Please welcome here at Book Lovers Inc today author Saewod Tice. Today she will tall us about her latest release, Amongst the Ruins. She will take us on a journey into the future to give us an short glimpse into what her book is like. Please give her a warm welcome and don’t miss your chance tow in your own copy of Amongst the Ruins.
Join me, Saewod Tice, in the year 2220, ‘Amongst the Ruins’ of Earth.
Nuclear warfare, or atomic warfare, is a military conflict or political strategy in which nuclear weaponry is detonated on an opponent.

The powers that be in 2018 declare a war resulting in the Global Nuclear Destruction of 2020.
After 200 years, in the 2220, only 15% of the population has survived and found the means to thrive after the disaster.

Through years of genetic diseases and mutations, devastation, and survival, industry and military capacities have been virtually destructed and social systems have fallen. With the collapse of modern society, the population has regressed into clans.
The largest of the clans, allowing them the leverage to be one of the most powerful forces.
The most tactical clan, training the best soldiers a clan could ask for.
A power hungry society, wishing to rule all.
Dedicated to archiving histories, redeveloping lost technologies, and desiring to remain at peace with all clans.
The southernmost clan ruled by a woman, a mother. This matriarch society is peaceful, but strongly defended by guardians and regal Vigils.
Angry and violent clan, shunned for the physical and psychological effects of the nuclear radiation. Respectful of no clan’s law, they pillage and take what they desire.
Each clan was once a safe haven from the radiation and the lingering effects that still haunted the once strong steel cities. These clans provided support and assistance to those survivors. However, as the years passed by many primal desires and behaviors resurface. Desire for power and authority over the others, the clans entered a civil war with the belief that their ideas were the best approach to rebuilding civilization.
During this current year 2220, the main clans have established themselves and surrounded their territory with their beliefs. Treaty terms have been put into place between the largest of the clans: Alchemy, Magnus, Mehdia, and Aeon. Their goal to halt the wars and prevent further loss of life, the population already too weak.
With a decrease in population clans have had to share their gene pool. The mixing has slowly diversified the cultures and appearances of the survivor’s descendants. Dominate traits, brown hair and eyes, have become the masses.
While living by the treaty, Nodus has refused to officiate the terms. The only union they desire is under their rule, not a unified group. And the Nigredo would rather slaughter those who have condemned them.
Amongst the ruin of Earth, children are a rare treasure. Born as the future saviors, each live birth is cause for rejoicing. Women are worth more than gold to most, with their ability to bring life back. However, this high pedestal comes with a price. The price of sacrifice, fear, loss, and consequence are nothing new to women. The transgression of society has set a place for them – a place kept by men.
Welcome to the year 2220.
Which clan do you swear loyalty and fight for?
Amongst the Ruins, book 1 in The Chronicles of 2020 series, explores this world through the life of one girl- an unusual girl.Raised on the run and in hiding, Shilo wants to be free of the expectations of women. But in a ruined world where anyone could be an enemy, only the radiation-twisted mutants are clearly identifiable. A fertile female is a precious treasure, and any lapse in caution can mean a loss of the freedom she longs for.
Training as hard as a soldier would, in order to free herself from social constraints, she finds herself faced with an offer from a new clan–an offer that provides her with what she desires. But her recently found independence brings discovery, and discovery brings two very different men from her past—and each of them is determined to claim her.
One is obsessed with owning her, the other desires her as the only person who can make him love again.
You can find Amongst the Ruins at:
Places to find Seawod:
Seawod has generously offered one ebook copy of Amongst the Ruins for one lucky commenter.
All you have to do is answer one of Seawod’s questions or leave a meaningful comment about the interview!
Which clan do you swear loyalty and fight for?
Which is your all time favorite apocalyptic read?
(You can read our full giveaway policy here)
Please leave us a way to contact you.
(Email in blogger profile or twitter name – no way to contact you – no entry).
This giveaway is open worldwide!
Giveaway ends on Saturday, October 29 and we will announce the winner on Sunday.
Good luck!
About Susi
Susi is a geeky vegetarian from Gemany. She just finished university and now works as a civil engineer in steel construction. Besides her reading addiction she also knits like a maniac while listening to audiobooks. Susi also blogs at the Secret HEA Society.
i like the Aeon clan, because it is interested in peace, history and technology – a good combination for the future.
witchvela at web dot de
Aeon for me as well!
as for post-apocalyptic read: I can't chose between the Dark Age Dawning trilogy and Enclave. Both are awesome!
Magnus sounds like my kind of clan- 'cause I'm hardcore like that:)
Or maybe even Mehdia- for the feminist in me.
Thanks for the giveaway:)
I loved The Stand by Stephen King. Please enter me in contest. I would love to read this book.
I would choose Mehdia as I assume that here, at least, a woman would have more freedom.
I would choose Mehdia, and train to be one of their guardians or vigils. Men are the downfall of current society, so women in power is a good thing. But meditation is not for me …
The cover for this book is stunning. It caught my eye right away. I'm going to choose the Aeon clan. I like that it is proactive in getting things done and yet still wanting to keep the peace.
I love, love, love The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I love it so much, I buy copies to give to my kid's teachers!