When Authors Go Mad and Mad AND HULK

Filed in The Smutty Lover Posted on February 11, 2011 @ 3:00 pm 34 comments

This week has heralded another entry (actually make that TWO- I just received breaking news whilst writing this post) for authors behaving badly. In fact we have had to make this a special post because, this would overshadow the general news post and I think that would be a disservice to it because I think after reading this post – it can never be stressed enough. Don’t react this way when you’re an author, a reviewer or a blogger.

Chiclit author, Sylvia Massara blogged about unprofessional reviewers who reviewed one of her books and created a huge backlash. My fellow Book Pusher – MinnChica gives a great summary of this brouhaha here at our blog . However she wrote this before Massara re-edited her post to remove her linking to Book Binge and another reviewer who also reviewed the book critically as well as the 200 comments which referred to her re-editing the post.Nonetheless like all things on the internet it can stay on the internet despite all the scrubbing and deletions and rewriting of past posts. Check here (link to her original post and the 1st 100 comments and finally her CAPSLOCKFESTO) to see why authors must never ever ever respond like this to a review especially if you are suppose to offer advice to authors on how to market yourself. EVER. And deleting and pretending that you never responded that way is disengenous, book bloggers may not be professional and probably not great at writing grocery lists according to this author, but we do remember and we know how to screen cap! Book Binge also gives an awesome reply back and summary of the whole issue at their blog.

And there must be something in the water or air this week because another self pubbed author called Tate Jackson wrote this to sell her book.

“I found out today that I have cervical cancer. My insurance wil pay for all but 2600.00. I have to pay the rest of it in advance before they’ll start the treatment. I have severe rhumitoid arthritis and live on disability. The only way I have to make the money I need for treatment is to sell the book I authored, the Undead Heart, for sell on amazon in hard cover and Kindle and barnes and noble for Nook. My royalties are only 4.83 per bokk sold so I would need to sell 534 book to get the money I need and I don;t have long to do it. The Kindle and nook prices are 6.99 and the amazon hard copy is 18.86. I have a 15 year old son and I don’t want to die. You can find the book detal and how to read a kindle book at http://www.thebloodthirstseries.weebly.com.

The Undead Heart is weitten by Tate Jackson



I have no words to really describe what I feel about this other than my jaw haz dropped and my eyes are like saucers. I think this reaction will probably be mirrored to a lot of readers reading this WTFERY as well. But if you think this is bad – then check out this link which is a comment thread on an amazon review.

There is no real words to say about that other than – This isn’t how you sell and market books, you don’t go on a rage rampage complaining about reviewers and whether they are professional or not and they can’t write grocery lists. Also own up to your mistakes when you don’t get the reaction you naively thought you would have when you attacked the bloggers and then rewrite history and your post to mislead new commentators. There is a thing called print screen and Google cache.
Don’t write an incoherent post, begging for sales and use your health issues and disability to emotionally blackmail your potential readers to buy your book. Also PLEASE don’t say your child will become an orphan as well, it feels like dodgy spam. Don’t complain and brush aside complaints about spelling and grammer mistakes, especially since your begging post and replies to the reviewer is FULL of them. AND PLEASE PLEASE LISTEN TO YOUR FRIEND, WHO SAID IT WONT WORK IN YOUR MINI CAPSLOCKFESTO. She was right!
And for any any future authors who may get Capslockism Insanious – step back, take a breath, have a nice cuppa and some chocolate.

I think 2011 is going to be an epic year for blowouts at the rate its going.

What do you think about authors acting like this? Give us your 2 cents!

About Susi

Susi is a geeky vegetarian from Gemany. She just finished university and now works as a civil engineer in steel construction. Besides her reading addiction she also knits like a maniac while listening to audiobooks. Susi also blogs at the Secret HEA Society.

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  • Erastes February 11, 2011 at 3:07 pm

    I really dislike authors who behave like this–personally I will lock down anything more personal (although that doesn't stop people copying and pasting, I know–but if I have a major whine which isn't often, I don't want the world to see.

    As for begging, it's enough to make me wipe them from my feed. I feel sorry for someone who feels they have to beg for people to buy their books for a medical complaint but I've come across too many scam agents for this to touch me. People who claim to be dying often are not–and this is very hard on people who are seriously ill.

    I've seen authors beg and put donate buttons on their blogs because they can't afford to pay for their kid's medicine and the groceries – and then three weeks later they are rushing off to the Saint and Sinners con or RT con – and there's no mention of paying anyone BACK the money they've given. if you can't afford to pay for groceries, where did hundreds of dollars come from to go to a convention?

