Today we’re very happy to welcome J.F. Lewis on Book Lovers Inc. Crossed, the 3rd book in the Void City series, is being released TODAY! He’s here today to tell us a bit more about Greta. In the previous books she wasn’t just a sidecharacter even though she didn’t take that much screentime. Today he will tell us some more about this bloodthirsty little girl and perhaps give us a glimpse of her in Crossed
I don’t know why, but when Caroline, here at Book Lovers, Inc. invited me to drop by and celebrate my book release with a guest spot, I got all gushy and felt the need to ramble on like some sort of twisted version of a proud dad about one of my favorites monsters. You see, one of the scariest lines of dialogue in my first novel
(Staked) came not from the main character
(My Wisecracking Working Class Vampire, Eric Courtney), but from his daughter, Greta
(and she’s a monster!) :
“Don’t worry, Daddy; I’ll kill them for you.”
Eric is faced with the idea of possibly having to kill an entire werewolf pack to resolve an inconvenient case of they-all-want-to-kill-him-itis, but recoils at the thought of possibly killing the cubs, because Eric absolutely won’t hurt children- not even werewolf children. Greta has no such compunctions. Heck, if she’s not careful, she refers to humans as “foods”. And that’s one of the things that make her so much fun to write. In a genre full of vampires who want to play nice or kill other vampires for altruistic reasons, Greta is just frick’n hungry all the time. and unless “Dad” has ordered her specifically not to eat them, anyone might be fair game. She’s glad to spare “Daddy” the pain of killing. perhaps a little too glad.

Although she didn’t make the cover until Crossed (which was officially released today. and if you look closely you’ll notice that’s a pet skull in Greta’s hand), Greta is a character whose role has grown increasingly from book to book, from the moment she showed up in Chapter 19 of STAKED with her always honest commentary about Rachel (“She’s certainly. um, pierced isn’t she?”) to her gleeful approach to combat (“Bad dog!” she admonished. “No biscuit!” Greta caught the werewolf by his muzzle, snapping his jaws shut with a pop and giggling when he whined. “Can I keep him, Dad?”), to her painful (for the other character) encounter with Tabitha, Eric’s vampiric romantic interest in ReVamped:
My (Tabitha’s) fingernails stretched into claws. “Is that a threat?”
“No,” Greta vanished. The floor rose up to hit me in the face, bloodying my nose, bringing tears of blood to my eyes. Her weight was heavy on my back, grinding me into the cold tiles. Fangs touched my neck and my arms bent backward, broken at the elbows. “This is.” She knelt in front of me, head canted at a curious angle. “Hurt my daddy and I’ll kill you.”
Greta’s is a point of view I’ve been dying to let the reader’s see. Don’t get me wrong, Eric is at the heart of the story, but in a very real way, Greta is also at the heart of Eric.

Greta is the one being Eric seems to openly love in a true father/daughter kind of way. Though Eric has referred to himself as “all bull, no china shop”, his scenes with Greta make a liar of him. One of the coolest things about writing
which really really really is out in stores today) was being able to have Greta spend a chapter showing the reader how she first met Eric
(she was nine, though he refused to turn her into a vampire until she turned twenty-one) and why, as result, her actions aren’t actually mindless or crazy. They make a very deadly, funny, and
(okay, sometimes) sad sort of logic. What does being raised by a vampire from age nine to twenty-one do to a person? Well. Greta is one possible outcome. In
CROSSED, everyone finally gets to see what’s been hiding behind those clear blue eyes.
Of course, if you haven’t read
ReVAMPED, you should read those too, but
CROSSED is where Greta finally gets her own bit of the spotlight. And if you want a free sample, you can check out what happened when she and Eric tried to go trick or treating this past Halloween in a blog-jumping free short story. I have a “Table of Contents” with a guide to all the parts on my own blog
What’s your favorite kind of side-character? What makes them the most appealing to you?
Who would you like to get a moment in the spotlight?
And for those who’ve read this series: Are you as excited as we are to finally get a glimpse inside Greta’s head?
For every comment you leave here you’re getting an extra entry for the main giveaway if you entered our Big Blogoversary Giveaway here.
All you have to do is answer one of the questions or leave a meaningful comment about the post.
(You can read our full giveaway policy
Giveaway ends on Friday February 4th and we will announce the winner on Sunday.
About Caro The HEA Lover
Caroline is a HEA loving, yarn addicted French who's desperately hoping to get a HEA of her own. If she's not reading then she can be found knitting while listening to Audiobooks or watching Tv shows. Her secret addiction is reading websites that make fun at other people's expense (DYAC, Failbook)! Caroline also blogs at the Secret HEA Society with Susi.
I have wanted a book for Sarah, Megan Hart's side character, mentioned in Broken, Stranger & Naked. She's unique and honest. I love that character!
GeishasMom73 on twitter
I first read about your characters during the Halloween bash. It made me laugh. I Have Staked in my kindle cue and look forward to starting it. One of my favorite side characters is Ian from Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series. He was a bad guy with a few redeeming qualities. He walks that line. Love it! Frost is writing spin offs from her series that features some of her side characters. Unfortunately Ian isn't going to be one of them 🙁 she says he is not ready to handle a relationship, too immature .
I have not read this sereis, but I am going to add it to my TBR now for sure. In general I like a side kick to be an interesting match with the main character so that they are almost the Yin/Yang for each other.
My favourite kind of side-character is Vlad from Night Huntress, for example. He rivals with the main character – Bones -, but despite it, Cat really like him, because he could be a real friend who she can turn to. And he's so funny xD And I think he could be really passionate, but I can't say it for sure, because the story of him will be released just next year… =)
Never heard of this series, but it sounds delightful!
