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Post Thumbnail of Review: "The Hometown Hero Returns" by Beth Kery

Review: "The Hometown Hero Returns" by Beth Kery

Format Read: e-ARC submitted by author for reviewLength: 224 PagesSeries: Home to Harbor Town Book #1Release Date: March 22, 2011Publisher: Harlequin Special EditionFormats Available: Mass Market Paperback, Kindle, NookPurchasing Info: Author’s Website, Goodreads, Amazon Canada, Book Depository,, Borders, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, Powell’s, IndieBound, Chapters, Kindle, Nook

Book Blurb:


At eighteen, Marianna Itani thought she’d found the man of her dreams in Marc Kavanaugh, the quintessential boy-next-door. That perfect romance flew to pieces when an unspeakable tragedy tore them apart. Yet when Marc appeared in her life fifteen years later, the sparks that flew were as explosive as the day they first met.

Now their reignited passion was changing their lives in more ways than one: Mari was pregnant! She was set on putting the …

Post Thumbnail of Genres 101: Today's Lesson "Punk"

Genres 101: Today’s Lesson "Punk"

Today, I’m going all out Punk…I’ve dyed my hair green and spiked it, now we’re really ready to rock! Oh, wait….wrong Punk. In our last talk, I mentioned “Splatterpunk” which was a subgenre of Horror, but there is a separate part of the Speculative Fiction category that encompasses many other Punk types. It seems it started out with the term Cyberpunk, thought up by Bruce Bethke in the early 1980’s, which blends cybernetics with the punk music of the originating time. It’s essence is about a type of technology that has become highly evolved, for example blending humans with computers and usually occurring in a dystopian society. The first thing that comes to mind here are those scary, crazy Cyborgs in Star Trek….Yes, I’m a trekkie and a trekker (and I know the difference, lol). There are a bunch of movie versions of this genre …

Post Thumbnail of Review: My One and Only by Kristan Higgins

Review: My One and Only by Kristan Higgins

Format Read: E-ARC from NetgalleyLength: 384 pagesRelease Date: March 29th 2011Publisher: HQN Books Formats Available: Paperback, EbookPurchasing Info: Author’s Website, Goodreads, Book Depository,

Book Blurb:

Divorce attorney Harper James can’t catch a break. Bad enough that she runs into her ex-hubby, Nick, at her sister’s destination wedding, but now, by a cruel twist of fate, she’s being forced to make a cross-country road trip with him. And her almost-fiancé back at home is not likely to be sympathetic. Harper can’t help that Nick has come blazing back into her life in all of his frustratingly appealing, gorgeous architect glory. But in Nick’s eyes, Harper’s always been the one. If they can only get it right this time, forever might be waiting — just around the bend.

My Thoughts:

After reading Kristan Higgins’ last book, …

Post Thumbnail of Review: Anything You Want by Erin Nicholas

Review: Anything You Want by Erin Nicholas

Format read: eARCNumber of pages: 304 pagesRelease Date: 15 March 2011Publisher: SamhainFormats available: ebook, paperback (paperback format will be released in 2012)Purchasing Info: Goodreads, Author’s Website, Amazon, Samhain


Suppose the solution to all your problems is the one thing you never wanted…

It figures the one time Sabrina Cassidy is determined to do the responsible thing, karma kicks in. After four years on the road chasing her musical dream, she’s stranded six hours from home with no money, a ruined credit history—and morning sickness.

Out of options, she swallows her legendary independent streak and calls the only person who won’t hang up on her. Luke, the man she left behind.

Marc Sterling’s first instinct is to protect his business partner and best friend from another broken heart. That means letting her think she’s talking …

Post Thumbnail of Interview: Author Erin Nicholas + Giveaway

Interview: Author Erin Nicholas + Giveaway

We are very happy to welcome back Erin Nicholas at Book  Lovers Inc. to celebrate the release of her latest novel Anything You Want! If you haven’t read anything by Erin yet, let me tell you her contemporary romances are not only sweet and steamy but for me what sets them apart is the huge amount of chuckle out loud humour and how likable her characters are. Reading an Erin Nicholas novel always makes me feel as if I just got another bunch of great friends.

