Format Read: Paperback
Number of pages: 389 pages
Release Date: April 6th, 2010
Publisher: DAW Books
Formats Available: Paperback, eBook, Kindle
Purchasing Info: Goodreads, Author’s Website, Amazon
, Book Depository US, Book Depository UK
Book Blurb:
How can a sexy marketing manager join forces with an Alpha Centauri male in Armani to save the planet-using hairspray, a Mont Blanc pen, and rock n’ roll?
She’s Touched by an Alien
Marketing manager Katherine “Kitty” Katt steps into the middle of what appears to be a domestic dispute turned ugly. And it only gets uglier when the man turns into a winged monster, straight out of a grade-Z horror movie, and goes on a killing spree. Though Kitty should probably run away, she springs into action to take the monster down.
In the middle of the chaos a handsome hunk named Jeff Martini appears, sent by the “agency” to perform crowd control. He’s Kitty’s kind of guy, no matter what planet he’s from. And from now on, for Kitty, things are going to be sexy, dangerous, wild, and out of this world.
My Thoughts:
After hearing so much buzz about Touched by an Alien I just had to read this one. It took me longer than I intended to get a copy but thanks to Stella my wish came true and I could finally dive into this Science Fiction Romance. Touched by an Alien is one of the funniest books ever read. I annoyed the hell out of BF with my constant laughing and giggeling and Caroline had to suffer too because I txted her every time when I couldn’t stop laughing- I’m evil that way. There aren’t many books that made me laugh so much and I bow my head for Ms Koch- she wrote the right humour for me- she’s hilarious and I love her for it.
Our heroine Katherine “Kitty” Katt is an independent woman. She is intelligent, astonishing clever and a bit of a smartass- one who knows what she’s talking about, but a smartass nonetheless. I have no idea why she knows all that stuff but it was refreshing to read about a woman who knows her way around people and who doesn’t shrink away from the big stuff. She is my kind of woman but from time to time she annoyed me a bit.
Jeff Martini stole my heart, no idea why- he is too persistent, a bit annoying and really full of himself- at least on the outside. When we first meet him the only thing he talks about is marrying kitty ASAP or at least having some fun between the sheets. He seems to be pretty presumptuous about this but he does it in a charismatic and charming way. He made me laugh so often and OMG he made me swoon. I really want my own sexy alien in an Armani suit. While the story progresses we get to know him some more and I fell deeply in love. I’m really jealous- me wants Martini.
The romance part of Touched by an Alien is awesomely hot. Yep not surprising with a cast of gorgeous aliens but holy guacamoly I know we really need to find this warehouse where these guys are hiding. Best would be NOW- and I’m not kidding. That’s a must do on my list of things I have to do before I die. The sidecharacters are really likeable- witty, funny and some a bit pissy. Yes most are also gorgeous and made of perfect but I still liked them. This great mix of the supporting cast brings so much more life and vitality to this story.
The book starts with a big bang but on the first few chapters we find ourself in the big explanation. Who are these aliens? Where do they come from? What are they doing here and so on. It was a bit too much from time to time and I was really hoping for more action at some points- and yes I totally got that later on. We jump from the big info round into really fast paced actions scenes with the big guns, huge bangs and explosions and the science fiction fuglies we waited for. I enjoyed the action too but it could all have been a bit more evened out for me- it would have made it perfect if everything would have been a bit more mixed up.
Touched by an Alien is a great start for this new series. The premise Ms Koch created is wonderfully vibrant- her writing is funny and witty. All in all a great start for this very promising series.
I give Touched by an Alien 4 out of 5 bookies.
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About Susi
Susi is a geeky vegetarian from Gemany. She just finished university and now works as a civil engineer in steel construction. Besides her reading addiction she also knits like a maniac while listening to audiobooks. Susi also blogs at the Secret HEA Society.
I love love love this book 😀 Cannot wait for Alien Tango!
@Has Me too! It's nearly time. *g*
Great review. I do enjoy humor where it doesn't seem to belong in books. I'll have to look for this one.
@LSUReader I wish more books would have this kind of wit and fun. I love to laugh while reader.
Yay! So glad you finally read Touched by an Alien Susi and that you loved it! 🙂
Just as you said, besides the hot romance, it was the humour and wit in Gini Koch's writing which captured me immediately.
I So cannot wait for Alien Tango and "see" again martini, Kitty and Christopher and the others!
@Stella Yes I so want Alien Tango too. Me needs a Martini fix. Men that guy is soooo hot.
Awesomely hot is so right! Can't wait for more!
@amberscottproject Yep I agree 100%