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Guestpost by Ann Stephens + Giveaway

We are very happy to welcome author Ann Stephens here at Book Lovers Inc today. She writes Historical Romance novels and her latest novel, Her Scottish Groom was released last week. Today She will tell us how being published feels and what it will or will NOT change in your life. Please give her a warm welcome. And be sure to answer her question at the end for your chance to win.

“Before Enlightenment, carry water and chop wood. After Enlightenment, carry water and chop wood.” 

-The Buddha
First off, let me thank all the Book Lovers for inviting me here today! I look forward to meeting everyone.
Second, I’m not Buddhist, but I’ve always liked the saying above. It gives a good idea of what writing is like. Just substitute ‘publication’ for ‘enlightenment’ and ‘write, edit, write some more’ for ‘carry water and chop …

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