If you want to know more about Erin and her novels, check out the previous interview we did with her when she stopped at BLI in December.

The Latin Lover: The heroine of your first novel No Matter What is a physical therapist, just like you were. I imagine …

Post Thumbnail of New Releases: March 14-20, 2011

New Releases: March 14-20, 2011

Steel by Carrie Vaughn

It was a slender length of rusted steel, tapered to a point at one end and jagged at the other, as if it had broken. A thousand people would step over it and think it trash, but not her.

This was the tip of a rapier.

Sixteen-year-old Jill has fought in dozens of fencing tournaments, but she has never held a sharpened blade. When she finds a corroded sword piece on a Caribbean beach, she is instantly intrigued and pockets it as her own personal treasure.

The broken tip holds secrets, though, and it transports Jill through time to the deck of a pirate ship. Stranded in the past and surrounded by strangers, she is forced to sign on as crew. But a pirate’s life is bloody and brief, and …

Post Thumbnail of The Good, the Bad and the Are-You-Kidding-Me?

The Good, the Bad and the Are-You-Kidding-Me?

This week we decided to let our snarky-self free (not like we’re usually nice or anything *wink*) and give you the worst of German and French vampire book covers. Ok so maybe they aren’t the worst but they wouldn’t make us pick up the books. This selection left us a bit frustrated. This week we’re not fighting for best covers but Worst covers! Help us decide which country wins (or in this case loses lol because there’s no winning with such uglies)

Caroline’s Selection:

Caroline: The Kerrelyn Sparks cover is just plain scary. That guy looks like a crazy psycho and I can’t stare too long of I’ll end up …

Post Thumbnail of Review: "Rock Hard", by Olivia Cunning

Review: "Rock Hard", by Olivia Cunning

Format Read: Paperback ARC submitted by Publisher for reviewLength: 448 PagesSeries: Sinners On Tour Book 2Release Date: April 1, 2011Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca Formats Available: Trade Paperback, Kindle, NookPurchasing Info: Author’s Website, Goodreads, Book Depository,, Borders, Barnes & Noble, Powell’s, IndieBound, Chapters, Kindle

Book Blurb:

Sinner’s lead singer, Sed, had his heart shredded when Jessica left him to pursue her dreams,so when she dances her way back into his life, he’s not sure he’s ready for her brand of pain, or pleasure, again. When she convinces Sed to engage in a benefits with benefits relationship, things seem to be going his way, until one of his fans catches their explicit public display of affection on film and posts it all over the internet.

Will Jessica ever trust Sed again?

And …

Post Thumbnail of Interview: Olivia Cunning + Giveaway

Interview: Olivia Cunning + Giveaway

Please join me in giving a warm BLI welcome to autor Olivia Cunning who delighted readers with her sexy erotic novel Backstage Pass, the first story in the Sinners On Tour series that was released in October 2010. Ms. Cunning combines her love of romantic fiction and rock ‘n roll, writing romance centered around rock musicians. Backstage Pass was greeted with rave reviews along with a number of award nominations. Olivia’s next highly anticipated novel Rock Hard, will hit the stands on April 1, 2011!

BLI: Olivia, welcome to Book Lovers! It’s such a thrill to be able to talk to you today.

Olivia: Thanks for having me!

BLI: Olivia can you please tell us a bit about yourself?

Olivia: I typically keep my writing life separate from my real life, but I suppose it’s safe to reveal a little of my Clark Kent side. …

Post Thumbnail of Around the Bookish World: News Week-in-Review

Around the Bookish World: News Week-in-Review

Welcome to this week’s news post which I almost forgot to write, because for me it has totally zoomed past for me. This week its been pretty quiet although last weekend was pretty eventful with a new brouhaha online about authors and reviewing again and a mysterious non existent YA Mafia group. This has reignited the debate again about who can and shouldn’t review books and I suspect this issue will arise again and again in a different way and in a different genre – although it could be Ninja mystery writers lurking in the wings when the next hoopla happens. But for a good summary and insights, check out Dear Author’s post as well as Katiebabs and Smexybooks write ups.

This actually links up to Goodreads implementing a new rule about authors responding to negative …

News,The Smutty Lover     11 Mar 2011 12 comments
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