Today, we’re heading to San Francisco, California, but our route is a little different this time. We’re not only travelling the virtual distance to this lovely city, we’re also moving through time. Cool right?
I have to thank the awesome Stella for this idea. It was she who pointed me to When the Walls Fell by Monique Martin. From the Goodreads summary, this novel takes place during the time of the great earthquake that devastated the city. In searching for images of the time, there are many, but all show a dire state of the devastation. Rather than do an entire post of emotion inspiring pics, I decide we’d take a look at San Francisco through the years. So, put on your best time travelling outfit and let’s check it out:
San Francisco has always been at the top of my more achievable tour stops. I love the idea of the bridges and the bays. There is something romantic about it in general (unless you’re watching Pacific Heights.) Have any of you been to San Fran? I’d love to hear
I'm from San Jose, which is about 45 minutes south of San Fransico. I've been to the city a few times and the best view of it is from Treasure Island at night when the weather is clear. All the lights make it look so pretty.
What a terrific post you made of it Jackie! Thank you, I loved making this short time travel with you, you found some amazing photos!
What a fun feature! I'm so glad When the Wall Fell helped inspire it. San Francisco is such an amazing city. I would have loved to have seen it at the turn of the century. I think the thing that amazed me the most during my research was how quickly the city was rebuilt after the earthquake. What a never-say-die bunch of people!
Love the photos. Thanks so much for the journey through time. Wonderful!
I lived in SF for a year……and it was glorious. Someday I'll get back there…..
I've only been to San Francisco once, but it's one of my favorite cities. It's so beautiful and very diverse. The food and sights are amazing.
I'm lucky enough to have lived in SF for 6 years. Currently, I live just across the bay in Oakland. I adore this area. I've traveled all over the world, but this really is one of the most beautiful places in the world. Come visit some time – you'll love it.
I would love to read this book just for me to have a deep knowledge about San Francisco.
Typing this very comment from an apartment in the SoMa district of San Fran. I freaking love this city. Fog, wind, rain, and all.
ps. *whispers* Everyone inetrested in the novel which inspired this post When the Wall Fell, you should know that its author MOnique Martin will stop by BLI on Wednesday,a nd you will have a chance to win a copy of the book. Just saying
Driving and parking in San Francisco make me glad I learned how to drive in Boston and New York City. I have lived in the San Francisco Bay Area for 10+ years and dread driving into the city, especially in the Castro on Saturday nights. Now, there are days in which the city looks absolutely glorious, but I try to give myself a lot of time whenever I have to go there.
Generally, I prefer cities to the south (Menlo Park, Palo Alto, and Mountain View) or the natural beauty out west (the various beaches, past the dairy farms).
Born and raised in the SF Bay area! I was just in SF last Saturday, at the Fort Mason Center, at the Celebration of Craftswoman Festival.
The Golden Gate Bridge celebrated its 75th anniversary Saturday as well.
I have to say, the view is much nicer now that the downtown freeway is gone!
Lovely blog, thank you.