    It makes me angry–and incredibly sad.

  • GeishasMom73 February 11, 2011 at 3:08 pm

    I knew about the first author in your post but not the second. Wow there must be something in the water making these women crazy. I can't believe everything that went down this week online. I just shake my head when this stuff happens. I hope they learn from their mistakes and can recover some dignity.

    GeishasMom73 on twitter

  • Holly February 11, 2011 at 3:11 pm

    I have no words for that second author. I really and truly can understand an author selling a book to help raise money to pay for (insert whatever here), but there's a better way to go about it.

    The other fiasco was just an author not knowing when to stop. I'm sure she didn't get the reaction she wanted with her first blog post and comments.

  • Blodeuedd February 11, 2011 at 3:31 pm

    Wow, I had missed the capslock frenzy, she must have deleted it before I saw it. Never seen anything like it.

    It will be a crazy yea for sure

  • BLHmistress February 11, 2011 at 3:32 pm

    I personally was really surprised at the behavior of author one I read the post before it was changed and it was harsh. I admit I am an amateur never claimed I was more than that. I write and read for the love of it and to say we can't write (ok maybe I can't but its still our opinion.)It was very unprofessional I believe whether she thinks it will or not , she just lost a lot of sales and potiental fan as well as bloggers who could have boosted her career.

    As for the second, Not sure what to say about her posts because she made them everywhere. First impression was this real? I hate to be jaded but you see so many scams, spam what not its hard to know whether to take this for face value. If this is true I hope she gets the help she needs but she really needed to go about it a different way.

  • Awesomesauce Book Club February 11, 2011 at 3:33 pm

    Wow, thanks for sharing. I kept hearing about this but never read the post.

    One of my biggest problems with it was when she claimed all romances are predictable..

    Anyways I won't go into it. And I am such an unprofessional reviewer and proud of it.lol.

  • Estella February 11, 2011 at 3:40 pm

    I cannot believe some authors would act this way. I would never buy their book after reading this.

  • Chelsea B. February 11, 2011 at 3:46 pm

    Yeah…. That craps just wrong.

  • heidenkind February 11, 2011 at 3:49 pm

    Oh lordy. The last one is just BAD. Dodgy spam is right!

  • Alisha (MyNeedToRead) February 11, 2011 at 3:57 pm

    Oh, why can't we all just get along??? LOL Man, it's way too sad to see unfortunate behavior like what's detailed in this post. The relationship between readers and authors need not be so antagonistic.

    As a matter of fact, it's beautiful when a reader loves an author's work…but even then, there are still boundaries. It's healthiest to maintain professionalism and class no matter what.

    But that's just my two euro cents.

  • Alisha (MyNeedToRead) February 11, 2011 at 4:00 pm

    Oops! And I forgot to say before…great post. Some things just need to be said. Then we can all go back to our regularly scheduled program with a better understanding of each other.

  • Has February 11, 2011 at 4:41 pm

    I agree that Marrasa didn't think she was going to get that reaction – I think she thought she was preaching to the choir and had a naive idea on how bloggers should be. I.e Post all positive reviews and never the critical ones.

    But the second author – there is nothing you can really say because its that crazy and I am not sure if that is real or not. Although I suspect not, because it does feel spammy and the spelling and grammer mistakes just makes me feel its a scam. And there is much much better ways to market a book and this is definitely not it!

  • BooksforCompany February 11, 2011 at 5:33 pm

    l actually can't believe that is really her. Is it really or some sort of spam? Without sounding terrible, the writing doesn't seem very professional for a writer.
    2011 does look to be a crazy year…

  • Jackie February 11, 2011 at 5:51 pm

    When I read Marrasa's AHA post, I felt enraged. Her actions were unacceptable. I returned again today, and I saw she'd deleted all of the comments in reply to her post (but her post still remains). That almost seems like an act of censorship to me =\
    If she was really as keen to help authors as she claims, it seems like she would have left the comments as an example of how not to treat your readers.

    I'm baffled by the author who is trying to appeal to potential readers' emotions by what seems like a guilt trip (if you don't buy my book, I'm gonna die!) That's one sure way to convince me NOT to buy the book.

    It's so sad that these tactics are being used against bloggers and readers.

  • Emily February 11, 2011 at 6:21 pm

    There was a ton of spam coming out of the book blogs ning last week and I remember seeing the posts from the second individual (although there were others as well.) If anything it made me determined to never buy or read anything by that author. If that's the truth of the situation then it's sad, but if it's not then that's just wrong, and either way it's not something I want to be involved in.

