Please give a warm Book Lovers welcome Inez Kelley who convinced the heroine and hero of her upcoming publication “SWEET AS SIN” to share their thoughts with respect to their love story. 😉 We hope you enjoy John and Livvy’s review as much as we did!! Stay tuned till the end and answer the question for your chance to win!
Hi all! And thanks to the Book Lovers Inc. crew for letting me stop by. When I was invited to blog, they gave me several options like interviewing them or reviewing my own book, etc. Hands down, I knew what I wanted to do. I had to bring the hero and heroine from SWEET AS SIN with me for an interview.
JOHN: What’s with this hero shit? I’m nobody’s hero.
LIVVY: *Elbows his gut* Shut up and let her …
Today we are excited to welcome back author Linda Robertson to Book Lovers Inc. whose story Arcane Circle received a rave review from our own HEA Lover. Linda is sharing a very unique review of her book “Fatal Circle” and we hope you enjoy it as much as we did. Please give Linda a warm Book Lovers welcome and be sure to check the end of her post for her generous giveaway!!
Johnny Newman stomped his motorcycle boots to force the snow off, then pushed open the front door to Persephone Alcmedi’s home. The scrumptious aroma of beef roast met his nose. Ares, the Great Dane, came to greet him. “Hello?” he called.
The sound of pots and pans clanging in the kitchen answered, then Demeter snarled to someone, “If I wanted your cooking advice—which I don’t, then …
Today we have the ultimate fight night: Lauren Hammond, author of Love Bites, and Teresa D’Amario author of SheWolf, will try to get you on their side. Who’s your favorite- vamp or shifter? See what these 2 ladies think and be sure to tell us your opinion on this topic. Please give Lauren and Teresa a warm welcome.Lauren and the Vamps
Eternal life. Eternal youth. Speed. Strength. Wickedly cool supernatural powers.
Those are only a few of the reasons why vampires are better.
Imagine living forever, what would you do with your eternal life? How many place would you be able to visit? Not only that, but you would be able to see the world evolve. It would definitely be something to live through the centuries and be a first-hand witness to all the advances in modern technology, wouldn’t it?
Age ain’t nothing but a number.. Only when you’re a vampire.. …
You ever wanted to conquer your own Prince Charming? Today Lila DiPasqua will give you 8 easy rules to follow that should help you reach your goal. *wink* Answer her question at the end you can win your own little fairy tale.
Like most, I grew up reading fairy tales. They were the first romances I ever read!
My Fiery Tales series (Berkley Sensation) is about…well, you guessed it….fairy tales. Retellings of three classic fairy tales in each book, to be exact. Yes, you get three sinfully seductive rakes inside each novel—–both in AWAKENED BY A KISS and my newest release, THE PRINCESS IN HIS BED!
These books are sexy. These books are fun. And these books are tantalizing, with a healthy dose seduction. *winks* I just love seeing a seasoned, carnally talented rake fall madly in love!
Now as a young …
Today we’re very happy to welcome J.F. Lewis on Book Lovers Inc. Crossed, the 3rd book in the Void City series, is being released TODAY! He’s here today to tell us a bit more about Greta. In the previous books she wasn’t just a sidecharacter even though she didn’t take that much screentime. Today he will tell us some more about this bloodthirsty little girl and perhaps give us a glimpse of her in Crossed
I don’t know why, but when Caroline, here at Book Lovers, Inc. invited me to drop by and celebrate my book release with a guest spot, I got all gushy and felt the need to ramble on like some sort of twisted version of a proud dad about one of my favorites monsters. You see, one of the scariest lines of dialogue in my first novel (Staked) …
Today Jory Strong took her chance to grill us about our preferences in setting heroes and heroines. Again not an easy topic but we were strong and didn’t even start a cat fight over the guys. That’s impossible self-control in action you see here. Be sure to tell us what you would have answered.
Jory Strong: If you could step into any one book and live the story, which would it be and why?
Larissa – The Crazy Lover: argh! hmmm I think I’d like to live in Panem! Just kidding, argh I have to pass on this one =/
Caroline – The HEA Lover: Probably a romance with a HEA *g* I’d choose a story without too much drama. All I Ever Wanted by Kristan Higgins would be nice *g*
Melissa – The Spellbound Lover: Good question. I’d have to say the Harry Potter series. Who …
Today Kieran Kramer is taking over Book Lovers Inc and she prepared something for you that we highly appreciate here: a LIST. We believe nothing works without those and what better funnier way to see how much you are into a genre than reading a list and checking if the points fit your bill. Be sure to answer the question at the end to win. Please give Kieran a warm welcome.
Top Ten Countdown List: Signs You’re an Avid Regency Romance Reader
10) You say things like, “Don’t be such a watering pot,” in everyday conversation.
9) Whenever you meet a family of five girls, you literally gasp and then ask them if they’ve been to Netherfield yet.
8) You confess to your friends that you have the occasional yen to drink weak lemonade and stale cakes and stand about in insipid company.
7) …
Please give a warm welcome to Julia Rachel Barrett. She’s one of the nicest and chattiest authors I know and I’m easily lost in discussion about god and the world with her. So yes, I was thrilled when she agreed to come over for our Blogoversary. Today she will tell us about her little Simpson obsession. Be sure to answer the question at the end of the post to win my favorite book of hers. My dear blogger friend, Susi Sunshine, was kind enough to ask me to write a guest blog for the Book Lovers Inc. blogoversary. Before I launch into my absurd post, let me say congratulations! Book Lovers Inc. is a great blog. I come here often to read the fun reviews, for great book recommendations, and to find out what’s new in the romance/publishing world. Thanks, ladies. I know 2011 will be even better!
All right. …
Today the phenomenal Stacia Kane took over the daunting task of taking our place on the blog. She will tell you how hard it actually is to keep a secret as an author and how the wait for the next book is out of her point of view. We all know her Downside novels created a huge Terrible Fever- a well deserved one because let’s be honest her books are unique and wonderful. Be sure to answer one of her questions at the end of the post to win an fabulous prize pack.
So, any of you who follow my blog or my Twitter—if any of you reading this do—will be aware that I finished the fourth Downside book, which still doesn’t have a title, a few weeks ago. This afternoon I heard from my wonderful editor, who (huge sigh of …
Today Sara Brookes is here to finally bring light into the prejudice that men don’t read romance novels. Let’s see what she thinks about this topic and be sure to tell us what your two cents about it are. Let us take a look into your thoughts and you also get the chance to win a book.
From where I’m standing, it’s a fact. Why? Well, I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Numerous occasions as well. In fact, it’s a regular occurrence in my household as my husband reads them. I know, I know. You’re saying: “Sara, you write them, of course your husband reads yours!” Well..okay, yes, he reads mine, but he read a ton of others as well. He has his science fiction, fantasy, western, military, etc, but you’d be surprised to know there’s a vast array of romance novels on his bookshelves. In fact, my …