Format Read: Ebook bought on Riptide
Number of Pages: 258 pages
Release Date: October 8th 2012
Publisher: Riptide Publishing
Formats Available: Ebook, Paperback
Purchasing Info: Amazon | B&N | Book Depository US | Book Depository (UK) | Author’s Website | Publisher’s Website | Goodreads
Book Blurb:
Police teniente Alex Rukow has spent his life trapped on Santuario, his people’s isolated home-slash-prison-island. They’ve been living in poverty under the tyrannical regime of their own elite familias for the last two-hundred years, ever since their generation ship landed on the planet and found it already populated by earlier Earth settlers, the Skanians, who banished them to the inhospitable south.Increasingly shamed by the decisions of their ancestors, the Skanians seek to open their borders. But dissent exists on both sides, and in the midst of this explosive political situation, a dead body appears on the …
Today we’ve very happy to host Riptide Publishing to celebrate their 1st Anniversary Celebration. Riptide Publishing has quickly become one of my favorite publishers out there. Now I have to make a conscious effort not to check their website every day. (Yes that’s how addictive their books are!). Anyway, here is your chance to meet one of their fabulous authors, L.A. Witt!
Thanks for joining us on the Riptide Publishing First Anniversary Blog Hop Bash! All month long, we’re bringing you guest posts and interviews from your favorite authors, artists, and Riptide staff. As a thank you for helping us celebrate, we’re also giving away $10 in Riptide store credit to one lucky commenter at every stop! Simply leave a comment below by 11:59pm on Sunday, October 14th to enter. Be sure to check out our complete tour schedule to find …
Today we’re happy to welcome B.J. Daniels on Book Lovers Inc. Her new novel Justice at Cardwell Ranch is being released today! This is the 4th book in her Montana Mystique series. Congratulations on this new release! Prepare to be hungry because B.J. Daniels will tell us about her love for food in books. Don’t forget to enter the giveaway to win your own copy of the book.
I love characters who eat!
Don’t you hate books where the characters never eat? They don’t even think about food.
That’s one reason I’ve always loved James Lee Burke’s books. His characters eat dirty rice and crawdads and other great Cajun fare.
I remember reading one of Sue Grafton’s mysteries. The bad guys were making enchiladas down by the Salton Sea from some great recipe the bad guy had. (I mean, how bad could he be if he cooked?) Sue escaped …
Welcome to our new edition of The Good, the Bad and the Are-You-Kidding-Me? This week we have a winner and answers to the Cover Quiz Game for you!
It was super fun looking at the covers you came up with. It was not easy counting points. Some of you have been really cunning with your answers. *g*
Mister Randomizer has spoken.. .The Winner of a 15$ book depository shopping spree is:
Congratulations we will be emailing you in a few minutes =)
Now for glory’s sake, it’s time to give you the TOP 3 of who got the most points:
#1 with 69 points…LSUReader
#2 with 59 points…Blodeuedd
#3 with 58 points + 1 extra point for finding a Peenshroom cover… Draconismoi
Congrats ladies that was really well played!
So we’ll give you our ‘answers’ and a few original ones some of you found.
#1 Fire Sword Doorway: Left Susi’s answer / Right LSUReader’s answer
Yes there …
The winner of our We Love Your Comments Giveaway for September is …Ailsa who commented on our Around the Bookish World: Week-in-Review post:
Yay! I can’t wait for ‘Death’s Rival’, I love that series 🙂
Prices going down on kindles makes me feel more like I might get one in the future, but I’m still perfectly happy with the kindle ap on my computer, and reading other things as pdf or on adobe reader on my laptop.
Congratulations! An email will been sent to you. Please email us back in the in the next 72 hours to claim your price.
We will now start counting for October. Here again the rules:
We thought long and hard about how we should show you, the readers of Book Lovers Inc how much we appreciate your input and interaction. We are happy and grateful for every comment cuz we know …
Today we are happy to welcome Zoë Archer on Book Lovers Inc! Zoë will tell us about her book Lady X’s Cowboy and why she loves Cowboys. Join the fun and you may win a copy of the book. Let’s give a warm welcome to Zoë!