  • Donna February 11, 2011 at 6:23 pm

    Quite frankly I'm disgusted by Massera's reaction to a bad review. Just a touch hypocritical to rant on about the lack of professionalism of a book blogger in a post like that. Name calling? Belittling? Condescending? Calling book bloggers smart asses? Questioning their intelligence and reading level? Her agent and publisher must be going insane right now.

  • Sheree February 11, 2011 at 6:37 pm

    The advice on writing an email in the heat of the moment and then not sending it is applicable here, I think. I n real life, not everyone will like you or your book. Let it go and move on. At least people are reading said books.

    I, for one, never give or expect objective book reviews. The enjoyment of a book is dependent on the reader's mindset and how that reader feels that day and such. What do writers hope for anyway? Dissertations? It's a review, not a book report/graduate thesis. Otherwise, just give copies of books to Oxford dons and professors emeritus of Ivy Leagues or something.

    As for trying to tug on the tear ducts to get a sale or donations, well, it's best to have a friend or someone else to plead your case than to do it yourself.

    I blame the internet. In the olden days, no one knew or cared what an author was really like as a person.

  • Lynossa (Deranged Book Lovers) February 11, 2011 at 7:04 pm

    You know, few weeks ago I post 2-stars review on Amazon and someone tried to ditch my review by spotting my grammatical mistake. While I admit I had those, but some of my positive reviews had more mistakes than that one but of course the negative review was the one that got attacked.
    Review is personal, and it all based on our opinion. Me and my friends from our blog read the same book and all three of us had different opinion. And I've seen the review from Book Bing, what can be more detailed about it? They even quote and explained the reason why.

    About the second author, seeing him go rampage in Amazon, I don't think he's sick at all.

    Funny, people always use Freedom of Speech when they want to express their opinion, but when people disagree with them they went all capsy.

  • Wings February 11, 2011 at 7:34 pm

    First Reaction: Jaw Drop

    Second Reaction: ROFLMFAO

    Third Reaction: I must go read these posts.

    Has, I love you for this WTFery…it just brightened my day


  • Julia Rachel Barrett February 11, 2011 at 8:05 pm

    All I can say is, whoa. Both incidents sort of blow my mind. In the second case – if she's for real – it's pathetic and sad in so many, many ways.

  • Has February 11, 2011 at 9:01 pm

    @ Emily – I didn't hear about the spamming of the blogs about this – OMG that's terrible but so glad this was highlighted now. There will be some who will fall for this and even if its true acting this way is not how you should ever ever sell a book. I really am now suspecting its a sham because a real author would actually try to write a coherant sentence and use freaking spellcheck. This author has probably just wrote a very half assed story.

  • -petit February 11, 2011 at 11:25 pm

    I felt offended as person, not a reviewer. I'm not a experienced reviewer, but when EVERYBODY reads something they will form differents opinions. I hate Twilight and Vampire Diaries, but other people love it! But it's MY opinion!
    And that using your disease as a marketing tool? REALLY? Now, I can say: I saw everything.

  • Emily February 12, 2011 at 2:49 pm

    @Has Seriously! But yeah, for a few days I was getting five and six emails a day about this from the different groups I belong to on the ning since each time the person would post, a notification would get sent out. There was a bunch of other spam at the same time and it all disappeared at once- let the conspiracy theories begin!

    I agree though, even if this situation was totally legit, the writing and wording of the message makes me not want to read the book. Oh well.

  • Deea February 12, 2011 at 3:01 pm

    Seriously, what is wrong with these people?! They don't even deserve the attention. Thanks God the book bloggers community is so great and understanding! And if we should go write grocery lists, then they should go work at the grocery store to provide it to us – because as authors they clearly suck. Hmph!
    (sorry, I just needed to let that out lol)

  • Bianca Sommerland February 12, 2011 at 4:08 pm

    I'm laughing and shaking my head and laughing some more. As an author, reviewer, and avid reader, I can sympathize with both sides. To some extent.

    Then I start to think, 'if this was intentional, give the lady a round of applause'.

    This is called viral marketing. I read an article on using negative feedback just as effectively–or more–than positive. I could be completely off base, but I suspect this author's gotten more hits posting this on her blog than any of us get busting our butts to provide good content. Nothing against readers or writers, that’s just how the world works.

    I’m very curious to see if this will start a trend. Betcha the next author pulling this will go a step further with her/his insults.

    Now I’m off to find ‘the damn review’ and see what all the fuss is about! 😉

  • Casey (The Bookish Type) February 12, 2011 at 8:30 pm

    I received that 2nd author's message from the Book Blogs Ning and was 100% positive that it was spam. The fact that it was an actual author is even worse.

