Format read: ebook copy provided by publisher through NetGalley
Release Date: 30 October 2012
Publisher: Harlequin
Number of pages: 320 pages
Formats available: ebook, paperback
Purchasing Info: Goodreads, Amazon, Kindle, Barnes and Noble, Book Depository US, Book Depository UK
Holiday Haven by Vicki Lewis Thompson
All Ben Rhodes wants for Christmas is to be left alone. And yet, in a fit of Christmas-cheer-induced insanity, he agrees to help beautiful shelter director Tansy Dexter find homes for all her rambunctious animals. Little does he know that the one truly in need of a loving home this season is him.
Home for Christmas by Catherine Mann
Information from Ms Mann’s newsletter: For those of you who enjoyed my Wingmen Warrior series, this story features Zach Dawson’s daughter Shelby, all grown up and ready for her own happily ever after with a flyboy!
Shelby Conrad has had more than her fair share of silent nights. But …
Today I would like to introduce you to a historical romance dynamite duo: Connie Mason and Mia Marlowe have once again paired up to write another one of their wonderful and sexy historical romances, Waking up with a Rake, the first book in their brand new Royal Rakes series was released this month, yay! 😀 So I was lucky to get to ask Mia a few questions regarding this new series of theirs as well as how their collaboration works, so read on to learn more about it and you could even win a copy of Waking up with a Rake!
Stella: Hi Mia, welcome back to Book Lovers Inc! Can you please tell us a bit about yourself?
Mia: Hi Stella. Thanks for having me here today. A bit about me… I’m a wife, mother, dog lover, dreamer and always looking for the next story idea. If your readers would …
Hey Everyone!
I hope you have all successfully survived the first week of 2013, it was quite torturous getting back to the office (and getting up so early…) after such a long time spent away due to the holidays 🙁 But thankfully we only had to work 3 days and the weekend is here 😀 With my enthusiasm lately for pies I have received pie beads from my sister, so I’ll have to put them to use and whip up something delicious, any suggestions?
I’ll leave you to enjoy the rest of your Sunday and congrats to the first winners of 2013!!
Congratulations to
the lucky winner of an ebook copy of Taming Her Forbidden Earl by Catherine Hemmerling is:
Christan Chittenden
the lucky winner of an ebook copy of The Billionaire’s Christmas Baby by Victoria James is:
Pam B
the lucky winners of an ebook copy of A Cinderella Christmas Carol by Hope Tarr is:
the lucky …
Format read: ebook copy provided by the author for review
Release Date: 17 October 2012
Series: Book #1 in the Art Crime Team Mystery series
Number of pages: 206 pages
Formats available: ebook, paperback
Purchasing Info: Goodreads, Author’s website, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Smashwords
A shy librarian and a dashing FBI agent must work together to catch a killer and recover a priceless silver treasure in this light and sweetly romantic suspense novel from the New York Times bestselling author of the Do It Yourself Home Renovation mysteries and the Cutthroat Business mysteries.
On the island of roses and ruins, love awaits and danger lurks.
When Annika Holst’s father dies, it’s up to the young librarian to carry out his last will: to take his ashes back to his hometown, medieval Visby on the Swedish island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea.
But no sooner does the plane touch down in …
Hi there, book lovers! I am happy to welcome back to BLI romance author Barbara Wallace, whose previous novel Weekend Agreement you might remember that I loved! Barbara stops by today to answer my questions and tell you about her latest release The Billionaire’s Fair Lady, a modern Cinderella/My Fair Lady romance, doesn’t it sound wonderful? So read on, you could even win a copy! 😉
Stella: Hi Barbara, welcome back to Book Lovers Inc! Can you please tell us a bit about yourself?
Barbara: Not much to tell. I think my characters live far more exciting lives. I live in New England with my romantic hero – my husband of 23 years. We have one son. He’s currently a freshman studying Criminal Justice and Nutrition at the University of Rhode Island (Go Rhody Rams.) He recently also announced he’s signing up for ROTC, and committing himself to a …
Hey Everyone!
