Today we are very excited to welcome back to Book Lovers author Lori Foster in celebration of her newest release in the Love Undercover series, Bare it All. Like with every single book written by Lori Foster, Bare it All is a sinfully sexy story with a couple of characters that will manage to stick to your mind long after you’re finished reading their story. Lori stops by today to answer some questions and as always don’t forget to check at the end of the post for our giveaway details 🙂
Q: How did you come up with the idea for your book?
A: No idea. The ideas are just… there. I’m so amazed by authors who can teach this stuff, because it’s impossible for me. I’ll be minding my own business (often working on a different book) and bam! I get hid upside the head with characters who want on the …
Today we are really excited to welcome back at Book Lovers Inc author Lori Foster as she stops by for her Blog Tour of Run the Risk.
Run the Risk is her latest release in the brand new and exciting romantic suspense series, Love Undercover. So please welcome Lori who stops by to answer a few questions and share an excerpt of her book. Don’t forget to check here for the full tour schedule and as always the end of the post for the details of our giveaway 🙂
1. How do you see the romance community as a whole (your readers and fellow authors)? Where do you see it in 10 years? What’s the best part about it?
Lori: The romance community has the most wonderful women and men in the entire world! Unique, friendly, open and caring. We love talking books, of course. But it’s so much …
Robyn Carr
Please join us in giving a warm BLI welcome to #1 New York Times Bestselling Author Robyn Carr! Robyn is known for her wildly popular Virgin River Series and Hidden Summit, the 17th novel in the series hit the stands on December 27, 2011!
After more than 20 years penning screenplays, historical romances and even a psychological thriller, Robyn found her genre — some would say her calling — writing a particular kind of women’s fiction. Virgin River is a small town (pop. 600) of retired marines and the independent women they love and against a backdrop of northern California redwoods, the series is inspiration for those who, like Robyn, believe in the power of healthy, positive relationships.
Robyn is taking time out of her busy schedule to share a few Questions and Answers with us today & a giveaway opportunity follows the post!
Question: …