  • Alexandra O'Hurley February 12, 2011 at 9:56 pm

    I was supposed to be doing homework – damn you for your good gossipy entertainment here. I should have popped some popcorn and gotten comfortable.

    Nothing like Grown Adults Behaving Badly. Geesh.

    Funny part is – I was a blogger before I was a published author. So I feel offended and ashamed alllll at the same time.

    And the second author – there is public assistance, community service boards, and a plethora of other organizations to help those in desperate need. There are ways in which you ask for help, and ways you just sound…well…to be nice here…sad.

  • Has February 13, 2011 at 5:22 am

    Just an update- the second author has deleted her amazon comments and I think her page where she was begging for sales. (Although we have screen captions of that too) 😛

  • Celine February 13, 2011 at 1:22 pm

    Thanks for putting these posts on, now people that have missed the original posts know what's going on too.

    As for a reaction to the authors.. It's just so sad. We book bloggers aren't stupid. And we will remember this. I won't be buying any of their books.

  • cheesebk February 14, 2011 at 7:04 am

    wow. I'm kind of shocked.
    I think that Miss Massara gave a very bad example of how to deal with a bad review. I understand that Rowena's review is not something the author will be elated about, but she should have been professional enough to keep her mouth shut.
    Instead, she reacted like a petulant child.
    I'd like to state that I read chiclit occasionally, but that the synopsis would have put me off in any case… cheating is so not something I like to see glorified. And yes, that is my personal opinion. And yes, I'm able to respect other people's opinions, if not always understand them.
    Miss Massara wrote a book about a topic that was bound to be received critically, regardless of the female lead's age and character. It's not surprising that people are not going to universally love a book about cheating. Heck, no book is universally loved and that's a simple fact. You can't please everybody, it's impossible.
    The sad thing is, I think that Miss Massara's sales might even go up now, since bad PR is better than no PR and people might be curious now.

    The second thing you mention, the author who uses her alleged health issues to sell more books: Even if she truly is ill, this is not the way to go about it!

  • iamjenai February 16, 2011 at 6:55 am

    *sigh* thanks for this, i was able to read her original post. i cant believe she wrote that whole … idk i hope she wasnt well that time she wrote it. id like to think there's a reason a big reason for doing that in public. now i'm sure she's going to use pseudonym for her next books.

    i love indie/new authors. a lot of them who approached me for a review they were very very nice. i didnt understand those bloggers who do not want to review books written by them now i see their reason. i read in one of the forums that one author attacked a blogger who wrote a negative review for her book, but the thing is, she attacked the blogger in mentioning bad spelling and wrong grammar in the review! tsk tsk… i hope these authors realize that bloggers help them in selling books and to think we are not getting paid for the reviews and exposure we're giving them.

  • Has February 16, 2011 at 8:18 am

    I think Massara has a naive view about reviewers/bloggers or feels like they should only review books positively because we are seen to be part of the PR element in publishing. But because she is self pubbed like second author – her reaction was definitely over the top and I doubt she would have acted the same way if her books was critiqued professionally as part of process of paid publishing.

    They both took this too personally and that is why they both reacted this way. By the way – Massara has posted a new post on that blog from a motivational speaker about taking a chill pill about opposing views – wished she took that pill when she wrote that post LOL

  • natalie23 February 25, 2011 at 7:47 am

    Don't all book bloggers have a disclaimer that says they give an honest review and weren't paid etc?
    Why go mad over someone giving an honest review, not everyone is going to like a book.
    Very badly done on the authors part.

  • Anonymous March 5, 2011 at 7:57 am

    I've come to this a little later than most. I'm amazed at Massara's not understanding that reviews are by their very nature subjective.

    What startled me was that neither review said that her work was badly written bilge, simply that it didn't appeal to them.

    IMO that one didn't finish the book because her dislike was so strong shouldn't preclude her from reviewing it so long as she was up front about not finishing it & gave her reasons why.

    In my 30-something years of reading countless books there's only 2 that I've intentionally not finished, and one is by one a very well respected australian author. I just got to page 76 and decided for the 1st time in my life thatI didn't have to finish a book. That no matter how interesting the plot & characters were, reading shouldn't feel like wading through wet cement.

    Personally seeing a writer melt down over a review that isn't flattering has the fascination of a train wreck. I don't watch reality TV but I read the meltdowns open mouthed & enthralled.

    by A sewer of fabrics, and reader, not an author.
    PS I don't write grocery lists, I just forage at will.

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