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Post Thumbnail of Review: A Creed in Stone Creek by Linda Lael Miller

Review: A Creed in Stone Creek by Linda Lael Miller

Format read: paperbackNumber of pages: 384 pages Publisher: Harlequin Books Formats available: ebook, paperbackRelease Date: 22 February 2011 Series: Montana Creed seriesPurchasing Info: Goodreads, Author’s Website, Amazon, Kindle store


When single attorney Steven Creed becomes guardian of an orphaned five-year-old boy, he trades his big-city law firm for a ranch near his McKettrick kin in the close-knit community of Stone Creek, Arizona. Taking care of little Matt and fixing up his run-down ranch house with its old barn loosens something tightly wound inside him. But when Steven takes on the pro bono defense of a local teen, he meets his match in the opposing counsel—beautiful, by-the-book county prosecutor Melissa O’Ballivan.

It’ll take one grieving little boy, a sweet adopted dog and a woman who never expected to win any man’s heart to …

Post Thumbnail of Interview: Larissa Ione + Giveaway

Interview: Larissa Ione + Giveaway

Please join me in giving a warm BLI welcome to New York Times & National Bestselling Author Larissa Ione today. Larissa published the first in her Demonica series “Pleasure Unbound”, to rave reviews in 2008, she subsequently penned four more books in a series that is loved by her legions of fans the world over. Eternal Rider, the eagerly anticipated first novel in her “Lords of Deliverance” series, a spinoff of Demonica hits the stands tomorrow March 29th.

Lea: Larissa! Welcome to BLI, it’s such a thrill to talk to you today.

Larissa: Thank you! It’s always nice to be able to chat with you!

Larissa can you please tell us a bit about yourself?

Larissa: Um…big Star Trek fan, animal lover, gamer-geek, and anglophile. Oh, and I also write books!

LOL! I loved the newest Star Trek movie, I sure …

Post Thumbnail of Winner time!

Winner time!

Hey Everyone!

Yesterday I was on niece/goddaughter duty, meaning that I spent the day playing and having fun with my 2 year old little goddaughter. She is a dream: a very happy and smart little girl, always laughing and enjoying whatever we are doing. What I am amazed at is how focused and calm she can be for her age: last afternoon she asked me to read her a story, and we sat for more than 1,5 hours, me reading story after story to her and she never lost interest! I feel like another bookworm is in the making! ;-D

I hope you all had an equally nice and fun weekend, and now to end with a flourish, here are this week’s winners:

Today congratulations are in order for…

The lucky winner of a copy of Icebreaker by Deirdre Martin is: Pat …

The Latin Lover,Winners     27 Mar 2011 7 comments
Post Thumbnail of Around the Bookish World: News Week-in-Review

Around the Bookish World: News Week-in-Review

Wow this week has been choc-a-bloc with news, Google book developments and even a WTFERY or two. We also had major announcements from a popular author going indie/self pubbed route while an indie self pubbed author has recently sold a 4 book series in a MAJOR deal to big publisher plus a lot more!

The major news that broke this week was Google Books settlement has been rejected due to a class action suit about the scanning books and the automatic opt in issue with orphaned works. Dear Author covers the ruling comprehensively and lays out why it was deemed illegal in a great summary here.

This wont be the end of the matter but it has probably thrown a spanner in the works for their plans of scanning books especially with the matter of orphaned works.

I find this …

News,The Smutty Lover     25 Mar 2011 6 comments
Post Thumbnail of Review: Minder by Kate Kaynak

Review: Minder by Kate Kaynak

Format read: paperbackNumber of pages: 249 pagesRelease Date: 8 October 2010 Publisher: Spencer Hill PressFormats available: ebook, paperbackRelease Date: 18 June 2010Series: Book #1 in the Ganzfield seriesPurchasing Info: Goodreads, Author’s Website, Amazon, Kindle store


Sixteen-year-old Maddie Dunn is special, but she needs to figure out how to use her new abilities before somebody else gets hurt. Ganzfield is a secret training facility full of people like her, but it’s not exactly a nurturing place.

Every social interaction carries the threat of mind-control.

A stray thought can burn a building to the ground.

