of an amazing read!
I will happily join in the chorus for The Hunger Games.
I have to definitely vote for The Hunger Games first! That one is a must read!
Welcome Heather to the "I'm over 20 but still love YA books" group! Don't be ashamed, it happens to the best of us!
Well, I've already read "Marked", "City of Bones" and "Hush, hush" and my vote goes definitely for "City of Bones"! It's a wonderful book and Cassandra Clare is a great story-teller, you'll love it for sure! =)
@anitablanch (twitter)
Voting for the Hunger Games and/or The City of Bones! I loved both books so I can't decided 😛
I haven't read these books but MARKED has such a beautiful cover and I have heard good things about it.
baychriz at gmail dot com
My vote is for City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. This is the first book that (to my knowledge) Cassandra Clare published therefore the writing is a bit hard to understand at times but I promise she gets much better and trust me when I say you will be soo hooked that you will be fidgeting for the next instalment!
spettolij AT gmail DOT com
My vote is for The Hunger Games!!
I love Hush Hush and CoB but my vote will have to be the Hunger Games. Once you've read it, this will be self-explanatory! 😀
My vote goes to City of Bones, but The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is really really good!
My vote is for A Great and Terrible Beauty
junkforcarmen at gmail dot com
Wow, I didnt know they were YA either. I found them in a different section in my barnes and noble.
Great and Terrible Beauty is a REALLY GOOD BOOK. I actually have the whole series and love it.
House of Night Series is also a good one. I stopped somewhere between numbers 5 and 6. but just because i got occupied by other books. I do however still buy them when they come out, with the intention of reading them! 🙂
Ive never read Beautiful Darkness, Hush Hush or the Hunger Games. But I have heard Really good things about The Hunger Games. I have considered reading it.
Good Luck!!
The only one of those books I've read is Hunger Games. It was GOOOOD! I vote for that one
giveawaymommy at yahoo.com
I think you should go for The Hunger Games. I haven't read any of the books in the series yet, but I have heard tons of good things.
patronus89013 at yahoo dot com
Books and Circuses
Definitely City of Bones!! That's one of my favorite series.
I think they are all very good from the reviews I have read but the one that interests me most is City of Bones by Cassandra Clare.
Thanks for the giveaway and for making it Internationa,
Carol T
buddytho {at} gmail DOT com
You should definetly read Beautiful Darkness
I really liked Marked (House of Night Book #1) but i have heard great things about the hunger games and i have not tread it yet.
OK, I am so tossed. I loved the Hunger Games and Hush, Hush. If I had to pick one, I would say the Hunger Games first.
lizzi0915 at aol dot com
The Hunger Games!
I would have to say the Hunger Games, since that's near the top of my list too.
jlynettes @ hotmail . com
I loved almost every book you mentioned but you should totally read Hunger Games if you haven't read them yet.
judittten at gmail dot com
I would say either The Hunger Games or City of Bones.
Hm.. I would start the Hunger Games first.
You can reach me at luvpinkpanther@gmail.com
I think you should try Hush, Hush first. Just my opinion. 🙂
My vote goes to The Hunger Games or Hush Hush. They're both very good books.
Hunger Games. Not only is it a great YA book, but it's perfect for the addict because the final book's already out.