Though it was only the first week of May where I live it has been so hot and sunny everyone felt like summer had come early this year. With the temperature rising to 27-30 degrees C everyone wanted to enjoy the beautiful weather and spend as much time outdoors as possible. The terraces of the restaurants and the parsk are full at lunch time, and it is funny seeing colleagues start to have a tan just from spending their lunch break out in the fresh air 😀
I just love it when the weather is nice and warm, especially when I’m reading a particularly gripping book that I can take a sandwich and spend my lunch break on a bench in the park reading my lunch hour away. I remember exactly that’s how I devoured Gini Koch’s Touched by an Alien on a sunny park bench at Friday noon about 2 years ago. Let me just say that lunch break flew by quicker than it usually does 😉
How do you spend your lunch breaks in the summer? Do you like to go outside and soak up the sun? Do you read sometimes?
But if you haven’t been as lucky as I have with the weather here are this week’s winners as consolation prize:
Congratulations to
ETA: a lot of winners failed to reply to our e-mails so we had to redraw. New winners have been notified via e-mail as well.
the lucky winner of a West of Want bookmark and the romance trading cards for North of Need and West of Want is:
the lucky winner of the $10 Amazon or B&N Gift Card offered by karen Erickson is:
Stacie Switek Jennifer Bielman
the lucky winners of a copy of If I Fall by Kate Noble are:
Monikarw Evie
Jennifer Joy Gifford
the lucky winner of an ebook copy of Hunting the Shadows by Alexia Reed is:
Susan Saxx as Susan already has a copy, the new winner is Marg
the lucky winner of a copy of Demon’s Bride by Zoe Archer is:
Congratulations winners, you have been notified by e-mail of your win. You have 72 hours to get back to us, or we’ll have to draw a new winner.
Make the most of your Sunday everyone! 😀
Congrats to all the winners!
Congratulations, winners! 🙂