Book Lovers United Celebration + Huge Giveaway

Hey everyone! Welcome to our way of thanking all of you wonderful fellow Book Lovers out there who joined our little website and even more important our discussion about books and the reasons why we all love reading. We had so much fun with every single one of you so here we are doing our best to THANK YOU.

We prepared a week-long celebration with a ton of prizes and yes Book Talk. *g* We hope you will all join in and help us making this week unforgettable. We invited 7 authors and 7 readers to share something about their love for books. We will see some favorite reads, reasons for loving to read, bookshelf exhibitions and well the rest will be a surprise for you.

Each post will have it’s own giveaway so be sure to check back daily. *wink*

But now …

The Long Winner Post

Hey Everyone!

Yep, as you can see on Exhibit A to the left (where the cat is bouncing and dancing its feet off) the whole Book Lovers Inc. team is ecstatic and giddy with joy! You want to know why? Well the reason for that is pretty simple: Book Lovers Inc. has passed the 1000 GFC Followers milestone! (actually we are at 1015 right now) YAY! 😀 Thank you all so much for your interest, support and love for the blog and our posts, we love reading your comments! And as this joyous occasion calls for a celebration, so let me tell you… but gather closer it is still a secret… ok so now that you are all here *whispers* there will be a mega big 1000 Followers Giveaway here at BLI! A week long celebration of author, blogger and reader guest posts and giveaways starting as of tomorrow! So …

The International Giveaways Café (15)


Welcome back to another Saturday morning get-together, where we have the chance to discuss book giveaways, link up our own giveaways, and enter all the others.

It’s still early into autumn but the weather is beyond beautiful. Combine that with a nice long weekend here in Canada, to celebrate our Thanksgiving, I’m looking forward to some great turkey and lots of reading time during the recovery period 😉 What does your weekend in store? Have you won anything recently that you’ll get the chance to read now? The Book Lovers would love to hear!

At Book Lovers Inc., it’s our pleasure to share the bookish love!  Good luck to everyone and hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend 🙂

As always, here’s the fine print for entering your link:Guidelines:

If you have a giveaway you would like to share with our other readers, …

Around the Bookish World: News Week-in-Review

Welcome to this week’s news post and it has been pretty eventful with the sad passing of Steve Jobs from Apple, Google opening up their book store in the UK and more YA adaptions to come.

However the big news leading this week is the death of Steve Jobs who was a influential and innovative figure in the world of computing and media. He stepped down as CEO of Apple a few weeks ago and has been battling Pancreatic Cancer for the past few years. His death will be a huge loss to the industry that he was part of.

Google has launched its ebook store in the UK. Google has also announced that it is planing on launching Canadian and Australian sites very soon and Europe to closely to follow. They claim they have hundreds of thousands of books …

Review: Just Gotta Say by Laura Kaye

Format read: eARC provided by authorRelease Date: 30 September 2011Length: 65 pagesPublisher: Decadent PublishingFormats available: ebookPurchasing Info: Goodreads, Author’s Website, Amazon, Decadent Publishing


Callie Davis stumbles upon two of her three male roommates in a surprising, molten-hot midnight tryst and discovers a side of herself she never knew existed. Desire to play with them grips her, and she can’t stop fantasizing about having multiple men, particularly her three long-time best friends.

Callie is thrilled when a guys’ night out gives her the perfect opportunity to recreate her fantasy, with the help of a threesome porn video and a bag of sex toys. That is, until Lucas, Jack and Noah return early and catch her in the act. More than anything, the guys want to make her fantasy come true. But Callie has a secret, and she can’t help wondering if being with all three men will risk …

Author Interview with Laura Kaye + Giveaway



Today we are happy to welcome to Book Lovers Inc. Laura Kaye who is here to celebrate the release of her steamy and titillating erotic novella Just Gotta Say and tell us a bit more about the story, the characters and even herself! Please give Laura a warm welcome and read on, you can even win a copy of Just Gotta Say for yourself!

Hi Laura, welcome to Book Lovers Inc! Can you please tell us a bit about yourself?Laura: I’d be glad to! But, first, let me say a big thank you for hosting me at your place! I write paranormal, contemporary and erotic romance and have four books releasing in 2011—one of which just released last Friday (Just Gotta Say)! I’m also a wife, mom of two young girls, historian, and Marylander.

Stella: Describe a typical day of writing: are you a planner or pantser?Laura: Oh, total pantser. Usually …

Review: Kingdom of Childhood by Rebecca Coleman

Format Read: eARC provided by NetGalley courtesy of the publisher; ARC Paperback provided by Publicist
Length: 352 pages
Genre: Fiction
Release Date: September 27, 2011
Publisher: Mira Books
Formats Available: Trade Paperback, Kindle, Nook
Purchasing Info: Publisher, Author’s Website, Goodreads,, Barnes & Noble, Powells, Chapters, Kindle, Nook

Book Blurb:

The Kingdom of Childhood is the story of a boy and a woman: sixteen-year-old Zach Patterson, uprooted and struggling to reconcile his knowledge of his mother’s extramarital affair, and Judy McFarland, a kindergarten teacher watching her family unravel before her eyes. Thrown together to organize a fundraiser for their failing private school and bonded by loneliness, they begin an affair that at first thrills, then corrupts each of them. Judy sees in Zach the elements of a young man she loved as a child, …

The Kingdom of Childhood Q & A with Author Rebecca Coleman + Giveaway

Book Lovers Inc. is pleased to host the next stop in author Rebecca Coleman’s The Kingdom of Childhood Blog Tour. Ms. Coleman’s highly acclaimed novel The Kingdom of Childhood about a relationship between a teacher and a teenage student was released from Mira Books on September 27, 2011. 

About Rebecca Coleman: A New Yorker by birth, Rebecca Coleman grew up in the close suburbs of Washington, D.C., in an academic family. A year spent in Germany, at the age of eight, would later provide the basis for the protagonist’s background in The Kingdom of Childhood. She first learned about the Waldorf School movement at age 14 and quickly developed a fascination with its culture and philosophies. After studying elementary education for several years at the University of Maryland, she graduated with a degree in English, awarded with honors. She lives …

Romance and Me: The Age Factor

Hey Everyone! Today I would like to discuss with you the Age Factor, i.e. whether the age of the hero and heroine of a romance novel matter.

As a woman in my mid-twenties I guess I am lucky that most romance novels feature heroines around my age, and it sure makes it easier to relate to them.

I admit that in the past when I read the heroine was in her fifties and had children and was divorced/widowed I skipped that story because I believed my enjoyment of the novel would be hindered as I had nothing in common with such a heroine since she was my mother’s age and mostly had the problems/issues women being at that place of their life have (grown up children, married to her husband of many years, etc.).

But I’m not discriminating only against the older heroines, I’m quite reluctant to read about younger heroines …

Interview: Sarah Grimm + Giveaway

We are thrilled to welcome Sarah Grimm to BLI today. I came to know of Sarah’s latest release After Midnight when she submitted an ARC for review to Book Lovers, and am I am so happy she did because I can honestly say I found her novel to be an emotional and gripping romance that I was unable to put down. After Midnight is receiving high accolades, was released on September 30th and is published by Wild Rose Press. Before Sarah published her first book, she spent years scribbling in notebooks, filling the pages with partial chapters and the margins with titles and story ideas. She told friends that the characters spoke to her, and she felt compelled to get their stories on paper. Eventually, she sat down at a computer and wrote her first tale of …

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