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Post Thumbnail of Review: The Paris Secret by Angela Henry

Review: The Paris Secret by Angela Henry

Format read: ebook
Release Date: 17 January 2011
Formats available: ebook
Publisher: Carina Press
Source: Review copy provided by publisher through NetGalley
Purchasing Info: Goodreads, Author’s Website, Amazon


Less than twenty-four hours after fleeing to Paris, Maya Sinclair is the prime suspect in a brutal murder—and targeted by the real killer. When she’s viciously attacked in the gardens of Versailles, Maya barely escapes with her life thanks to sexy French journalist Simon Girard.

Simon has been investigating the mysterious death of his brother, an art forger with ties to the woman Maya is suspected of killing. Still healing from heartbreak of his own, Simon reluctantly joins forces with Maya, who has awakened feelings within him he thought long dead.

Their search for answers uncovers the existence of a secret society, and puts them on a quest to find a missing crucifix rumored to hold …

Post Thumbnail of Paris for One: Tips for Heroines Traveling Solo by Angela Henry + Giveaway

Paris for One: Tips for Heroines Traveling Solo by Angela Henry + Giveaway

We are very happy to welcome author Angela Henry here at Book lOvers Inc today. Her latest novel The Paris Secret was released in January and today she is here to tell us about Traveling alone as woman. Please give her a warm welcome and stayed tuned till teh end for a chance to win her book.

In 2007, I took a solo trip to Paris. It was the trip that inspired my romantic suspense thriller, The Paris Secret. Like my heroine, librarian Maya Sinclair, I was apprehensive about going alone to a foreign country where I barely knew the language. But I did my homework before I left and discovered some very valuable tips. Many of these tips I shared with Maya. But I kept a few to myself in order to make her trip …

Post Thumbnail of Review: "Dangerous Secrets", by Katie Reus

Review: "Dangerous Secrets", by Katie Reus

Format Read: e-Book Galley provided by NetGalley courtesy of Carina Press
Length: Novel
Release Date: February 7, 2011
Publisher: Carina Press
Formats Available: e-Book, Kindle
Purchasing Info: Author’s Website, Goodreads, Kindle, Carina Press

Book Blurb:

Isabelle Ballantine has been fighting for independence since she was old enough to walk. Now that she’s finally out from under her father’s shadow, she won’t let anyone stand in her way. It’s tough living on her own, working in a bar and keeping her true identity a secret, but things start to look up when a sexy new stranger walks into her life. After working side by side for weeks, Izzy can’t figure out why he won’t make a move.

To cinch the deal of a lifetime, Adam Marcellus agrees to help Izzy’s eccentric father convince his daughter to move home. He’d assumed Izzy would be another …

Post Thumbnail of My Wishlist: "Man Love" Edition

My Wishlist: "Man Love" Edition

Hello and welcome to another edition of my wish list segment here at Book Lovers, Inc.

Its great to be back here with you once more to share a little about what I can’t wait for!

By now most of us have already received their copy of Shadowfever by Karen Marie Moning. Sadly I am getting my copy until this weekend. Been hearing lots of great things about this one. Going to be sad to see it end.


I would like to call this wish list edition “Man Love” Here are a few m/m titles who’s heroes I would love to get up close and personal with.

Warriors Cross by Madeleine Urban, Abigail RouxPublisher: Dream Spinner PressRelease Date: August 2009ISBN: 9781615810307Book Info & Purchase Links: Amazon Book Depository Goodreads

Cameron …

Post Thumbnail of What's in a name? The Demystification of Genres

What’s in a name? The Demystification of Genres

This has been on my mind for a bit and I’ve been searching for answers, but they never seem to fully explain things to my satisfaction, at least with only a cursory look. And it is this that has me in a kerfuffle: What the heck is the difference between Sci-Fi, Paranormal,  Fantasy, and Urban Fantasy? But there are tons (dare I say millions at this point?) of genres out there and so many seem so closely related that it’s a wonder they have more than one name! So, I’ve decided to delve deep, donning my reporter cap, pencil, and notebook, and find out what’s what?! Do readers have different terms for their books than the publishing industry does? Where did the names come from? Why is there a need for these marginally different genres?

