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Post Thumbnail of Sunday Cravings

Sunday Cravings

Hello my fellow Book Lovers everywhere in the world! How’s your weekend so far? After being literally bombarded with so many great releases last week, the week to come is a little bit slower I’m afraid. But have no fear, like I already said, April is one pretty busy month so this week, publishers are just allowing us to save some money for all the great books that are coming by the end of the month (yeah right, I have already spent my monthly allowance but I have to come up with a solution and real quick at that 😛 )

So, let’s start!

Anna: Drowning in You by Rebecca Berto

Secretly crushing

Crushed by a tragedy

Charlee May’s been crushing on Dexter Hollingworth since she was fifteen. Five years later, a horrific skiing disaster at Mason’s Ski Lift Resort leaves her millionaire dad critically injured and her mom dead at …

Post Thumbnail of The Quick Winner Post

The Quick Winner Post

Hey Everyone!

Spring still hasn’t made an appearance so I have to do with grey clouds and icy wind, but at least my little sister is visiting, and I try to make the most of it, I so miss her when she’s away studying. 🙁  So not wanting to waste any more time with you right now (sorry folks ;-)), here are this week’s winners:

the lucky winner of an ebook copy of A Fine Romance by Christi Barth is:

Texas Book Lover


the lucky winners of a paperback copy of The Rich Girls Club by HoneyB  are:

Filia Oktarina



the lucky winners of a paperback copy of Immortal Trust by Claire Ashgrove  are:

Chelsea B.



Lori H


Congratulations winners, you have all been notified of your win in e-mail. You have 72 hours to get back to us, or we’ll have to draw a new winner.

Post Thumbnail of The International Giveaways Cafe (87)

The International Giveaways Cafe (87)

Welcome back to another Saturday morning filled with great bookish giveaways! There have been TONS listed here recently; here’s hoping you all win something fabulous!! (I’m feeling a bit peppy this morning, so lot of exclamation points for me, lol.) Enjoy the rest of your weekend including as much reading time as possible 😉

Remember to let us know if you’ve won anything recently; the Book Lovers would love to hear! At Book Lovers Inc., it’s our pleasure to share the bookish love! Good luck to everyone and hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Here’s the fine print for entering your link:
If you have a giveaway you would like to share with our other readers, the rules are simple:
1. The giveaway MUST be available to international addresses (Book Depository does count)
2. Add your link below, in the format shown. (Please use the URL for …

Post Thumbnail of Around The Bookish World: Week-in-Review

Around The Bookish World: Week-in-Review

 I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend  and welcome to this week’s edition of Bookish news! This week we have news about another struggling publisher which may go bankrupt, sad news concerning SF writer Iain Banks and much more author and book news!


Another year and another publisher heading into trouble, this time it is Night Shade books which primarily publishes science fiction and fantasy titles. This week they announced they will be selling to Start Publishing and Skyhorse Publishing but this hasn’t gone down well with their authors who are understandably upset and irked by the mismanagement of the publisher. This  has led to the SFWA to state to its members who are signed with Night Shade to let them go under Chapter 7 bankruptancy instead of agreeing to this potential sale which will allow them to regain their rights or another body like Amazon if they are interested in purchasing …

News,The Smutty Lover     5 Apr 2013 11 comments
Post Thumbnail of Review: Rebellion by Eleri Stone

Review: Rebellion by Eleri Stone

Format read: ebook copy provided by publisher through NetGalley
Series: Book #3 in the Lost City Shifters series
Release Date: 1 April 2013
Publisher: Carina Press
Number of pages: 148 pages
Formats available: ebook
Purchasing Info: Goodreads, Author’s WebsiteAmazon, Barnes and Noble, Read an excerpt


Cole Brandt is a wolf shifter, sent by his pack to the Amazon jungle to negotiate a treaty. He’s unaware that the kingdom of jaguar shifters he’s meant to meet with has split—and Cole’s suspicion that jaguars are selfish and deceitful is confirmed when he’s seized by the rebel faction.

Taya Silveira, a jaguar shifter and fierce warrior loyal to the king, resents being assigned Cole’s rescue. She doesn’t approve of his pack’s involvement in her jungle—to her, wolves are greedy, weak creatures who will exploit the resources the Yaguara protect.

