Format Read: eBook provided by the author
Number of pages: 108 pages
Release Date: 27 June 2011
Formats available: eBook
Publisher: Carina Press
Purchasing Info: Goodreads, Author’s Website, Amazon
, Carina Press
Book Blurb:
Once upon a time there was a scheming, lying tart who cared for nothing but her own pleasures and her shoe collection.
Once the peerlessly beautiful Lady Catriona, consort to the king, Cat’s fortunes fall far when her aged husband dies. The king’s wizard turns her into a cat and tries to drown her in the mill pond. Fortunately Cat is a clever survivor and enlists the help of Julian, the miller’s youngest son, in her plan for revenge.She originally sees Julian as a mere pawn for her plans to break her curse, but as they work together Cat comes to know and care for him. Even if the curse can be broken, can a good-hearted man love a woman who has been as vain and selfish as Cat?
My Thoughts:
When I heard about this novella I wasn’t sure if I would enjoy this one but then my fellow Book Lover Stella told me she loved it and so I said: “Why not. Give this one a try.” I have admit my first impression wasn’t as positive as I hoped it would be. I’m not much of fan of books written in a time-appropriate way. It’s just not that comfortable for me too read. for me the sentences always feel un-real and staged. And yes I always shake my head if there is any talk of “the conquering thrust of his staff”. I got used to it pretty fast though and could focus more on the plot itself- which is a very entertaining and unique story.
In Cat’s Tale we meet a rather untypical heroine- Catriona. From the first chapter she seems to be awfully calculating and manipulative. Catriona is selfish and cruel but all this is put in a beautiful packaging of pretty and innocent looking lady. I really wondered how I would ever start to like her. She plots not only her own but also the life of others to reach her own goals. And not even any noble ones. She’s only interested in clothes, shoes and luxury. I usually like the flawed characters but we aren’t shown why she is like this. I didn’t get why she was so selfish and self-absorbed so I never really found away to feel for her.
Julian is the gorgeous third born of the late miller with an unbelievable innocence in his eyes. He loves to read and absorbs knowledge. Julian adores the written word and what it conveys. He also is one of those too-nice-for-the-world characters. He believes in the good side in everyone and that didn’t make his life easier. It broke my heart to see how easily the cat Catriona could convince him of her plan of deception and power. I would have loved to see him fight more for his ideas. But I loved to see how he showed her what life is and what she missed in life. He made her see how much more there is than luxury, station and constant appraisal.
I really liked that for once not the woman wasn’t the innocent part in this relationship. Cat is satirical and, at least for me, not very likeable. She lies and cheats and is a really stark contrast to our nice and lovely Julian.
Again I for my part didn’t understand why he saw her as a friend even after he saw what kind of person she is- how she lied and cheated. Perhaps I’m too unforgiving.
The story itself was cute and had a good pace. I read this novella in one evening and it still was really entertaining even though I didn’t like the heroine. I loved the way Sharpe twisted this fairy tale to make it into something new.
Cat’s Tale is not only a new interpretation of The Puss in Boots- it also shows that not all heroines have to be nice and likeable to make a story work. This novella will draw you into a fairy tale setting with an inconvential take on the Once upon a time story line. Be prepared to be surprised.
I give Cat’s Tale- A Fairy Tale Retold 3 1/2 out of 5 bookies.
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About Susi
Susi is a geeky vegetarian from Gemany. She just finished university and now works as a civil engineer in steel construction. Besides her reading addiction she also knits like a maniac while listening to audiobooks. Susi also blogs at the Secret HEA Society.
Awww, I love cats 😀 So I would read it for that and I hope she and the Miller's son become happy
@Blodeuedd Yes happy happy HEA.
Hmmm…this isn't sounding anywhere near the expectations I had for it after reading Bettie Sharp's Ember. Which was freaking awesome.
cass at feministdracona dot net
@draconismoi I haven't read her other books so I can't compare them. But it seems that Stella really liked this one. Could be that it is just me. 😉
Susi —
You ought to try Ember. You can get it for free from her website, I think.
@draconismoi: I LOVED Cat's Tale, so if you loved Embers I think you should give it a try. Fantastic combination of realistic heroine yet magical story 😀
@Nadia @Stella I will, I will!
this sounds really good to me, i love fairy tale retellings!
excellent review hun!
I absolutely love the cover…sooo pretty.
Julian sounds perfect…just like what I want my Julian to be hehe (thats my favourite boys name…he will be handsome and charming and oh-so-kind)
Cat sounds a bit like my kitty…selfabsorbed and calculating but comes through in the end for you…
will definitely give this one a go 😀
I'm sorry you didn't like Cat. Thanks for reviewing. 🙂
@Carrie Hope you will enjoy it.
@Amanda Thanks sweety. And Julian was just awesome and I agree that name is yum.
@Bettie Anytime! =)