Welcome to the third day of Book Lovers Inc Advent Calendar. Each day we will offer you one great read in a giveaway on all 24 days till Christmas.
Today you will have the chance to win a copy of Touch of Frost, this first novel in Jennifer’s Estep new Mythos Academy series. Moe than one Book Lover nominated this book so you really should miss out on it. It gave me my interest in YA novels back- not an easy goal to achieve.
Purchasing Info: Goodreads, Amazon
, Book Depository (US), Book Depository (UK), Author’s website
Book Blurb:
My name is Gwen Frost, and I go to Mythos Academy — a school of myths, magic and warrior whiz kids, where even the lowliest geek knows how to chop off somebody’s head with a sword and Logan Quinn, the hottest Spartan guy in school, also happens to be the deadliest.
But lately, things have been weird, even for Mythos. First, mean girl Jasmine Ashton was murdered in the Library of Antiquities. Then, someone stole the Bowl of Tears, a magical artifact that can be used to bring about the second Chaos War. You know, death, destruction and lots of other bad, bad things. Freaky stuff like this goes on all the time at Mythos, but I’m determined to find out who killed Jasmine and why—especially since I should have been the one who died. . .
The Review:
Touch of Frost is the debut YA book by UF author Jennifer Estep and for me it felt like I was reading a Xena meets Veronica Mars meets the Vampire Academy books, and I loved it! The opening scenes with Gwen sussing and hunting on a case of a stolen bracelet. I loved that introduction and how cool and determined Gwen was and how she utilised her gift and I knew from that point that this was going to be a cool character, because she was an engaging narrator from the get go. Read the rest of the review.
Thanks to Kensington we have a copy of Touch of Frost for one lucky commenter!
All you have to do is tell us what you favorite holiday decoration is (mine is a Rudolph ornament my mom always puts in the middle of her sitting room).
(You can read our full giveaway policy here)
Please leave us a way to contact you.
(Email in blogger profile or twitter name – no way to contact you – no entry).
This giveaway is open to everyone!
Giveaway ends on Saturday, December 17th, 2011 and we will announce the winner on Sunday.
Good luck!
Lovely give away, I do like her writing. My favourite christmas ornament, mmm. The lovely christmas piece for the salon table. I don’t know if that is strictly a Dutch tradition. Some green stuff, where you can stick some pine twigs in, some other green leaved winter green, a candle, some lovely little christmas balls and other ornaments. Perhaps some pine apples on a pin, spray painted silver or gold. You can make it as large or as small as you like. And on Christmas Eve, you are finally allowed to light that candle 😉
I would love to win Touch of Frost!
Almost any kind of penguin type decoration is my favorite. I love penguins. Although, I did just get a Jack Skellington (The Nightmare Before Christmast) ornament last year. So, that might be my actual favorite right now.
Happy Holidays!
Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite holiday decoration is the Christmas village my Grandmother made me. Each building has a music box inside that plays a different Christmas Carole.
Thank you so much!
My favorite holiday decoration,would be the stockings hung by the fireplace <3 I love them ! and Thank you for the giveaway 🙂
Mine is the mobile where you light the candles on the base and the heat makes the angels spin around.
Like this: http://c.shld.net/rpx/i/s/pi/mp/5667/4962452901p?src=http%3A%2F%2Fd3d71ba2asa5oz.cloudfront.net%2F22001048%2Fimages%2Fdksah2298.jpg&d=12b25158a2a828f6319558b42fd43bd56309f64f
I’ve got this small fake Christmas tree which I bought in New York many years ago when I was on vacation there. It’s been the first time for me to spend Christmas aboard and the wee tree (which I got along with some cute little ornaments from Hallmarks) made my hotel room a lot more festive! Now I still put the small tree up every year, along side the big one, of course.
>for me it felt like I was reading a Xena meets Veronica Mars meets the Vampire Academy books<
This sounds kinda awesome!
Favourite holiday decoration? Hmm – we still have some really old christmas ball ornaments from my grandma, which we hang up every year & I'm very much in love with them. Definitely a must.
hrududu AT hotmail DE
My favorite holiday decoration is a totally wiped out Santa, he’s resting in the chair with an empty gift sack, all tired from delivering the toys. Everyone always loves him too – I have him on my desk at work with lots of other decorations.
Barbed1951 at aol dot com
My favorite holiday decoration is the little white ornament that I bought a few years ago that has a little picture of a hamster on it that looked just like my Sniffy.
My favorite holiday decoration is a fresh green wreath for the door.
it’s a book i really really want to read so thanks you for this great opportunity.
my favorite decoration: i would say a glass ball ornament, small,delicat and very fragile so my mother nearly never put it ( not when i was too small or when the cat was hyper active)it come from her grand mother so each time i see it in the box when we start the decoration i can remember that even before the decoration could be wonderfully done and that’s part of the family history i guess
again thanks you for this great giveaway international
My favorite Christmas decoration is a Christmas crib – I got it from my Grandpa and it’s selfmade. My grandpa is a carpenter and he thought my sister and me would love to have our own. That was the best present we got that year and I’m always thinking back to that moment when I see the crib.
I’m a huge fan of Jennifer Esteps Elemental Assassin Series and would love to read her YA Series too!
