I have to admit, I am not a very fashionista kind of girl. I’d live in jeans and a T-Shirt if I have to, but I do like to think i have some sense of style and I do know how to dress appropriately in any given situation.
However, I’m afraid to say that, that isn’t the case of most Urban Fantasy characters, is it?
If you think about it, some UF heroes and heroines have worn pretty mind boggling outfits haven’t they?
Out of the top of my mind I can recall, Jean-Claude’s open white billowing blouse over leathers, Rachel Morgan’s white leather outfit in “Pale Demon” and we cannot forget the regular appearance of leather in UF covers, being it, black, white of full body leather outfits that defy nature.
I mean, I cannot imagine doing all that fighting in leather! Seriously, it CANNOT be comfortable! LOL
Hey Everyone!
Welcome back to another Romance and Me post! 🙂 Before diving in today’s topic I would like to thank you all for sharing with me your story, I loved to read how you discovered the romance genre and who or which book was your introduction to it 🙂
Now today I would like to speak to you about something I believe all of us romantic ones love deep in our hearts. What you ask? Well sure it can be the much anticipated HEA (=happily ever after ending), the emotional love declaration scene, the irresistible and kindhearted hero, but in my opinion it all boils down to one thing:
When you think about it it’s obvious: fairy tales were our introduction to romance and love (didn’t you just love listening to bedtime stories about princesses and knights in shining armour? or watching those wonderful Disney movies?). I have read somewhere …
We are very happy today to welcome Kristan Higgins to Book Lovers Inc! She is here to celebrate her latest release My One and Only.In the highly improbable case you haven’t yet heard of or read any of Kristan’s novels let us tell you what you can expect. Sweet, heartfelt, emotional and heartwarming romances with chuckle out loud moments and completely scandalous and out of the ordinary family members (a mother running a mortuary? yep, just open All I Ever Wanted!). Kristan’s romances make you smile, sigh, laugh and tear up, so of course we were ecstatic when we learned she was up to answer some of our most burning questions! 😀 So please give a warm welcome to Kristan and if she is a new to you author, then trust our joint recommendation …
Format read: netGalleyNumber of pages: 192 pagesRelease Date: April 12th 2011Publisher: Andrews McMeel PublishingFormats available: paperbackPurchasing Info: Publisher’s Site, Amazon, Goodreads, Book Depository
Book Blurb:
Thirty-two million Americans consider themselves artists, and nearly 100 million consider themselves art lovers. They—along with anyone else who enjoys a good laugh—will appreciate the edgy blend of art, comedy, and pop culture inside comedian Steve Melcher’s popular blog-turned-book, That Is Priceless: Art’s Greatest Masterpieces . . . Made Slightly Funnier.
It all started when Melcher stumbled upon a postcard in a museum gift shop for Peter Paul Rubens’s The Finding of Erichthonius. Inspiration struck, and Melcher scrambled for a Post-it note and scribbled down what he thought was a more appropriate title: Worst Secret Santa Gift Ever. And with that, That Is Priceless was born. More than 150 images are gathered inside …
Alien in the Family – Gini Koch
Super-Being Exterminator Kitty Katt and the Alpha Centaurian she loves, Jeff Martini, should be finalizing their wedding plans. But that was before she discovers Jeff is in line to become Emperor back on his home world. Kitty knows she is everything a royal family wouldn’t approve of, and is bracing herself for the worst. As it turns out, the royal family is just the beginning. Especially when extraterrestrial Amazonian terrorists are determined to start and end Kitty and Jeff’s nuptial festivities with a bang.
Rage – Jackie Morse Kessler
Hidden Embers -Tessa Adams
Shady Lady – Ann Aguirre
I’ve just finished reading Life of Pi by Yann Martel for my final first year English course at university. I was curious about the originating point in the main character (Pi’s) life…Pondicherry, India. Though most of his tale is told in the middle of the Pacific Ocean as a castaway, he retells, with such fond memories, his early life in this place I’d never heard of until now.
Pondicherry sits on the Bay of Bengal, and if you’ve read Martel’s book,
you’ll understand a bit more about the corrollation.
You can just feel the heat emanating from this image…
It is these brightly coloured buildings that enhance the contrast for me
between India and North American living…
Format read: paperback from the author for reviewNumber of pages: 320 pagesRelease Date: April 5th 2011Publisher: DawFormats available: ebook, paperbackPurchasing Info: Amazon, Goodreads, Author’s Website, Book Depository
Book Blurb:
Super-Being Exterminator Kitty Katt and the Alpha Centaurian she loves, Jeff Martini, should be finalizing their wedding plans. But that was before she discovers Jeff is in line to become Emperor back on his home world. Kitty knows she is everything a royal family wouldn’t approve of, and is bracing herself for the worst. As it turns out, the royal family is just the beginning. Especially when extraterrestrial Amazonian terrorists are determined to start and end Kitty and Jeff’s nuptial festivities with a bang.
My Thoughts:
Be warned this review is definitely spoiling book 1 and 2.
Alien in the Family was probably one if the most anticipated books of 2011 …
We are very happy to welcome debut author J. N. Duncan here at Book Lovers Inc today. His first novel, Deadworld will be released tomorrow and he’s here to tell us a bit about his book, his world and what makes worth reading. Please give him a warm welcome and be sure to stay tuned till the end for your chance to win the book.
BLI: Jim can you please tell us a bit about yourself?
Jim: Well, I’m a 40-something father of four, or eight if you include the pets in the house. I’m an aspiring middle school math teacher. I’m something of a fantasy gamer geek (yes, I play WoW), love astronomy, and generally I think you could call me something of a nerd. Hopefully in a good way. I’ve been writing since I was about 14, thanks …
Format read: ebook
Number of pages: 412 pages
Publisher: Pocket
Formats available: ebook, paperback
Release Date: 29 March 2011
Series: Book #2 in the Gavyn Donatti series
Purchasing Info: Goodreads, Author’s Website, Amazon, Kindle store
Luck has never been on Gavyn Donatti’s side. Anyone else with magic abilities inherited from a distant genie relative would have it made, but not Donatti, descendant of a cranky, shape-shifting genie named Ian. The prince of a murdered kingdom, consumed with revenge and driven by an unbreakable curse, Ian is determined to hunt down and destroy every last one of his enemies in the power-hungry snake clan—at any cost, including his life. Or Donatti’s.
Obsessed by his own rage, Ian has never really taught Donatti how to use his …
Hey Everyone!
This weekend was heavy and busy with tons of family events, we are celebrating my grandpa’s 86th birthday, so lots of cake, yum! 😀
Anyway, I won’t keep you long, just here to announce a couple of winners!
Today congratulations are in order for…
The lucky winner of either a copy of Backstage Pass or Rock Hard by Olivia Cunning (winner’s choice) is: Patricia Uniquely Moi
The lucky winner of a copy of Anything You Want by Erin Nicholas is: Janie
The lucky winners of a copy of The Hometown Hero Returns by Beth Kery are: Leni and Welzen
Congratulations winners, you have all been e-mailed, you have 72 hours to get back to us, or we’ll have to draw new winners.
That’s it for today, I hope you all had a nice weekend!