Today I am very happy to welcome back to Book Lovers Inc. not only Karen Erickson, author of many fabulous romance series, but also Rhett and Gabriella, the hero and heroine of Worth the Challenge, the latest story in the Worth It contemporary romance series about how three dashingly handsome and sexy brothers find love 😉 So please give a warm welcome to Karen, Rhett and Gabriella, read on about their magical trip and tell us about one of yours and you could win the first book in the Worth It series to get started! 😀
(Thanks to the ladies of Book Lovers Inc. for hosting me as their guest today!)
Hey everyone!
Meet Rhett Worth:
Source: Pinterest
And meet Gabriella Durand:
Source: Pinterest
Together, they are the couple from the third book in the Worth It series, Worth the Challenge. And they were …
Today we are happy to welcome to Book Lovers Inc. paranormal romance author Terry Spear, who is on a virtual blog tour celebrating the release of her latest novel, Savage Hunger, the 1st book in her brand new Heart of the Jaguar series! Please give Terry a warm welcome and share yoiur thoughts with us, you could even win a copy of her book!
What Kind of an Impression Did You Make?
by Terry Spear
If you met the man of your dreams, what kind of impression did you first make? What kind of an impression did he make on you?
Was it love at first sight, or did you think: what a loser! Or: no way would I get hooked up with him…he’s too cute, charming, too rich, too out of my league, too whatever?
When we’re writing fiction, we have to come up with ways that our heroine and hero are …
Hey Everyone!
This week has been crazy at work, I was on 3 urgent projects having their deadline all on Friday, so on Friday I pulled a 14 hour long shift and I still haven’t chilled enough to feel psyched about Monday coming up (or is there such a thing as to look forward to the week starting? LOL ;-p) But I still got to do soma baking, this time I whipped up some apple-cinnamon muffins 😀
Today I’ll spend the afternoon with a friend of mine we’ll go shopping, to the cinema and then a dance class, so a busy day.
And what are you doing this weekend?
This week’s winners are:
Congrats to
the lucky winners of an ebook copy of Caged by Amber Lynn Natusch are:
Lana_Vanity 16
Denise Z
the lucky winner of a copy of Justice at Cardwell Ranch by B.J. Daniels is:
the lucky winner of an ebook copy of A …
Today we are happy to welcome to Book Lovers Inc. always smiling Ali McNamara, who has some of the most lovely and feel-good covers (just take a look at them below). 😀 I got to interview Ali for the US release of her romantic comedy novel: From Notting Hill to Love…Actually, so read on to learn more about this story, how different is it to be a British author being published in the US and you could even win a copy of Ali McNamara ‘s novel! 😉
Ali McNamara
Stella: Hi Ali, welcome to Book Lovers Inc! Can you please tell us a bit about yourself?
Ali: I live in a small village near Cambridge, England with my husband, Jim; my two teenage children, Rosie and Tom; and my two labrador dogs, Jake and Oscar! Quite a house full!
I’m an only child, and …
Dragons! Hot nerd boys with swords! Debut author C.J. Redwine is all about bringing the goods to us in her recent YA paranormal release, Defiance. We’re very excited to have her visit BLI today to talk a bit about her new book, including the main characters and their complex world. She also discusses her writing and reading habits, and dishes on future projects. Please welcome C.J., and enjoy!
Stella: Hi C.J. welcome to Book Lovers Inc! Can you please tell us a bit about yourself?
I’m a mom of four (two teens, a pre-teen, and a toddler!) who writes YA fantasy, adores Johnny Depp, and could survive on lemon bars alone.
Stella: Describe a typical day of writing? Are you a planner or pantser?
I’m a plotzer. I know the general shape of the plot (some big moments, a few key scenes, and where I think the book will end), and …
Hey Everyone!
Once again having a busy weekend: I spent yesterday playing with my 3 year old god-daughter and her 1.5 year old little sister, and let me tell you they may be little but they sure have tons of energy! *sighs tiredly* lol 😉 Then today after baking some delicious apple pie I’ll have lunch with my grandma, a bit of shopping with some girl friends and then to the opera in the evening, so lots of places to go 😀
And what are you doing this weekend?
This week’s winners are:
Congrats to
the lucky winner of an ebook copy of The Night Beat by Gini Koch is:
the lucky winner of a $10 USD Amazon or B&N gift card + a CLEAN cover flat by Alex Hughes is:
the lucky winner of an ebook copy of Double Down, Inside Bet or Hold ’em by Katie Porter is:
the lucky winner of an ebook copy …
Hey Everyone!
In honour of today’s guest author (Michele Hauf who is celebrating the release of her latest novel: Forever Werewolf) I thought it was time we talked paranormal romances and more precisely about my favourite paranormal creatures: werewolves!
Though they weren’t the first supernatural species I discovered or read about (those were vampires), when I read Bitten by Kelley Armstrong (I think maybe the 4th paranormal/urban fantasy I’ve come across) it changed everything. It opened my eyes to a new world and Kelley Armstrong’s Women of the Otherworld series became one of my favourite UF series and werewolves my favourite supernatural creatures. I even championed them when Moira Rogers held the epic contest between vamps and wolves.
You want to know why werewolves are dear to my heart? Let me tell you just a few of the reasons:
werewolves are warm …
Today we are happy to welcome to Book Lovers Inc. beloved paranormal romance author Michele Hauf, who stops by to answer all my burning questions regarding, among others, her newest release: Forever Werewolf! So read on to get to know more about Michele and her latest novel and you could even win a copy of Forever Werewolf! 😉
Stella: Hi Michele, can you please tell us a bit about yourself?
Michele: I’ve been writing since the early 90s. I spend a lot of time behind the keyboard but try to get away and exercise when I can. I love to muddle about in my tiny little succulent garden, and dread the oncoming winter because cabin fever sucks. Fortunately my stories do entertain me, so I can pretend I’m walking the streets of a summery Paris, even as the snow blasts my windows just over my shoulder.
Stella: Describe a typical day …
Hey Everyone!
Today we are having a biig family event, the whole extended family will be attending, the occasion to celebrate are many: my grandma’s 87th birthday, my dad’s birthday and my sister’s graduation from college, so you might have guessed what I did yesterday and today morning: preparations for the big family brunch. Besides the basics I was in charge of the desserts, and you know what I chose as the sophisticated dessert for the birthday celebrations? Chocolate mousse with orange liqueur! Well let me tell you, it was exquisite! 😀 *mmm* So now after all the eating maybe it’s time for a nap 😉 I hope your weekend is going great even if you didn’t get to eat such decadent treats.
This week’s winners are:
Congrats to
the lucky winner of a paperback copy of The Sweetest Spell by Suzanne Selfors is:
Stephanie O
the lucky winners of a copy of …
Format read: e-ARC provided by publisher
Release Date: 10 July 2012
Series: Book #2 in the Hearts of the Anemoi series
Number of pages: 222 pages
Publisher: Entangled Publishing
Formats available: ebook
Purchasing Info: Goodreads, Author’s Website, Amazon, Kindle, Barnes and Noble, Read an excerpt
Betrayal is all he’s ever known, but in her, he’ll find a love strong enough to be trusted…
When Marcella Raines’ twin brother dies, she honors his request to be buried at sea, never expecting the violent storm that swamps her boat. Though she’s gravely injured–and still emotionally damaged from her recent divorce–Ella fights to survive.
Zephyros Martius is the Supreme God of the West Wind and Spring, but being the strongest Anemoi hasn’t protected him from betrayal and loss. Worse, he’s sure his brother Eurus is behind it. When Zeph’s heartbreak whips up a storm that shipwrecks a human, his guilt …