Struggling against centuries of ill will and prejudice, Cole and Taya must work together to prevent a …

Post Thumbnail of Guest post by Eleri Stone + Giveaway

Guest post by Eleri Stone + Giveaway

If you love your shifters and would like to try a paranormal romance series a bit different I would recommend you try Eleri Stone‘s Lost City Shifters featuring jaguar shifters from the wilderness of the Amazonian rain forest! Eleri is celebrating the release of Rebellion, the 3rd book in her Lost City Shifters series published by Carina Press and stops by to tell you a bit more about it, and for a chance to win one of her books answer her question at the end.  😉

Thank you Book Lovers for inviting me today to talk a little bit about my new release, Rebellion and the Lost City Shifters!

I’ve been watching the Vikings show on the History channel and the first couple of episodes are about whether it’s possible to “sail West” with common wisdom being that there’s nothing out there but the end of the world and certain …

Post Thumbnail of Happy Birthday to our Rocket Lover - Marlene!

Happy Birthday to our Rocket Lover – Marlene!

Jackie:  Hope you have the most fantastic birthday, Marlene, filled with all the finer things you love. All the best! *Hugs*

Caro:  Joyeux Anniversaire Marlene! I wish you a wonderful day filled with cakes, books and love! (the book part is super important of course!). *throws confetti* *HUGS*

Susi:  Alles Liebe und Gute zum Geburtstag Süße! I hope you’ll have a day full of cake books and love. Enjoy and let the hubby spoil you rotten. *big hugs*

Cass: Marlene, I really WANTED to wish you a happy birthday, and totally would have, if I my fingers weren’t too cold to type. Sadly, Siri (who is more than willing to send this note) has some kind of undisclosed issues on the matter.

Has:  Happy Happy Birthday Marlene!!! I hope you have a wonderful and fun-filled day! Lots of love Has xxx

Stella: Dear Marlene, wishing you a wonderful birthday, lots of delicious cake and captivating …

Post Thumbnail of Review: Nice Girls Don't Bite Their Neighbors by Molly Harper

Review: Nice Girls Don’t Bite Their Neighbors by Molly Harper

Format read: paperback
Genre: Romance
Release Date: 28 February 2012
Length: 337 pages
Publisher: Pocket Books
Formats available: paperback, ebook
Purchasing Info: Amazon | B&N | Kobo | Book Depository US | Book Depository (UK)


With this ring, I thee dead.

Just as Jane Jameson’s unlife seems to be stabilizing, fate sinks its fangs firmly into her butt. Despite her near-phobia of all things marital, her no-frills nighttime nuptials to her sexy boyfriend Gabriel are coming along smoothly. But the road to wedded bliss gets bumpy when a teenage acquaintance is fatally wounded in front of Jane’s shop and she turns him to save his life. The Council pronounces Jane responsible for the newborn vamp until he can control his thirst.

Jane’s kitchen at River Oaks barely holds enough Faux Type O to satiate the …

Post Thumbnail of Guestpost: Author Zoe Archer + Giveaway

Guestpost: Author Zoe Archer + Giveaway

Today we are very happy to welcome Zoë Archer on Book Lovers Inc!  Join us to celebrate the release of Sinner’s Heart, the 3rd book in her Hellraisers series. If you haven’t read this series yet, here is your chance to win a copy! This is a series you don’t want to miss.  Let’s give a warm welcome to Zoë!

When thinking of historical Britain, most people’s minds run anywhere from the castles of the Middle Ages, to wild elegance of the 18th century, all the way to the strict propriety of the Victorian period. Not too many people think about the England that predated all of this. Roman Britain.

In 55 BCE., Julius Caesar made his first invasion of Britain. His forays, however, didn’t last long nor achieve much. Nearly a century later, Rome tried again, and this time, they were much more successful. Though the entirety …

Post Thumbnail of Romance and Me: Healing the Mad Hero

Romance and Me: Healing the Mad Hero

Hi Everyone!

In the past week I have come across and read two historical romances featuring “mad” heroes which made me consider this, in my opinion, not too frequently explored trope.

In classic literature having a crazy wife/madwoman as a secondary character is quite common (like in Jane Eyre), but to have your hero or heroine suffering from a mental illness is quite difficult and challenging to pull off and not have them come off as unstable, crazy or plain scary.

But it seems that nowadays more and more historical romances explore the possibility of the hero producing some symptoms and episodes making him fear he is suffering from a mental illness, which is incapacitating him; and the heroine not giving up and trying to find a cure and heal him. I wasn’t aware that this was a recurring theme until I’ve read

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