The new year is upon us and we will start it with a bang. The awesome writer duo that is Moira Rogers is hosting a great giveaway for an ereader (spesifics at the end of the post) and all you have to do is leaving comments. How cool is that? It’s all about their new release Hammer Down, book 2 in their Children of the Undying series (you can read my review of book 1, Demon Bait here– great read!). hammer Down will hit the shelves tomorrow (our review will pop up then too). But now on to today’s task. Why am I Team Outcast:
1. The guys are unbelievable hot. Try hot as in scorching like hell- well probably the demon blood. *g*
2. Let’s face it- Magic just rocks and makes your world more mysterious and often so much more handy, too. Who wouldn’t like to actually know if someone is speaking the truth?
3. Did I mention the guys? I have such a soft spot for a good alpha male who can’t keep the growling inside. *fans herself*
5. I do like me some geek guys and the Outcast side has the best hacker ever- Trip. *sigh*
6. With hotter blood comes a hotter temper but also more compassion- I do like that.
7. Did you see the man boobs? *points to cover*
So which is your choice: Team Trucker (Humans with Guns and Tech) or Team Outcast (Half-Demons & Summoners with Magic and hot dudes). Tell us in the comments!
~*~*~Giveaway aka The Disclaimer~*~*~
This post is part of Moira Rogers’s Post-Apocalyptic Trucker vs Outcast Showdown.
A comment on this post will enter you to win your choice of a NOOK Simple Touch, or a Kindle Touch or Kobo Touch with special offers.
For rules, details on more ways to enter or information on how to pick your own side, visit the contest page at Moira Rogers’s website.
I think it will be team outcast for me cos geeks, love them. And I adore hot alpha guys who growl
Of course I am team Outcast, who would not want to live in a world with magic? I really liked Demon Bait, and want to read more about this new world. And well, trucker boyfriends are just away for so much of the time. Give me a hot one at home anytime
Team Outcast, the alpha male is the bonus^^
I would be on team outcast. Hot guys and magic does it for me.
Team Outcast for sure! Let’s face it, the truckers may have trucks but the magic is so cool! And, who’s to say a demon can’t drive a truck or use a gun!?
Team Outcast for me too, but I wouldn’t mind if those demon halfbreeds stole some trucks from the truckers and became Outcast Truckers!
Team Outcast as well, anyone can use a gun… Thanks!
Team trucker. They have to earn it!
I would have to pick Team Outcast for sure.
I’m Team Outcast as well. They are fighters and survivors so I want to root them on.
Team outcast all the way!
Love the hot guys! Team Outcast.
100% Team Trucker
Team Outcast! Moira Rogers books are an automatic buy.
Gotta go with those Outcasts !
Team Trucker, baby!!!
Team Outcast for the win!
Team Outcast!!!!
Team Outcast!
Team Outcast!! =D
TEAM OUTCAST: I can’t go past the magic. Totally my thing!!
If I hadn’t been Team Outcast already reason #1 would have sealed the deal.
Lol! I love it!
Team Outcast!
Team Outcast
Team Outcast. Would love to read this book.
I’m convinced – Team Outcast!!
sallans d at yahoo dot com
Team Outcast. We won’t conform to society’s rules. Fight or die!!
comparing truckers n outcast.. hmm definitely OUTCAST. they’re soooo cooolllll
go Outcast!!
sienny (
Outcast!!!! Yummy guys n magic!
I would pick team Trucker.
Team Trucker!
Team Outcast!
Team Outcast FTW- magic is obviously better
I’m going Team Outcast, who can resist an alpha male with special powers!
I would have to say Team Outcast. Magic and hot guys, works for me!
I am definitely a Team Outcast girl. You had me at hot guys, so…
msmjb65 AT gmail DOT com
Team Outcast! Never could resist a hoot guy with a brain that is passionate and has a great butt! mmmmmm.
team outcast is right for me
I roll with the Truckers…and our Team is gonna roll right over the Outcasts! Humanity will always rule.
Magic will always win over guns…GO TEAM OUTCAST!!
books4me67 at ymail dot com