My favourite kind of side character is the fun crazy side character, one that surprises you from time to time. Characters that aren't flat but have their own distinctive personalities and histories.
Congratulations on your release!
The cover of Crossed is pretty awesome too.
Favourite would be Christian in Vampire Academy series. He's totally cool.
darlyn225 at gmail dot com
I love the funny side characters, like Peabody from JD Robb's Death series. Usually the main character is very dark and somber so having the side character there to lighten things up makes a good contrast 🙂
smaccall @ comcast.net
other than Sarah, I love my side characters to be bad boys and having secrets…that will be the first impression you got and then I can't wait to read their books to see how it works out… I don't have a special character in mind, because there are too many I'm waiting for…
your series is already on my wishlist and it sounds great – I've to read it soon 🙂
greetings, Ina
The Void City series has been on to-read list for a while! I love UF series with male main characters. And Greta sounds really interesting!
I like funny side characters. When the hero/heroine gets all gloomy and agsty, the funny side character can jump in and lighten the mood with some laughs.
drakeLa90 at aol dot com
I agree with Christian from Vampire Academy. He is a side character but he is always there for support and love even when others turn away from him because of what his parents have done.
smccar1 at hotmail dot com
My favorite side character is Levet In the Guardian's of Eternity series by Alexandra
He is a french speaking sarcastic gargoyle and I just love him- how the ment are annoyed with him and the women love him.
Side characters..let me think about this. Oh I always wanted to know Kitty Bennets story 🙂 I just love Pride and P too much.
blodeuedd1 at gmail dot com
I like the side characters with a lighter personality—Peabody in JD Robbs In death Series.
kissinoak at frontier dot com
I *LOVE* this series – and I can't wait for Greta's POV (hurry up Amazon order!)
I agree, Greta adds layers to Eric… layers that he would never have voluntarily exposed if not for his pseudo-daughter. I love it when a secondary character illuminates a primary – pushes them to admit something of themselves just be their mere presence.
And as to getting a putting a new character in the spotlight… Ever since we met Phillip's little display-case toy, Percy, he has me fascinated. I want to meet Percy proper, because that cryptic warning on the tomb has me so very intrigued;
"My dear Percy, who serves as a remembrance to all that I do not bluff, I do not make empty threats, and there are indeed worse fates than death."
For me humor is the most important characteristic in a side kick. Love the drag-queen seal in Cherie Priest's Bloodshot!
robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
I haven't read this series yet, but I've seen it around. And lately I am starting to get curious about and have been looking for reviews. Always up for a new paranormal book!!
The best side characters are those who make you curious about them from the very first moment they're introduced.
Patricia Briggs is very good at creating characters like that.
I was intrigued by Charles from the moment he was introduced in the first Mercy Thompson book. So I was very happy when I found out he got his own series and even more happy when he turned out to be just as cool as I thought he might be. So now I;m hoping she will eventually also give Asil his own book.
Sometimes a side character is what makes the book for me. The side character can add levity to the brooding alpha hero and definitely reveal more about the hero and the heroine through interactions with them.
I enjoy side characters who have great snark and interactions.
I love the covers on these books, they have been fantastic.
I cannot wait to read the latest installment in this series.
terilhack at gmail dot com
These covers are amazing!
How did I miss this series?! I think my local bookstore has been hold out on me from such great looking books! I cannot wait to read them.
kasuranna at yahoo dot com
Wow! Thanks for the great comments!
The best side characters are the unhinged ones…..where they are so damn interesting you really want to know what's going in in their head, but crazy enough that you're afraid to find out.
UF Examples?
Claudine – from the Southern Vampire Mysteries
Asil – from Alpha & Omega
T – from Women of the Otherworld
Lord Akeldama – Parasol Protectorate
cass at feministdracona dot net
I wasn't familiar with your series and I really enjoyed your post. Thanks.
I like side characters that are unique and their own flair to a book, be it humor, strength, geekiness, etc.
I really love the funny snarky side characters. The ones that can lighten the bad times and just make you happy during the good ones. The first I think of is Jim in the Aishling Grey series. He is just a great character.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
I'd love to see some more of Detective Hardin in the Kitty series – she's not given a hige amount of time but I love her determination to make everyone – human and non follow the law!
Mel S
I like the side characters that can be the comic relief. 🙂 They are the ones who can make the series fun and break up the seriousness of it.
And I love the sexy side-kicks. 😉
I think it all depends on the main character on what the sides are that work with them the best. As for naming one… that is a hard one. There really are so many great ones and they are all so different. 🙂
Thank you for this chance. I've been wanting to get into this series. 🙂
MyWorldinwordsandpages {at} gmail {dot} com
I like the side characters who are loyal friends, not the ones who get jealous at the main character's new love.
meredithfl at gmail dot com
My favourite kind of side characters have alighter personality than the main character, like Peabody in JD Robbs In Death books.
I like a side character that adds humor to the story. I'm currently reading the Mackenzie Vampire series by Nina Bangs. The characters Ganymede and Sparkle Stardust are hilarious!
I love side characters, who are funny and make snarky comments. I, also, enjoy animal characters.
my recent favorite Side Character, she would be Celia Foote in The Help. It's just because she is so lucky with her life but she even did not realize it.
She is so innocent.
aleetha.ally at gmail dot com
twitter: @aleetha
Not read this series but Greta does have a distinct personality. Love side characters that add color to the main story.
linze_e at hotmail.com