Today I am very happy to welcome back to the blog the wonderful Lila DiPasqua‘s whose steamy fairy tale inspired historical romances are hot enough to set the pages on fire and romantic enough to make you sigh with pleasure. The 4th book in Lila’s Fiery Tales series Undone was just released and if the gorgeous cover is not enough to tempt you I can tell you the story is extraordinary as well! (Don’t believe me? Read my review.) So it is with great pleasure that I interviewed her (poor Lila had to go through dozens of questions and she did them all with grace and a smile), this time we discover which fairy tale is her personal favourite and how she choreographs her steamy love scenes. So read on to discover more about Lila DiPasqua and her wonderful novels! (and of course there is …
Today I am happy to welcome to Book Lovers Inc. romance author Karen Erickson, who besides being a prolific writer is also an adventurous one: she has experimented and written contemporary romances, historical romances, paranormal romances, fantasy romances, erotic romances, and any combination of these 😀 Karen is celebrating the release of Under His Protection, the 1st book in her new romantic suspense series featuring Secret Service agents (and let me tell you they are definitely delicious alpha males), so please give her a welcome and there is a wonderful giveaway for you if share with us your reading preferences.
Stella: Hi Karen, welcome to Book Lovers Inc! Can you please tell us a bit about yourself?
Karen: Well, I’m a mom of three, a wife to one and the owner of too many cats. I’m a native Californian who lives about an hour below …
Happy Monday, book lovers! I’m beyond excited to say that we have author Amanda Stevens here at BLI today! She stops by to answer some of our burning questions about her paranormal/ mystery/ romance hybrid series, The Graveyard Queen. She also discusses some of the influences that go into her writing, as well as her take on those things that go bump in the night. You don’t want to miss this one (and worry not; no spoilers here!). Please give her a very warm BLI welcome.
Alisha: So happy to have you at BLI today, Amanda! First off: How would you describe Amelia and her world….Twitter style (140 characters or less)? ^_^
Amanda: Dark, lush, dreamy and Southern. 😉
Your protagonist, Amelia, is quite complex in her background, her abilities, her motivations, and her desires. What aspects about her first called to you? Was she originally conceived as she is now? Did …
We are very happy to welcome draconismoi aka Cass here today. She’s a guest reviewer at our site and we thought it would be nice for all of to learn a bit more about her today. So I grilled her a bit for you. So take a drink, read the interview and take your chance to win a book of your choice. Please give Cass a warm welcome!
Susi: Cass, tell us a bit about your life outside of reading and blogging.
Draconismoi: I’m a bush lawyer in Alaska.
Get your mind out of the gutter! Not THAT kind of bush.
I work with a legal aid organization in rural Alaska. (See the map? All that stuff inside the arrows? My territory. Lots of space. Only one me.) I provide free civil legal services to people who have serious legal issues and cannot afford to pay an attorney. Lots of domestic violence custody disputes, …
Today we are happy to welcome to BLI erotic romance author Justine Elyot, who has written several dozens of erotic stories and released in January at Carina Press a unique blend of erotic sci-fi, thriller and romance story: Under His Influence. I thought it was about time we got to know Justine a bit better, so please give her a warm welcome and read on, you could even win one of her books! 😉
Stella: Hi Justine, welcome to Book Lovers Inc! Can you please tell us a bit about yourself?
Justine: Well, whenever I do the internet personality-quiz memes, I come out as INTJ, the moon, or Professor Snape. So that’s me, basically – although I don’t think Professor Snape would ever do a personality-quiz meme, so…
Stella: Describe a typical day of writing? Are you a planner or pantser?
Justine: I …
Today we are happy to welcome to BLI contemporary romance author Tamara Morgan, whose debut novel Love is a Battlefieldd is a romance full of fun, men in kilts and one of the most determined and entertaining battle of the sexes (check out my review here)! Please give Tamara a warm welcome and read on to learn more about her, the novel and the Highland Games! 😉
Stella: Hi Tamara, welcome to Book Lovers Inc! Can you please tell us a bit about yourself?
Tamara: Thanks for having me! I’m a freelance copywriter by day and a romance writer by night—both of which mean I spend quite a bit of time on my computer. Sadly, this makes my life a lot less interesting for an interview than one would hope.
But I will say that I am a total re-enactment junkie. I love to attend Renaissance fairs, Highland …
Greetings, fellow book gobblers! It’s my pleasure and honor to welcome back author Mina Khan to BLI today. We get to have a chat about her latest paranormal romance, A Tale of Two Djinns, as well as discuss some of her favorite bookish themes and influences. Mina also talks a bit about the very special connection that her latest book has with UNICEF and its efforts to promote literacy in developing regions. Please give her a warm welcome!
Alisha: Welcome, Mina! So glad to have you back at Book Lovers Inc!
Mina: Thanks so much for inviting me again! I always enjoy visiting with fellow book lovers.
Alisha: Can you describe A Tale of Two Djinns for us–Twitter style (140 characters or less)?
Mina: A Tale of Two Djinns is a sexy paranormal Romeo & Juliet story with genies, feminists, kickass action & adult fun.
Alisha: What is it about the djinn that interests you?
Mina: …
Eden Bradley / Eve Berlin
Welcome back to the final post in our series, Kink In Erotic Romance: Guilty Pleasure or Forbidden Fruit?
Erotic romance and BDSM themes in particular have been discussed extensively in the media of late leaving some say good, and others say not so good impressions with the community at large. We at BLI sincerely hope that those of you who have followed our Kink series have found it positive and maybe piqued your interest in the genre. On the other hand, if erotic romance isn’t your cup-of-tea we hope you have found the series informative. 🙂
We are once again delighted to have special guest author Eden Bradley aka Eve Berlin here to complete our conversation about the BDSM Lifestyle and BDSM themes in erotic romance. *Please refer to the March 1st post published here for the first part of …
Today we’re thrilled to welcome our favorite duo of authors, better known under the name Moira Rogers on Book Lovers Inc. They’re here with us today to celebrate the release of Hunter’s Prey which is coming out tomorrow. (I cannot wait to read it!) Our Geeky Lover’s review will be up in a few hours so stay tuned. Please let’s give a warm welcome to our guests. And don’t forget you can win a copy of Hunter’s Prey at the end of the post.
BLI: For those who don’t know you yet could you tell us a bit about who’s behind Moira Rogers ?
Bree: Moira Rogers is the penname I share with my best friend, Donna. We’ve been writing together for almost five years now.
Donna: I’m Brad Pitt, and she’s Edward Norton. But we usually don’t punch each other. (Are Fight Club jokes getting dated now? I can’t tell.)
Bree: …
Eden Bradley / Eve Berlin
Welcome to Part III of BLI’s Kink in Erotic Romance: Forbidden Fruit or Guilty Pleasure? series.
I’m very excited about the next two segments of the series because BLI is welcoming special guest author Eden Bradley aka Eve Berlin who was kind enough to share her valuable time for an extensive conversation about the BDSM Lifestyle and it’s incorporation into erotic romance.
Eden Bradley/Eve Berlin is a full-time author whose many books are published by Harlequin Spice and HQN, Berkley Heat, Bantam/Dell, and Samhain Publishing. She has been reading and writing for as long as she can remember but became serious about her writing in the summer of 2000. She wrote romance novels, since that was what she thought she could sell, but eventually returned to what she truly loved: writing erotica, and eventually blended erotica …