And people’s nightmares don’t always stay in their own heads. But it’s still better than New Jersey. Especially once she meets the man of her dreams…

My Thoughts: I remember seeing glowing reviews of Minder when it was released  …

Post Thumbnail of Guestpost Author Carol Oates + Giveaway

Guestpost Author Carol Oates + Giveaway

We are very happy to welcome author Carol Oates here at Book Lovers Inc today. She lives in Dublin and is author of Shades of Atlantis, a Young Adult novel that will show you a world of Celtic Myth. Today she is here to tell how she comes up with her engaging characters. Please give her a warm welcome and stay tuned till the end for your chance to win your own copy of Shades of Atlantis.

Thank you to Book Lovers Inc. for inviting me along to the blog today. I thought I might chat a little about how I come up with the characters in my stories.

Every writer I’ve spoken to in the past has a different formula for coming up with their characters. Some start out with a physical description or maybe have an …

Post Thumbnail of Short Review: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Jane Austen, Seth Grahame-Smith

Short Review: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Jane Austen, Seth Grahame-Smith

Format read: paperback from publisher for reviewNumber of pages: 320 pagesRelease Date: April 2009Publisher: Quirk PublishingFormats available: ebook, paperbackPurchasing Info:Amazon, B&N, Book Depository, Goodreads

Book Blurb:

“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a zombie in possession of brains must be in want of more brains.”

So begins Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, an expanded edition of the beloved Jane Austen novel featuring all-new scenes of bone-crunching zombie mayhem. As our story opens, a mysterious plague has fallen upon the quiet English village of Meryton—and the dead are returning to life! Feisty heroine Elizabeth Bennet is determined to wipe out the zombie menace, but she’s soon distracted by the arrival of the haughty and arrogant Mr. Darcy. What ensues is a delightful comedy of manners with plenty of civilized sparring between the two young lovers—and even more violent sparring on the …

Post Thumbnail of Why we Book Lovers Love Historical Romance...

Why we Book Lovers Love Historical Romance…

Stella: Hey Everyone! Since yesterday we got started on how I discovered the romance genre, today I was  really curious (and nosy) to know how Caro became the historical romance fan that she is. So Caro, please do tell us, when and how did you discover this genre? Was it love at first sight/read?
Caroline: Weeell, let me think.. hmm.. Ah yes! I remember now! It was the …
Stella: Oh, shoot. Sorry to cut you mid-sentence Caro, but I just remembered: why spoil the surprise and reveal all the mysteries here? If the BLI readers are as curious (and nosy ;-p lol) as me, then they should work a bit to uncover the secrets, don’t you think?

Caroline: *with eyes gleaming* Yay! You mean a trivial pursuit with different tasks and a treasure hunt? Yay, I’m all up for it! *rubbing hands together* Let me think about this, since there are some juicy bits they should do some efforts… lemme see…
Stella: Well, err.. …

Post Thumbnail of Bookish Rants or Raves: My Point of View on POVs!

Bookish Rants or Raves: My Point of View on POVs!

Sometimes I see around the web an authors, reader or blogger say how much the Love/Hate a certain type of Point of View (POV) when it comes to novels and I thought this would be an interesting topic for discussion.

I personally, enjoy reading books written in first or third person. I feel that either POV has its qualities and bring something interesting to the table.

Like the Fever series by Karen Marie Moning”, where we get almost the whole story all told from the Heroine’s point of view. It might be constricting not getting to see any other characters actions for more of the time, but we get a deep insight in the Heroine’s mind and it makes understanding her that much easier.

“Every time I think I’m getting smarter I …

Post Thumbnail of Romance and Me: How I Discovered the Romance Genre

Romance and Me: How I Discovered the Romance Genre

Hey Everyone!

Welcome to our newest bi-weekly series post: the Romance and Me posts. Though I think the name speaks for itself here is a short introduction what these posts will be about: anything and everything related to romance! Yep! We’ll talk about how we discovered the genre, why we read romance novels, discuss the frequent themes in romance novels, the various subgenres, share some romance recommendations, discuss our pet peeves, covers, etc. (If there is a topic you would like us to cover, please feel free to let us know either in a comment or by sending us an e-mail with Romance and Me in the subject. Thank you!) And now let the fun begin.

For the very first Romance and Me post I’d like to share with you how I discovered such a thing as the romance genre existed and how I became a fan.
I have to …

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