We are happy to welcome to Book Lovers Inc. Ros Baxter, author of Fish Out of Water, a mermaid story unlike any other you know! So join us as Ros tells us about her fascination with mermaids and how HER kind of mermaid is nothing like Ariel 😉 Ros, take it away! 😀
The best thing about children…
…is that they haven’t yet been told there is stuff they can’t do.
At least mine haven’t.
So when I asked my daughter (4) the other day what she wanted to be when she grew up, she told me with that trademark don’t-you-remember look on her face: “A pirate, of course.” Ah, of course. Silly me.
And when I asked my son (7), he shot me an almost identical look (genes are scary) and said: ”Rock star, remember?”
Image courtesy of MR LIGHTMAN/freedigitalphotos.net
For me, it was always a mermaid.
What was …