I admit, I rarely read books that would push me out of my comfort zone. Well to be honest I even use guinea-pigs (Sweet Susi and Christine *g*) to read the books I’m too chicken to try first. Then they tell me if I can safely read them. I think Susi even considered using a ‘Safe-For-Caro’ tag on Goodreads. Heh!
I’ve seen a LOT of reviews about books that left the readers broken and very disturbed. The Siren by Tiffany Reisz for example seems to leave most readers in a state of shock and unease for weeks. Megan Hart‘s books often have that effect on me, they haunt me for weeks and I still want more.
This week I discovered (thank to Mandy @ Smexy Books) a new series (serialized story) that pretty much rocked my world and really pushed my limits. Dark Soul by Aleksandr Voinov is …
Warning: I devour any and all books, movies, or shows that feature dragons. I’ve exhaustively researched dragon mythology. I refused to play Magic: the Gathering in 9th grade because they wouldn’t give me any dragon cards. Also, I’m an attorney. Taken together this means that I have opinions about dragons in popular culture.
So, without further ado, I present…
The Five Dragon Books You Should Have Read Already!*
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien.
Poor Smaug, napping on his hoard of unparalleled treasure, minding his own business, literally embedding his flesh with diamonds to render him impervious to weapons – you know living out the dream of the 1% – when some pint-sized moron gets conned into stealing from him.
My very first dragon book. It was awesomely illustrated.
Thieves! Fire! Murder! Such a thing had not happened since he first came to the Mountain! His rage passes description – the sort …
You may have heard about the recent passing of author Donald J. Sobol, author of the classic children’s mystery series, Encyclopedia Brown. Though Sobol reached the ripe old age of 87 before he died (of natural causes), his passing brings a wave of wistfulness and sentimentality, particularly when one realizes that there will be no more new work released (his last Encyclopedia Brown book will be released this October by Penguin). It’s the end of an era, for many.
For my part, Encyclopedia Brown books were some of my absolute favorites, providing endless entertainment and numerous challenges. What hooked me (and countless children since the 1960s) was the high level of engagement asked of readers, as well as the relatable childhood interactions depicted in each tale. Also, the mysteries presented in the books were challenging yet not impossible, and they always encouraged readers to employ lateral thinking when problem solving. …
Last week, and it is difficult to believe it was already more than a week ago, the American Library Association held its Annual Conference in the land of Mickey Mouse, Anaheim, California.
And there was a kerfuffle on YouTube about ARCs and who should be able to pick up how many on the exhibit hall floor.
Two bloggers at The Lost Lola posted a 22-minute video, since retracted, detailing their incredibly awesome book haul at ALA. They scored, and I think scored is a fair assessment, two copies of everything possible, including a lot of books they had no personal interest in.
A librarian who blogs at Stackedbooks questioned on Twitter how authors would feel “knowing a librarian couldn’t get an arc of their book at ALA, but a blogger picked up multiple copies.”
The Lost Lolas have printed an impressive and well-thought out response and clarification, but …
“Give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day. Give a man a book and he’ll teach himself how to fish.”
…isn’t that how the saying goes? No? Oh, well. Close enough.
You’ve recommended books to friends and book buddies before, right? Being a bookish lot, we are all likely to partake in gushing about beloved books and ranting about reads that didn’t resonate. Heck, it’s sort of what the book blogging community is all about.
Buying books for other people, however, seems to be a whole other ballgame. I must admit that I absolutely love giving books (or even magazine subscriptions) as presents; if I even suspect you’re a casual reader, I’m getting you a book for a birthday/Christmas/random day present. This means my friends and family members that like to read are some of my favorite people to gift shop for. It’s so fun getting to contribute to something …
Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter
Series. Love em or hate em, they take a single book and turn in into a network of interconnected stories and characters. For my part, I absolutely prefer series reading. Since I’m prone to getting very attached to characters, unwilling to let them go after one book, the ability to follow their growth and development is absolutely wonderful. And that’s not even to speak of the ability to observe detailed and complex world building, epic story arcs, and narrative style that constantly evolves.
But is there a limit to that? Is it possible to have too much world building, too many character development, or–gasp-a de-evolution in narrative style? Is ennui an eventuality that any given series will be up against at some point? One might imagine that there’s a whole constellation of factors that could influence how to answer those questions. So don’t expect answers …
So, a person would have to be living under a rock these days not to have heard about the impending release of the film version of smash hit The Hunger Games. Though the film is not out until March 23 in most markets worldwide, there’s already a slew of raving reviews and talk of the movie being projected to top $140 million in its U.S. opening weekend. Wow.
The Hunger Games films are just the latest in what seems to be a rampant streak of middle grade (MG) and young adult (YA) film adaptations. Sure, it’s not a completely new development, but it sure does feel like the percentage of young-adult targeted movies based on blockbuster books is at an all-time high. Framed differently, it also seems like almost every well-loved YA series gets optioned for film adaptation…sometimes immediately following its release. Not all are successful (critically or monetarily), but …
Welcome to the world of Audiobooks! Today we’ll be raving about our love for audiobooks and what you have to consider before choosing what to listen to next!
Susi: I can’t really say how all this started- okay maybe I do- Caro was crazy about audiobooks and the last Carolyn Crane was in audio first so I tried it and never looked back. It’s just so handy. You can knit while listening to audiobooks or be on the tram or clean the apartment or other things you need 2 hands for. Just the perfect way to spend the time.
Caro:I started listening to Harry Potter years ago when I had insomnia (it didn’t help btw the narration sucked me in). The narrator blew me away and ever since I kept wishing I could listen to more Audiobooks. I finally gave in and tried a few books and I got addicted. I listen to …
‘Tis the season of giving, of partying, of family get togethers and of relaxing, so what does that mean for you and your reading habits?
I for one will say that whenever Christmas rolls around, I barely get any reading done, being at home for 10 days means catching up on a million things and spending time with family.
One would think that with so much “free time” it spells happiness in the form of a dwindling TBR pile, but alas, no it does not. I looked at my bedside table today and realised that I have had the same book sitting there for over a week without picking it up!
I have found more recently especially that most, nearly all, of my reading gets done outside of the house. Whether it be while I’m in my car waiting, at work on lunch break or the rare occasions I am using public transport.
On …
I’ll start with an apology. I apologize beforehand because I am so stressed out and jittery that my every breath is a rant right now so I’ll try to organize the ranting chaos in my head but I can guarantee nothing. *takes deep breaths… mumbles Zen mantras*
Ok, I’m back. 🙂
So what has me worked up? My vacation. Well to be exact my leaving for vacation. Or if you want me to be even more specific it is packing for my vacation.
First of all work has been crazy this week. Somehow we have 3 major projects (which we have been working on for the past 3-4 weeks!) all ending this week, which means that instead of me taking care of last minute details and cleaning my desk everyone is hysteric at work and we jump around like caffeinated bugs. *deep breaths*
Ok, I’m Zen 🙂 Besides work there is of course the small matter that …