Greetings, Melanie
booksforalleternity at gmail dot com
i like the lights the most. it’s beautiful sitting in the dark with only the lights of the tree on and talking with family or friends. the atmosphere is great ^^
witchvela at web dot de
My favorite decoration is something with glitter on it. My aunt has this “Season’s Greetings” that she put on top of the fridge and it’s so pretty 😀
email: cruz042 at cougars.csusm.edu
This sounds really intriguing!
Ok… My favourite ornament is a glass Christmas bauble with a little tag attached with my name on it. It was a friend’s wedding. They got married on Boxind Day (26th Dec) and as a name place tag all the girls got a little Christmas bauble with their name on it. Then during the speeches she said, the bauble was for us to take home so we could remember their wedding on the years to come. I thought it was so sweet, so I bring it out every year. It’s even more sweet that it was their second marriage for both of them and they are so happy now, years down the line, it’s surreal.
This is a really tough question because I have a LOT of Christmas ornaments! I have the treetop angel my husband and I got when we got married. I have the cheap ornaments we purchased when we were first married and couldn’t afford good ornaments. I have really nice Santa’s that I have slowly collected for the past 20 years. I have started collections for my kids with lots of cool ornaments. I can’t pick just one!
My favorite decoration is my Santa ornament my niece made me when she was little.It is adorable.
Thanks for the giveaway
I would enjoy trying Jennifer Estep’s books.
I’d say my ceramic holiday village is my favorite x-mas decoration. I’ve been dying to read Jennifer Estep’s series. I’ve been following her for a while and the reviews are awesome! TY for the giveaway chance! Cheers!!! sacredmoon1(at)gmail(dot)com
My favorite holiday decoration is the 2 ft Nutcracker my daughter gave me for my collection. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of Touche of Frost.
An ornament that I got in Seattle, WA of a ferry boat is probably my favorite! Or the new Tinkerbell nutcracker that my mom got.
I’d love to win this 😀 Thanks so much & happy holidays!
My favorite holiday decoration is all the lights I love having lights everywhere and I also love my christmas village houses! Thank you very much for the great giveaway I really can’t wait to read this book!
tishajean@ charter.net
We have several angel ornaments that we love to see hanging around 🙂 They are made of clear beads.
My favorite is the Angel who sits on the top of the Christmas Tree. She is just so beautiful.
Mine is Dancing Santa. You push a button and Santa starts to sing and dance, wriggling those sexy hips! :o)
I love an Angel on top of the tree. Please enter me in contest. Tore923@aol.com
That’s a tough one but I have these two glittery reindeer that I love. One is pink and the other is blue. Thanks for the giveaway!
Great giveaway. I love her books.
My favorite are those clingy snowflakes you can put on windows. There are some that are a silver/clear color that really stand out with cool colors when hit with the light.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
My favorite holiday decorations are the old world Christmas ornaments we received as a wedding present. Unfortunately, I have not put them up on my three since with the young one running around. I am hoping next year we will take them out again.
areeths at new dot rr dot com
my favorite ornaments are the ones my kiddos made when they were little.
scrtsbpal at yahoo dot com
I have a carved wooden Nativity scene that I inherited from my Mom. I can remember seeing it near the Christmas tree from when I was young but I don’t know howold it is or where it comes from. I can remember being allowed to play with the various figurines.
It is a great connection to my childhood and I hope to pass it on to my kids.
Thanks very much for the giveaway and please enter me.
Carol T
buddytho {at} gmail DOT com
Thanks for the giveaway! Been looking for a chance to have a copy of this book. 😉
My fav decoration for this season is Santa Claus. He’s like the mascot for Christmas.
My fav decoration is really a toss up between 2 of them… It is between the stuffed Grinch and my tree decoration that is a carousel that turns round! Thank you so much for the giveaway and making it for all of us!!
Oooh I really love tinsel. It’s just so cool and sparkely, and goes with Christmas trees, which are just awesome.
My favorite ornaments are a set of Victorian Christmas boots my mother made for me years ago. Still have them, still love them.
My favorite are the ornaments my kids made when they were little.
I would love to win this book. Big fan of Estep and her Elemental Assassin series! I would have to say my fave ornament are candy canes. Super accessible and you can’t eat them! Ok, lame I know. But there’s also this glass blown ornament that we have that is so fragile I’m afraid of hanging it on the tree!
i love to decorate small lamp light colorful that make that make our home glows 😉
love to win this book, my fave author 😉
My favorite decoration is my Jack Sparrow and Robin Hood decorations for the Christmas three
Whoa….an awesome giveaway…Jeanine Frost is one of my favorite author…
My favorite holiday decoration is flowers. I love flowers, and I’d like to decorating my house with flowers. It comforts me.
Thank u for this giveaway
My favorite christmas decoration is the angel you place on top of the tree.
Thanks 😀
My Favorite ornament is a wiseman angel combination that we got when I was a little girl from one of our aunts. There were originally 6 figures and when both my parents died each of us 3 kids got 2 each. Every year when I bring them out I think of my parents
contestmom AT hotmail DOT com
My fav decoration is the gingerbread man my sister made – we put it outside the front of the house.
My favorite holiday decoration is Danish woven paper basket hearts that one can fill with goodies.