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Guestpost: Have you ever wondered where you go when you die? by T. P. Boje + Giveaway

We very happy to welcome author T. P. Boje here at Book Lovers Inc. She’s an author of young adult fiction and we share a love for Tim Burton’s and Coen Brothers’ movies. Her Afterlife series currently consists of 2 novels, THe Academy and the freshly released Serenity. Please give Therese a warm welcome. And don’t forget the giveaway at the end of her post. *wink*

Have you ever wondered where you go when you die?

Haven’t we all at some point? I used to do it a lot as a kid. Is heaven for real and what is it going to be like once I get there? What kind of a body will I have? What will I look like? Will all of my family come with me? Will I meet my grandmother there?

When I was …

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