This week it’s my turn to give you a glimpse at my shelves so welcome to Casa Susi. Be prepared, it will be a bumpy ride. *g* I moved into my appartment 3 years ago and because bf and me are both huge book addicts we decided to seperate our books for the time we live here. *head hangs in shame* The thing is that we have so many books and we didn’t think they would fit in and even if they would we wouldn’t have been able to buy new ones. So we had to choose which books we need in the new apartment and well that was a tough choice. The rest is in boxes in the in-law’s attic. *sad face*

So these 2 shelves on the top right are the ones I had to take along. (you can click on all the pics to see a bigger version).
The first one has my
Walter Moers books- I so adore his work. He is just brilliant and so much fun.
The second shelf has my
Sergej Lukyanenko books- one of the best scifi and uf authors out there.
Then we have the kinda random shelf. It has the Potters (and yes we have one book twice- don’t ask, it was me getting impatient) and well yes Twilight. Below that I mostly stored refderence books, classics and essentials I just need to have around. And some kids books to bring the love of books to my friends kids. =P
At the top you can see my new addiction- knitting yarn. I’m sure that in between buying books and yarn there won’t be much left to buy food from. LOL But well, we all need our priorities. *wink*

After we moved in the happy book-buying resumed and after a year I need new shelf space so we bought 2 new shelves. Look at the pretties in red on the right. On top you can see my awesome companion cube knitted by the one and only Caroline for me. See, she is awesome that way. Since I bought these 2 I already had to add some more shelf-boards. I have a little sorting OCD but I’m sure many book lovers know that problem. So I sort my books by genre and author and sometimes size.
I also have a little, as we say here in Germany, Klimbim addiction. All those silly things that actually steal space on the shelves but I just can’t put them away. LOL
But let’s take a closer look at some shelves.
First we have my favorite author shelf. Noticed the Megan Hart books? Well some are lent to a friend right now but I treasure those pretties rather fierce.
And that is partly my TBR. IT starts right after the Maneki Neko and wents on down. I noticed that mine seems to be rather small in when I look at some others but well for my taste it’s already more than enough. And I really hope bf won’t look at this post cuz he isn’t aware of that. *blush*
After those 2 new shelves were full I got a new third one- a little smaller but I didn’t have room for aother big one so I had to accept that. On top you can see my beautiful ARC copy of Changing the Game. It’s huge and pretty so it got a little special place.
After that we have my YA shelf, some other Hardcovers and trades that didn’t fit in the other shelves. Under that I have my contemporary shelf which is in dire need of more space. It seems I developed a little addiction to those in the last few months. Below that we have a few fantasy books- makes me realize I should try to catch up on my Trudi Canavan reading.
And well about that YA shelf- to be completely honest I should count most of that to my TBR pile. LOL Haven’t read the books in middle yet.

And here a little extra: as I told you at the start my bf is also a book lover so here a short peek at his shelves.
On the first one he mostly has his Raymond E. Feist books. He is obsessed with those and the only thing he seems to love more are his Terry Pratchett books- to be seen on the picture below. We are slowly aquirring his backlist but as it is enormous it will take some time. In the last shelf you can see some of his fiction collection and the classics. And well it seems bf needs a new shelf cuz he started stacking them in the middle.
So that is my little shelf porn for you.
I’m also over at Romance At Random today talking about Top 5 list of romance novel tropes I wouldn’t like to experience first hand.
About Susi
Susi is a geeky vegetarian from Gemany. She just finished university and now works as a civil engineer in steel construction. Besides her reading addiction she also knits like a maniac while listening to audiobooks. Susi also blogs at the Secret HEA Society.
Susi–These shelves seem to go on and on…always a good thing for book shelves. I share the horror of having books boxed up and stored due to lack of space. Maybe someday we'll both get our books shelved where they belong!
Wow! I'm impressed. Looks like my house, my son's room, my grandmother's house, my parents' house…book lovers all!
Just look at all those pretty books and shelves, love it 🙂
Most of my books are in boxes in the attic—no room for bookshelves.
@LSUReader Yes they do. SO actually bf and me already decided we need a library in our future house- one room of bookheaven. *g*
@Julia I even love your family. *hug*
@Blodeuedd Thank sweety!
@Estella Damn, such a shame. I feel your pain.
Hey Susi!
Love your well organized bookcases. Great post! You have so many awesome reads there and a number of my fav's as well. Megan Hart's books hold a special place on my shelf as well.
Thank you so much for sharing with us. 😉
I had my books stored in boxes for ages and it was nice to get them out at last. Your shelves do look incredibly neat and it's nice that you can see all the titles. I love the red 🙂