Format read: ebook provided by authorRelease Date: 16 August 2011Length: novella Publisher: Decadent PublishingFormats available: ebook, paperbackPurchasing Info: Goodreads, Author’s Website, Amazon, Decadent Publishing
Newlywed Lady Rose’s curiosity is inflamed when a mysterious airship captain shows up extending an honorary invitation for she and her husband, Lord William, to join the Mile High Airship Club. A club she has never heard mention of in polite society. Rose is excited for the trip. It will be her first time aboard an airship. However, Rose is blissfully unaware of the trials she will endure to acquire a membership in this pleasure club!
My Thoughts: I’ll start by saying that I’m almost a steampunk virgin. Before the Mile High Airship Club I’ve only ever read one steampunk novella. So when I heard about Mile High Airship Club I was curious: a steampunk erotica story? Hm, that’s something I haven’t come across before. Never heard …
Today we would like to welcome to Book Lovers Inc. Nishi Serrano whose highly unique (and very steamy!) erotic steampunk novella was released recently (you can read my review here). She is here to tell us more about the unique setting of her novella and how the inspiration struck to combine erotica and steampunk. Please give her a warm welcome!
As a child, the things around you are often the inspirations for who you will be when you grow up—if one ever decides to grow up, that is! Television shows watched (be they black and white or technicolor), books read, environments lived—these will shape you, even if you don’t want them to.
A cloudy day sky on a breezy beach caught my imagination. Appearing like a whale that should have been swimming in the ocean, instead was swimming through the sky. It was a Zeppelin. In the 1970’s blimps and Zeppelins …
Hey Everyone! Today I would like to discuss with you the importance of how a romance novel is titled.
We all know (even if we try not to judge by its cover) how important book covers are. They are the introduction, the first impression of the novel, the one thing which starts to form our opinion of the book long before we even start reading the first page. But isn’t the title of a novel just as important?
Sure, it is less obvious and usually goes hand in hand with the cover, but I’ve seen, and mostly on romance novels some cringe-worthy titles which would probably make me run as fast as I could from said books. You know the ones I’m talking about I’m sure, but here are a few examples:
Billionaire’s Jet-Set Babies
The Surgeon’s Secret Baby
Reclaiming His …
Though it is the last day of our Big 1000 Followers Celebrations, fear not because we have some amazing guests to welcome today. Right away here is the wonderful Carolyn Crane, author of the mindblowingly unique and original Disillusionist trilogy, who is here to share with us her book collection(s)! Yay! So I won’t delay you any longer, please give a warm welcome to Carolyn!
Hi Everybody! Greetings, fellow book lovers!First off, congrats to Book Lovers Inc on the big 1-0-0-0! Woo hoo! You don’t look a day over 943. Okay, since this is all about celebrating books, I thought I’d take you to a tour of my shelves. (Does that sound sort of narcissistic? Like, enough about the Booklovers Inc., let’s talk about MY BOOKS.) But, I have taken all these photos. Please, come to my book lair!!
A. A little Devil Ducky from Larissa Ione that I …
Though the week is almost over we are far from being done with celebrating!
Grand Central Publishing generously offered the chance for three lucky US/CAN resident winners to win an early copy of any of these three much anticipated and coveted new releases. Take a look and tell us which one caught your eye! Don’t run way international peeps, we have something for ya too!
(To be released: 24 October 2011)
Can a pirate learn that the only true treasure lies in a woman’s heart?
Widowed Silence Hollingbrook is impoverished, lovely, and kind–and nine months ago she made a horrible mistake. She went to a river pirate for help in saving her husband and in the process made a bargain that cost her her marriage. That night wounded her so terribly that she hides in the foundling home she helps run with her brother. Except …
Today we are very happy to cede the blog to a fellow and highly esteemed and beloved blogger, please give it all up for the fantastic Sullivan McPig!! *crowd roars, lights flash and amidst the blaring music you see the shadow of someone approaching the stage… yes..yes it is him!! It is Sully! The crowd goes wild, several girls faint in the front rows, rock concerts are tamer than this…* So please everyone take a seat and wecome Sully!
First of all I’d like to congratulate Book Lovers Inc for passing the 1000 followers mark!
I always enjoy your reviews, giveaways and other posts and think it’s not surprising that so many people want to follow this awesome blog.
One of the features I always enjoy is the bookshelf porn and so when I was asked if I wanted to join in the celebrations my choice for a topic for my guest …
Hey Everyone!
Yep, as you can see on Exhibit A to the left (where the cat is bouncing and dancing its feet off) the whole Book Lovers Inc. team is ecstatic and giddy with joy! You want to know why? Well the reason for that is pretty simple: Book Lovers Inc. has passed the 1000 GFC Followers milestone! (actually we are at 1015 right now) YAY! 😀 Thank you all so much for your interest, support and love for the blog and our posts, we love reading your comments! And as this joyous occasion calls for a celebration, so let me tell you… but gather closer it is still a secret… ok so now that you are all here *whispers* there will be a mega big 1000 Followers Giveaway here at BLI! A week long celebration of author, blogger and reader guest posts and giveaways starting as of tomorrow! So …
Format read: eARC provided by authorRelease Date: 30 September 2011Length: 65 pagesPublisher: Decadent PublishingFormats available: ebookPurchasing Info: Goodreads, Author’s Website, Amazon, Decadent Publishing
Callie Davis stumbles upon two of her three male roommates in a surprising, molten-hot midnight tryst and discovers a side of herself she never knew existed. Desire to play with them grips her, and she can’t stop fantasizing about having multiple men, particularly her three long-time best friends.
Callie is thrilled when a guys’ night out gives her the perfect opportunity to recreate her fantasy, with the help of a threesome porn video and a bag of sex toys. That is, until Lucas, Jack and Noah return early and catch her in the act. More than anything, the guys want to make her fantasy come true. But Callie has a secret, and she can’t help wondering if being with all three men will risk …
Today we are happy to welcome to Book Lovers Inc. Laura Kaye who is here to celebrate the release of her steamy and titillating erotic novella Just Gotta Say and tell us a bit more about the story, the characters and even herself! Please give Laura a warm welcome and read on, you can even win a copy of Just Gotta Say for yourself!
Hi Laura, welcome to Book Lovers Inc! Can you please tell us a bit about yourself?Laura: I’d be glad to! But, first, let me say a big thank you for hosting me at your place! I write paranormal, contemporary and erotic romance and have four books releasing in 2011—one of which just released last Friday (Just Gotta Say)! I’m also a wife, mom of two young girls, historian, and Marylander.
Stella: Describe a typical day of writing: are you a planner or pantser?Laura: Oh, total pantser. Usually …
Hey Everyone! Today I would like to discuss with you the Age Factor, i.e. whether the age of the hero and heroine of a romance novel matter.
As a woman in my mid-twenties I guess I am lucky that most romance novels feature heroines around my age, and it sure makes it easier to relate to them.
I admit that in the past when I read the heroine was in her fifties and had children and was divorced/widowed I skipped that story because I believed my enjoyment of the novel would be hindered as I had nothing in common with such a heroine since she was my mother’s age and mostly had the problems/issues women being at that place of their life have (grown up children, married to her husband of many years, etc.).
But I’m not discriminating only against the older heroines, I’m quite reluctant to read about younger heroines …