What is it about the cowboy hero that’s so damned appealing? Why do so many of us love to see them in movies, on television, and read about them?
For starters, the outfit’s pretty sexy. Rugged clothes? Check! Leather chaps that accentuate the butt? Check! Cool hat that casts mysterious shadows over a man’s eyes? Check! And a man on horseback is definitely alluring, especially if the territory he’s riding over is rough and dangerous—but he can handle himself and his mount (heh). Cowboys have to be physically strong to do their work, so you already know he’d going to be fit, …
Welcome to our new edition of The Good, the Bad and the Are-You-Kidding-Me? This week we have a Game for you! Since you enjoyed the last game we played, we thought we could come up with something fun but different. Last time there was only 1 good answer for each question, but this time we’ll give room to YOUR knowledge of covers. You can answer with the covers YOU know, in whichever genre you want. The game is simple… We tell you a requirement (a thing, an animal, an object, a word in the title…) and you have to come up with a book cover that fits the bill. Of course that alone would be too easy 😉 So you can earn more points depending on the level of difficulty.
What can you Win?
Prize is a 15$ book depo shopping spree.
How to play?
Below you can find 17 challenges. Each …
Format Read: e-book provided by publisher through NetGalley
Length: 127 Pages
Genre: Contemporary M/M Romance
Release Date: September 17th 2012
Publisher: Riptide Publishing
Formats Available: Ebook
Purchasing Info: Author’s Website, Goodreads, Riptide Publishing
Book Blurb:
Not all that glitters is gold.Nikolai Krasnorada leads the life of a corporate nomad. Working for a gold explorations company, he’s never put down roots, and he likes it that way. Roots can be dangerous, as everyone from his “man-hating” sister to his manipulative mother to his war-traumatized father has proven.
But when his CEO sends him to Toronto to strike a deal with LeBeau Mining, Nikolai meets Henri LeBeau, crown prince to the resources conglomerate and inveterate flirt. Sparks fly immediately, despite the business deal that threatens to go sour and Nikolai’s own reluctance to give Henri false hope about him being Mr. Right. He’s barely come to terms with his bisexuality, and getting involved with Henri would …
Guess what? Today is Anna’s Birthday!!! *g* It’s time to celebrate! We’ve decided to make this an educational post. How many do you recognize? You can’t drink or open presents until you got them all right 😉
Boldog Születésnapot! gelukkige verjaardag! joyeux anniversaire!
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! να τα εκατοστήσεις!
buon compleanno! lá Breithe sona duit! 生日快乐 !
felix dies natalis! ra whanau koa! feliz aniversário! С днем рождения !
สุขสันต์วันเกิด! grattis på födelsedagen! hyvää syntymäpäivää
Happy birthday Anna!!!
We all hope you’ll have a fantastic day with cake and presents and an awesome party. Can I bring my teddy to the b-day party?
Lea: Anna!!!! Happy, Happy Birthday to You. I hope your day is filled with love and laughter, prezzies, chocolate and CAKE!!! Indulge & enjoy! (((Hugs)))
And it was delicious!
Caro: O Canada! Our home and…wait wrong song. Happy birthday to youuuuuuuu! Happy Birthday to you. Happy birthday to …
Welcome back to our new edition of The Good, the Bad and the Are-You-Kidding-Me? This week we decided to talk about look-alike covers. We’ve all at some point stumbled upon a cover that looks very very similar to another one. Sometimes it’s only 2 covers using the same Stock photo but doing 2 different thing with it…but sometimes it’s exactly the same cover. We’ve dig up a few example (mostly Historical romances because these are the ones I remembered the most) to show our point. It seems to happen a LOT with foreign (or UK) editions. It’s also often the case with YA covers but we didn’t go there today (it’s just too vast a field). So take a look and tell us what you think…
Libertine’s Kiss by Judith James Vs Ruthless by Anne Stuart (UK/Mills and Boon)
Susi: I like the Judith James version more. The whole setting …