By now you all know how much I love the holidays and what a big Christmas-aholic I am, so it may come as a surprise, but I absolutely HATE New Year’s Eve.
Why? Because it irritates me that everyone *must* party and have fun on December 31st and waving goodbye to the year is an excuse for many people to act crazy/irresponsible/dangerous or outright stupid. Why can’t I have fun on Dec 29 if I feel like it? This whole mandatory have fun just grates on my nerves. *grinds teeth*
And sure, fireworks are pretty, but people getting excited and starting their own home explosives 2 days prior to the big day, scaring all cats and dogs in the neighbourhood, which result in loud barking making it quite impossible to enjoy the holidays or sleep for 3 days non-stop makes it much less …
Hey Everyone!
I hope you had wonderful holidays, that you had fun with your loved ones, ate delicious treats and got some terrific presents and great books from your wishlist. So now that tomorrow is New Year’s Eve, this is our last winner post in 2012!
So either you have plans to attend a big party or to spend the evening at home quietly, reading or watching movies; have fun and wishing you a very Happy New Year! 😀
ps. And here are the last winners of 2012:
Congratulations to
the lucky winner of an ebook copy of Ask Her at Christmas by Christi Barth is:
Arely Z
the lucky winner of an ebook copy of Fortune’s Hero by Jenna Bennett is:
Laurie Goudge
the lucky winners of a $10 USD Amazon or B&N gift card is:
Michel Reinhard
the lucky winner of any book from Hailey Edwards’ backlist and an Araneae swag pack is:
the lucky winner of an ebook copy of …
Format read: ebook copy provided by the publisher for review
Release Date: 19 November 2012
Number of pages: 206 pages
Formats available: ebook
Purchasing Info: Goodreads, Author’s website, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Read an excerpt
Jackson Pierce didn’t make his fortune entertaining every half-cocked idea, especially one involving diaper changes. Not even the cute brunette who links him to the baby in her arms can crack his icy heart.
A baby on the doorstep is the least of Hannah Woods’s problems—she has to find the baby’s uncle, or the child will end up in foster care. She sleuths her way to the reclusive CEO’s doorstep only to find six feet of holiday sexy—and a door slammed in her face. But when Jackson comes around and urges they marry for little Emily’s sake, Hannah finds herself falling for the jaded billionaire and wishing for a holiday miracle of their …
Christmas might be over *sniff* but that doesn’t mean we aren’t in the mood for some sweet and/or steamy holiday romances anymore! So as the unofficial Christmas Lover let me tell you about a new holiday anthology released by Entangled Publishing that I had my eyes on, featuring 4 holiday novellas penned by Amy Andrews, Aimee Carson, Kate Hardy and Heidi Rice: Baby, It’s Cold Outside! The lovely Ladies were kind enough to take some time off from all the holiday celebrations and answer a few of my questions, so read on to learn more about their story and how they celebrate the holidays (and there is 2 great giveaways at the end, so don’t forget to enter them)! 😉
Stella: Hi Ladies, welcome to Book Lovers Inc! Since it’s holiday time and you stopped by to tell us about your new holiday anthology, let’s …
Today I am very happy to introduce you to newcomer, Entangled debut author Victoria James, whose first novel The Billionaire’s Christmas Baby released just in time for the holidays, and trust having been lucky enough to read it, I can tell you it is THE perfect holiday story: heart-warming, emotional, but leaving you with a happy sigh at the end (look out for my review which will be posted on BLI later this week)! So as you can see I loved The Billionaire’s Christmas Baby so it was my great pleasure to sit down with Victoria and talk holidays, romances and tortured heroes with her. So join us and you could even win an ebook copy of The Billionaire’s Christmas Baby! 😉
Stella: Hi Victoria, welcome to Book Lovers Inc! Can you please tell us a bit about yourself?
Victoria: Hi Stella, thank you so much for having me! I met my husband …