Welcome to the second in a series of posts in which us Booklovers are giving readers a peek at the bookshelves in our home. Our Quirky Lover (Jackie)
kicked things off a couple of weeks ago and I was in awe of how tidy and organized her beautiful shelves were – I want another bookshelf!! LOL
I did dust (an event) and reorganize my shelves for these pictures, otherwise I would have been too embarrassed to show them.
This is my big shelf in the downstairs family room. I have the majority my keepers stored on this one. On the right is a small picture of the entire book case and on the left are the shelves up close (forgive my poor photography skills – yikes).
There is also a smaller bookcase downstairs that has cookbooks and other old faves mixed in. It is also a “Dog Shelf”. The bottom two shelves are reserved for a mix of books old and newer and reference.

Upstairs I have a stack of TBR that is hanging on the end of my china cabinet of all places. o.O Don’t ask..
Now to my son’s room that I use as an office since he is home rarely these days. First up Tori! 😀
I am sleeping under my cozy blanket so DON’T. BUG. ME….
MOM!!! You Suck!! Grumble, Grumble…
This is the TBR on the floor pile… o.O
TBR on the wall shelves… Yes, it is scary!
The TBR shelf with keepers including #DemonDuckies & a #SEALDuckie.. 😀
Oh, and you can see a little of my German Shepherd Aimee laying in front of said bookcase.
Top two shelves: TBR These shelves are two rows deep with books..
The Keeper and Duck shelf!
Lower shelf filled with this and that… I have extras here for future Giveaways… 🙂
Then there is the e-book library but we won’t talk about that. lol
So that’s my *cough* mess…um books. I’m not only a book glommer I’m a SERIES glommer in that I have whole series of books in the TBR taunting me.
Yes, I need therapy. *shaking head*
Thanks everyone and have a great weekend. I have 4 days off starting tomorrow! WOOT.. 🙂
About Lea
Lea is an animal loving, tree hugging vegetarian who lives in Toronto, Canada with her family, which includes three dogs. She is a prolific reader and has been blogging and reviewing since 2008. Lea is a contributor at the USA Today HEA Blog and an active member at Goodreads.
I think your shelves look pretty neat, Lea! What we need to do next is random updates of the pics when things are way more chaotic, lol. Mine are getting bad again 😛
I want a devil ducky! They are too cute. Do they float in the tub?
I am so so so jealous of your book shelves!! My OH banned me from buying anymore books when we moved house and bought me a Kindle which I love but I still want to fill my house with shelves and shelves of books!
x x x
I get the series thing! You hear that it's awesome… and then well the next book is on sale, and you might really like it so then I should get the next book too because if I like the book then by the time I want it, I may have to pay more… and I might not want to wait super long to get the next book… and suddenly the house is just books and you're not even sure under which pile the significant other has been stowed
LOL Jackie – I've never tried to float them in the tub! I'm too worried about something happening to them!
I just LOVE them! LOL
Thanks KellyMummy!
Yeah, I know what you mean. My husband looks at the shelves sometimes and just rolls his eyes. lol But he doesn't say anything because he has a very expensive hobby that he loves so he would never open that can of worms. LOL
Hey Sniffly Kitty!
I know! I have this thing about the series that if I don't get the book when it comes out I may miss out and it won't be available when I want it. So they keep piling up. Twitter is SO bad because I see folks talking about all these books and next thing I know they are on my shelf.. LOL *rolling eyes* It's getting really scary though!
I agree about the series, when I hear about one and I have the opportunity to buy them I get them so I can read them back to back and just immerse myself in that world.I see you have a few Lora Leigh's to read, she is one of my favorites. I am jealous about the shelves. yours are so neat. I have one small bookcase and the rest of my books are scattered about the house in bags so the hubby can't see the actual amount of books around. I know I have an addiction but I think its an awesome addiction.
I ADORE your devil duckies!! I just got given my first ever rubber duck (he's purple with white stars all over) and I think I now have a new obession! 🙂
I collect whole series to read as well…have so many that stare at me, trying to make big eyes so I'll read them…I can't the guilt forever! 🙂
Hi Lea!
Looks great, lol, I wish I all room for all those great bookshelves. *shakes head* I'm a sad person, I have bookshelf envy. *head desk*
I have so many books, I've had to hide them, but I have found a good use for my recyclable bags… they are now holding books too!
Tori looks so GREAT!! She looks all healed up and doing good! And sweet Aimee, we need a good picture of her, she sounds like a sweetheart too!
Have a great mini vacay Lea!
Dottie 🙂
I Want Your Book Shelves! (And your books!) It all looks grand, especially reader buddy Tori.
I love to stare at other ppl's shelves. Love it so much. And ohhh the duckies are awesome.
So many great read ahead of you. (see, you just have to see the positive side.)
They look very neat and organized!! 🙂
I'm glad it's not really possible to photograph ebook TBRs. 🙂
Hi Tanya!
Yes, I'm right there with you standing re the book addiction. The thing is there are more on the way! But hey! At least I'm in good company.. lol
Thanks for your comment!
Hi Mel!
Thank you! I LOVE the ducks!! I waited a long time for the demon duckies and just adore them. A new addiction I think. LOL! I'm glad to see so many series Glommers here!
Thanks for your comment!
Bookshelf envy? LOL You should have seen them before I cleaned and organized! It was totally disorganized but it was fun to go through some of the old ones because they all have a story you know.
Thanks Dottie – Tori is doing well *knock on wood* She is such a little cutie.. *g*
Hi LSU Reader:
Thank you, and yes Tori is definitely my reading buddy. She is my heart and I'm just stupid about her but that's okay. lol
Thanks for your comment!
It is fun peeking at ppl's shelves isn't it. I love seeing what everyone considers keepers and how large their TBR is.. lol
Thanks Susi!!
*waving* Thanks for stopping by!! I worked hard on the organization thing lol.. It was a big task.
And Ditto about photographing e-book TBR's! Yikes…
Thanks again Chris.. 😉
I wish I had a few of those demon duckies from Larissa.
More organized than my shelves!
awwwwwwwwwww poor doggy was sleeping!
Wow I feel better knowing you have so many TBR piles of books *g* I was a bit scared of my turn coming up because it's scary too LOL .
But your shelves are way more organizer than mine! =P
That is what I call beautiful crazy. Every book displayed in all its glory, the organized shelves to the random piles on the floor. It really says something about a person, well more accurately a book lover who prides in their collection, whether big or small. I can't say my collection is at that point yet, however it is growing at an atrocious rate that I am proud of 🙂