Devoured by Darkness
Format Read: Paperback purchased by reviewer
Length: 352 Pages
Series: Guardians of Eternity Book 7
Release Date: November 2, 2010
Publisher: Zebra Paranormal Romance
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Formats Available: Mass Market Paperback, Kindle, Nook, eBook
Purchasing Info: Author’s Website, Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes & Nobel, Book Depository, Chapters, Powells, Kindle, Nook, All Romance eBooks
Book Blurb:
Tane is a Charon, sworn to hunt and kill rogue vampires. His new assignment seems like a waste of his talents…until he catches up with the Jinn he’s been sent to capture. Half human, half demon, Laylah has a vulnerable streak that strikes right through to Tane’s cold heart. He should be furious when she uses her powers to bind them together, preventing him from dragging her before the Commission. Instead he welcomes any reason to stay close enough to touch, to taste, to seduce…
Laylah …
It’s our great pleasure to welcome New York Times Bestselling Author to BLI today! Alexandra is here to celebrate the release of her latest novel Bound by Darkness, which which is a Zebra Paranormal romance released on November 29, 2011. Bound by Darkness is the Eighth novel in Alexandra’s enormously popular Guardians of Eternity series of novels and we are going to chat about her series and her latest book!
Lea: Alexandra! It is such a thrill to be able to chat with you today, thank you so much for joining us!
Alexandra: I’m delighted to be here, and thanks so much for inviting me!!
Lea: Alexandra, to start off can you please tell us a bit about yourself?
Alexandra: I actually came to writing from my love for theatre. I’ve always been a huge reader, but when I was younger I hoped to work on stage. After taking a playwriting class …