One only has …

The Quirky Lover     2 Feb 2011 22 comments
Post Thumbnail of Interview: Author Jaci Burton + Giveaway!

Interview: Author Jaci Burton + Giveaway!

Please join us in giving a warm BLI welcome to New York Times and National Bestselling Author Jaci Burton! Jaci is known for writing sensual, compelling love stories that will tug at your heartstrings and her latest publication is no exception. The Perfect Play, the first of Jaci’s Play By Play series hit the stands yesterday, February 1st, and IMHO she scored a touchdown with this story! Be sure and read the end of the post as Jaci is offering a chance to win a copy of one of the awesome books from her extensive backlist!! 🙂

Thank you so much for joining us here today Jaci!

Jaci: Thank you for inviting me Lea!

BLI: Jaci can you please tell us a bit about yourself?

I’ve been writing for almost ten years now, published for seven. I live in Oklahoma with my …

Post Thumbnail of New Releases: Jan.31 - Feb 6, 2011

New Releases: Jan.31 – Feb 6, 2011

Delirium by Lauren Oliver

Before scientists found the cure, people thought love was a good thing. They didn’t understand that once love – the deliria – blooms in your blood, there is no escaping its hold. Things are different now. Scientists are able to eradicate love, and the governments demands that all citizens receive the cure upon turning eighteen. Lena Holoway has always looked forward to the day when she’ll be cured. A life without love is a life without pain: safe, measured, predictable, and happy.

But with ninety-five days left until her treatment, Lena does the unthinkable: She falls in love.

The Magical Detectives by Brian Keaney
Time Riders: The Doomsday Code by Alex Scarrow
Please …

Post Thumbnail of We Love Your Comments Giveaway: Winner & new Start

We Love Your Comments Giveaway: Winner & new Start

This winner of our We Love Your Comments Giveaway for January is……

Alisha (MyNeedToRead) 

who commented on our post “New Releases: Jan. 3-9, 2011”:

It’s so beautiful… all these tasty looking covers that need to be looked into.

And man, I really need to get on the Southern Arcana train. Deadlock looks interesting.

Congrats hon! Please email us through the Contact us at the in the next 72 hours to claim your price. 

We will now start counting for February. Here again the rules:

We thought long and hard about how we should show you, the readers of Book Lovers Inc how much we appreciate your input and interaction. We are happy and grateful for every comment cuz we know how it is to be a “blog-hopper”. We enjoy reading your thoughts and we love to start a good discussion with you. This blog is all about spreading the love …

Post Thumbnail of Interview: Author Courtney Milan + Giveaway

Interview: Author Courtney Milan + Giveaway

Today we are thrilled to welcome again, Author Courtney Milan on Book Lovers Inc. Unveiled, the first book in the Turner Brothers series, was release last week. We decided to learn more about Courtney and her new book. Keep reading and all your questions will be answered (well most *wink*).  Stay tuned and you might win a copy of Unveiled.

The HEA Lover: Courtney can you please tell us a bit about yourself?

Courtney: I’m a very frazzled, very busy dog owner. I am also owned by a cat.

The HEA Lover: Describe a typical day of writing? Are you a planner or pantser?

Courtney: I have no typical writing days–I have a very demanding day job, and an even more demanding dog, so I write whenever I find time. I write in the mornings, in the evenings, in short little breaks …

Post Thumbnail of The Good, the Bad and the Are-You-Kidding-Me?

The Good, the Bad and the Are-You-Kidding-Me?

This week, we’re taking you to France! The country of love (Caroline says: *snort*), good food and wine- they should know what a good romance cover should look like! But take a look for yourself- here are some new French releases of books you probably know. Caroline spent hours on the French amazon and raided publishers sites to get you the Good and the Bad and yes also the Are-You-Kidding-Me. Let us know what you think about the French way to entice you to buy them- or not.

Susi: The Mary J. Davidson books looks as ridiculous as the original ones. I’m not much for these comic style covers but I have never read one …

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